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Now it can be told. At least by the New York Times.
The immigration surge of the past few years has been the largest in U.S. history, surpassing the great immigration boom of the late 1800s and early 1900s, according to a New York Times analysis of government data.
Annual net migration — the number of people coming to the country minus the number leaving — averaged 2.4 million people from 2021 to 2023, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Total net migration during the Biden administration is likely to exceed eight million people.
That’s a faster pace of arrivals than during any other period on record, including the peak years of Ellis Island traffic, when millions of Europeans came to the United States. Even after taking into account today’s larger U.S. population, the recent surge is the most rapid since at least 1850
This is Biden’s real legacy. The Left used a senile puppet to fundamentally change national demographics and it remains debatable whether we are ever going back. I’d like to be optimistic on that score. I know many people are. Given another 4 years, things would have looked even grimmer.
But understand that the people who did this knew what they were doing, and much like the ones setting policy in the UK under Tony Blair and now Keir Starmer, did so deliberately. They traded on the reps of some dubious pols to fundamentally change and destroying nations.
The combined increases of legal and illegal immigration have caused the share of the U.S. population born in another country to reach a new high, 15.2 percent in 2023, up from 13.6 percent in 2020. The previous high was 14.8 percent, in 1890.
Forget these numbers. Look at the numbers in the under 30, under 20, and under 10 groups. There are some 700,000 minors that entered through the open border under Biden. That’s big in a country with a low native birth rate.
So America is very much on the line.
Trump says he’s going to conduct mass deportations and I figure he’ll keep his word. It seems like he always does.
These invaders are vermin and they need to go.
Not on things that affect the survival of the nation does Trump keep his promise.
He is now the biggest, sunniest person on keeping and protecting the dreamers. HE JUST LOVES THEM AND WANTS TO DO EVERYTHING HE CAN TO GIVE THEM CITIZENSHIP.
Extremely hard to trust him after the first four years. The governors did some constructive things with far less power and ability to do so.. Trump allowed millions in the country..
Found the DeSimp.
You had multiple opportunities to elect congressmen and women who weren’t terrible so that Trump’s agenda could have been passed. The Social Media Order could have been law. The wall could have been completed ahead of schedule.
Instead, the reddest states gave him garbage like McCain, Sinema, Murkowski, Tester, Manchin, McConnell, Cornyn, Rubio, Collins, and Thune.
Trump deserves plenty of legitimate criticism for all sorts of reasons.
None of which you addressed.
Immigration – illegal and “legal” dropped under Trump. Illegal crime went down.
All while Trump was under multiple investigations, false accusations, and coast-to-coast litigation to stop him from enforcing Federal law. Which is just Left-wing hypocritical inconsistency on warp speed.
I could write a book on Trump’s screw ups, but the man has done more for this nation than any other Federal politician in my lifetime. And tried to do more. And took a bullet besides.
Try to keep your TDS on idle..
the invaders are not ‘vermin’, they’re merely poor and uneducated doing what all of us would do: seek a better life. They came by invitation of the Globalist Democrat Party.
the ‘VERMIN’ is the Democrat Party and their billionaires for open borders, which includes SOROS, ZUCKERBERG, BLOOMBERG, BEZOS….. all to keep wages depressed.
It is not “debatable whether we are ever going back.” We can never go back to the way things were before. At best we can eject 15-20 million illegal aliens and then move forward with a sane, legal and reasonable immigration policy–and perhaps repair some of the damage–but our nation has been forever altered.
What we need to do is reinstate the Immigration Act of 1952.
Well all these illegals just want better lives, and why wouldn’t they? The rub is that peoples of failed cultures cannot build first world nations, they can only aspire to become parasites upon them, bringing with them the cultures that made their homelands something to flee. And of course, the more of there that comes here the more here becomes there. Such peoples are of cultures built around being wards of the state rather than being individually self-sufficient, which works until their states run out of other peoples money, whereupon they go on the march like army ants hunting for another host to be parasites on. The votes of such peoples are for sale to the highest bidding tyrant.
