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The last time Biden pushed “loan forgiveness” was in the summer of 2022. Now he’s at it again.
What do those two dates have in common? They’re election years and they’re not only election years, but Biden did it both times months ahead of crucial elections, midterm elections in 2022 and Democratic primaries in 2024.
And it’s being done with all the subtlety of a TikTok video.
President Joe Biden on Wednesday will announce $1.2 billion of student debt relief for nearly 153,000 borrowers — and he’s sending emails to make sure they know whom to thank for it…
But a challenge for the Biden reelection campaign and Democratic allies is making sure that the president gets credit for canceling that debt—even as the White House explores ways to further increase the number of Americans receiving loan relief.
“Congratulations—all or a portion of your federal student loans will be forgiven because you qualify for early loan forgiveness under my Administration’s SAVE Plan,” says the email message from Biden that the Education Department plans to send on Wednesday to the latest group of borrowers receiving loan forgiveness.
“I hope this relief gives you a little more breathing room,” Biden writes in the message.
The Education Department has previously sent out emails signed by Biden for some, but not all, previous rounds of debt relief. Many borrowers have posted screenshots of those emails in recent months across social media platforms.
Remember all the outrage over federal messages from Trump?
Three of the country’s best-known lawyers are asking the U.S. Justice Department to investigate whether President Donald Trump broke the law when the Treasury Department put his name on coronavirus relief checks for Americans.
Lawyers Bruce Fein, Louis Fisher and Ralph Nader have sent a letter to Attorney General William Barr. They allege that Trump may be guilty of violating the Hatch Act, which bans government employees and public officials from taking part in partisan political activities while on the job.
“President Trump is actively seeking re-election. The signature of President Trump on United States Treasury checks is superfluous to their value, legality or authenticity. The signature serves no official government purpose,” the letter says. “It does serve Mr. Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign by making it appear that he is responsible for a monetary windfall to tens of millions of voters.”
The lawyers argue that a special prosecutor should look into the matter, calling it an improper use of government workers and equipment to promote Trump’s reelection.
Then there were the legal threats over Trump letters in food packages.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s “Farmers to Families Food box Program” was created to deliver fresh vegetables, fruit, milk and meat to food-insecure families during the pandemic. But the boxes now have another ingredient: A letter on White House letterhead signed by President Donald Trump.
The anti-hunger nonprofit Feeding America said that some of its food banks have reported getting the letter in food boxes, which has prompted concerns from its members given that nonprofits aren’t permitted to make political endorsements. Democratic lawmakers are taking issue with the letter, which they claim is “self-promoting” and “inappropriate” given the timing before the November 3 presidential election, according to an August 14 letter to the USDA.
The lawmakers also said Mr. Trump’s letter appears to violate the Hatch Act, which prohibits government officials from using their official authority to affect the result of an election.
I’m sure the Hatch Act investigation of Biden’s campaign debt letter will be coming any day.
But the abuse of federal resources for campaign purposes here is only the tip of the iceberg. Taxpayers are funding a billion-dollar giveaway for a presidential candidate.
The Trump letters were attached both times to aid packages and checks that would have happened anyway and were not implemented simply to buy votes. Biden’s latest illegal bribe however exists purely as an election gimmick. Taxpayers are on the hook for it so is everyone suffering from inflation.
Hmmm. One of my latest ideas is to make sure all aid to Gaza is in small packages. With some kind of message inside, like “Gift from the people of Israel”, so it is too much trouble for Hamas to remove all the messages.
And then the small package blows up, right?
Exactly. Pulling the message off triggers a claymore.
Exactly right Daniel, but the Hatch Act investigation won’t happen for Biden, magically. The two-tiered justice system, as everyone calls it, seems like one tier to me.
Then of course there’s the news that banks found “interesting” yesterday. The administration is considering making overdraft fees illegal since they “disproportionately effect the working poor”. While obviously another ploy to influence the vote, my banker wife explained that this plan might not influence voters the way the administration expects. My wife is Vice President of a medium-sized community bank here in Tennessee with multiple satellite offices and branches. She chuckled when she heard the news because she immediately understood their game plan, but automatically understood how banks would respond.
Many folks use overdraft protection each month as a mini loan to themselves and the fee as payment for that loan. Now, bills don’t get paid because the bank won’t authorize it. It’s so rampant that banks will miss the revenue stream, but not nearly as much as folks will miss their car, house or electricity. “They’ll probably go to those ‘Quick Cash’ places…and if they think banks are brutal, they haven’t seen anything yet.”, she quipped.
If it transpires, it will be just another case of this bumbling administration being oblivious to the effects of Bidenomics and runaway inflation on the working class.
Dems,s are going after those payday loan places too. They just won’t be able to get anything in the end.
Some banks are closing the accounts of conservatives, “debanking,” the left calls it (the left likes to deplatform and demonetize conservatves as well). If the dems take away banks’ ability to penalize overdrafts, which will be next, I bet banks will become a lot more careful who they allow to have accounts with them.
In dubious defense of Dirtbagocrats, those payday loan places are satanically usurious.They deliberately set up near military bases and in poor neighborhoods to take advantage of people.
I don’t even use bank accounts, just debit cards and safety deposit boxes.
Oh, they are satanically usurous, but not as bad as loan sharks or the IRS, They are an option though, and people use them. Dems always remove financial options.
You can’t go half a mile around here without seeing a title loan place lit up like a waterfront saloon.
I paid full boat for my son to go to University, and for my wife to go through all of her schooling, and now for my younger son. I never went past High School, but being a guy who paid all his bills, stayed out of debt and lived within my means we were not eligible for any “financial assistance”. This is the time I realized that the middle class are the Kulaks and that we are being targeted for destruction.
The Student Loan programs are a hopeless mess, for numerous political and economic reasons, not all just due to USA problems but for deeper historical economic reasons.
The only solution I know of is Keynes’ approach, via student vouchers.
Yes, a mess in so many ways. Heck, when I got my weak-ass Pell grant I was FORCED to take out a Stafford loan. Nice crooked collaboration between the government and banks at the expense of students they have going there.
The Alzheimer Joe administration knows it can’t honor its empty promise and wouldn’t do so even if it could. Only Dirtbagocrat voters are dumb enough to fall for tricks like this, and they do it in every election. Some people will sell their souls for freebies and I notice Dirtbagocrat voters are at the top of the list along with the moneyed interests which collude with the party and single welfare mothers who don’t even vote, they just collect the loot.
Keynes was right about something? Oh, I confused him with his American follower Galbraith, in my mind. I don’t recall reading any of Keynes’ books, but I always associated him with galbraith, some of whose books I actually have read. He was the first to make me question the value of a Harvard degree.
John and Jane Q. Public paying Bidens Bills isn’t this just typical of a liberal Democrat Biden the Blunder
Nevermind the fact that the Supreme Court ruled that the President did not have the authority to distribute funds like this to pay off students loans.
The lawless Biden administration rolls full steam ahead.
Unlike the dems, the GOP will do nothing about it.
How about getting the forgiven debt back from the schools?