After signaling to Vladimir Putin, that he would be okay with a quote “minor incursion” quote into the Ukraine, Biden is trying to blame the consequences of that invasion, which include high gas prices, on oil companies.
This isn’t the first time that Biden has cynically traded in this brand of cheap anti-capitalist rhetoric, but it’s particularly egregious considering that higher energy prices are inevitable as a result of his failure in the Ukraine, not because the oil companies are greedy but because of the realities of market conditions.
Since coming into office Biden has waged a relentless war against the energy industry, even more relentlessly than Putin has waged the war in the Ukraine, with the inevitable result that our energy market is in poor shape. Sabotaging drilling and pipelines has consequences. So does prioritizing green energy above all else. Combined with out of control inflationary spending, and it’s quickly apparent that the crisis here was not caused by energy companies, but by Joe Biden.
If Biden really wants to lower energy prices, he can return to the policies of the Trump administration which prioritized exploring domestic American energy, rather than investing into more worthless green energy, solar panels and windmills, that pay off handsomely for big Democrat donors and investors, while bankrupting ordinary Americans.
Biden is looking for anyone and everyone to blame for his own failures and his disasters, which spring directly from his policies. Instead of the buck stopping here, as a former Democrat predecessor once said, the buck stops everywhere else.
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