You are correct. In addition to being wards of the state, many are also predators upon one another because the failed states from which they come enrich only those at the top – much like is happening here.
But they will be here so long as our government tolerates them, and there is plunder to be had either from government redistribution or outright crime against citizens.
Excellent article.
Strangely enough, when I became aware of the Democrats changes in the immigration laws during the 1960s, I already thought it was a mistake, even in my immature teenage state. I had been to Europe a couple years earlier, so I knew what it was like there. The French girls in Paris were really something, I had never seen anything like that 🙂
Biden the UN/CFR/Globalists Tool just like Clinton(Bill)and Obama were
The biggest difference between the late 1800s and early 1900s immigration periods, and now, is that the people who came here then, for the most part wanted to actually be Americans and they assimilated.
This latest immigration period, started by America hating Barry Soetoro and continuing under President Desiccated, was done to simply increase democrat voter rolls. The enablers were the cartels who got rich smuggling the illegals.
Yes, you’re right. But I would add that today’s migrant is fueled by traitors who weed out those who want to come to America – for the purpose of being Americans.
That makes a big difference. We could handle a few million a year – of the sort of folks like our ancestors. But that would require vetting them to weed out the anti-Americans instead of weeding out the pro-Americans.
And you are also right, but I would add we need to pretty much pause all immigration, legal and illegal, so that the dwindling numbers of heritage Americans can assimilate them into our culture.
Yes, we can deport millions of illegal migrants.
That said, it won’t be easy with the media screaming racism. People who do not care about children trafficked for abuse will come out of the woodwork to cry for the 20-something “children” being deported for abusing American children. We’ve seen this movie before.
We need to do this, but there is another way that never gets the attention it deserves.
If you’ve ever driven up to a factory employing illegals – and seen the entire parking lot full of new cars – you realize that Americans have been last at the public trough for a long time. (If they count at all.)
Everyone brings up law enforcement, but few on our side seem to understand how this works in the Democrat out houses. I knew this was happening, but had no idea how bad and on what scale until doing pro-bono in ’08-’09.
Hispanic migrants (90% Mexican in those days in Texas), were immune to tickets. They required no car insurance. They received instant benefits such as Medicaid, Medicare, and Socialist Insecurity or SSDI. And if they committed rape, robbery, or other violent crime, they could just melt into the barrios and disappear. No doubt the problem has metastasized into an much more serious issue.
If we just made these people live under the same rules that other Americans live by, at least 1/3 would leave.
And our economy would see a big change in employment. No American can afford a new car on twice the salary of an illegal, but Illegals could afford one – AND THEY HAVE THEM – on less pay. How is that possible? Because they’re receiving benefits including food stamps, welfare, free healthcare and insurance, etc., in addition to pay. And that’s AFTER they’ve served their time as landscapers and maids for the e-lights.
Before merging in the system, they get paid in cash, and that’s when they’re making a bit less than us – during their ENTRY level employment.
implement E-VERIFY and put employers of illegals in prisons maintained by the MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS which joe biden used to convey his unregistered dem voters over the border.
the NARCOMEX cartels now operate all over america! HOMELAND SECURITY: what a laugh!
17 People Allegedly Linked to Cartel Indicted, Accused of Stealing Nearly 200 Cars
Seventeen people allegedly linked to a drug cartel were indicted by a Denver grand jury on Monday and accused of being involved in stealing nearly 200 cars and trading them to drug cartel members.
In a press release from the Denver District Attorney’s Office, it was revealed that the 17 people allegedly linked to the Sinaloa Cartel had reportedly stolen “at least 190 vehicles” between September 2022 and February 2024. The vehicles that were stolen were apparently “high-end pick-up trucks.”
The Denver District Attorney’s Office noted that the defendants allegedly “coordinated the transportation of the stolen vehicles to Mexico.” Once in Mexico, the vehicles were traded to members of drug cartels “in exchange for cocaine and methamphetamine that was then imported” into the United States.
That leftists rag Time has come out in favor of this Invasion which is nota a surprise since Time is a Leftists Propaganda Rag which sells a Kids edition as well and named Hitler as their 1938 Person/Man of the Year