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On Monday, Joe Biden issued preemptive pardons for the January 6 committee, Gen. Mark Milley, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, explaining that “issuance of these pardons should not be mistaken as an acknowledgment that any individual engaged in any wrongdoing, nor should acceptance be misconstrued as an admission of guilt for any offense.” As the Delaware Democrat contends:
“For more than half a century, Dr. Fauci served our country. He saved countless lives by managing the government’s response to pressing health crises, including HIV/AIDS, as well as the Ebola and Zika viruses. During his tenure as my Chief Medical Advisor, he helped the country tackle a once-in-a-century pandemic. The United States is safer and healthier because of him.”
It isn’t, and Dr. Fauci got his start by declining to serve his country.
Anthony Fauci earned his medical degree in 1966 but to avoid treating wounded American soldiers, in 1968 he took a cushy “Yellow Beret” post with the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Dr. Fauci’s bio showed no advanced degrees in molecular biology or biochemistry but in 1984 the NIH made him head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Nobel laureate Kary Mullis, inventor of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, was on record that Dr. Fauci “doesn’t understand electronic microscopy and he doesn’t understand medicine. He should not be in a position like he’s in.” That reality would quickly become evident.
Fauci’s drug of choice to treat AIDS was AZT (azithodomidyne, also known as Zidovudine), rejected for cancer treatment because of excessive toxicity. As Robert F. Kennedy Jr. showed in The Real Anthony Fauci, the NIAID boss forced AZT and other toxic drugs on black foster children in New York City, with deadly results. Fauci was never held accountable and remained in his post.
In January, 2017, days before the inauguration of Donald Trump, Fauci told a gathering at Georgetown University there was “no doubt” that Trump administration would “definitely get surprised” with an infectious disease outbreak. The NIAID boss must have been on to something.
Dr. Fauci funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology to perform dangerous gain-of-function research which makes viruses more lethal and transmissible. The WIV, which collaborates with China’s military, had been supplied with a shipment of deadly pathogens from Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) in Winnipeg. The transporter was Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, a Chinese national who headed the NML pathogen program, and in 2017-18 she made at least five trips to the WIV.
Dr. Fauci maintained that the Covid virus was “zoonotic,” arising naturally in the wild. When more qualified medical scientists found evidence of a lab origin, Fauci smeared them as “conspiracy theorists.” When CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield, an actual virologist, found evidence of a lab origin he got death threats.
In 2020, Dr. Fauci basically locked down the country and on his watch seniors, the most vulnerable group, were transferred into nursing homes where thousands perished. When asked if that conformed with his Covid policies, Dr. Fauci declined to comment.
The NIAID boss recommended untested vaccines even for children, the least vulnerable group. When the medical scientists of the Great Barrington Declaration, most if not all more qualified than Dr. Fauci, came out for a more open, humane policy, the NIAID boss and NIH director Frances Collins smeared them as “fringe epidemiologists.”
Joe Biden, who joked that Fauci was the real president, said Covid was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” which was false. The vaunted vaccines failed to prevent infection or transmission of Covid, which Biden and Fauci, both boosted to the max, personally confirmed.
When challenged on any point, Dr. Fauci claimed he represented “science” and that his critics were attacking science itself. The Lysenko figure allegedly retired at the end of 2022 but continued to receive a security and transportation detail funded by taxpayers.
In December 2024, Politico reported that Biden’s handlers were pondering preemptive pardons for government officials including Dr. Fauci. That caught the attention of Sen. Rand Paul, author of Deception: The Covid Cover-up, and Fauci’s primary adversary in Congress. Paul sent two criminal referrals on Fauci to the Department of Justice, which failed to respond.
“If they preemptively pardon Anthony Fauci,” Sen. Paul told Glenn Beck, “it will seal his fate as the architect, author, and godfather of the pandemic. He’s the one who funded it. He’s the one who funded the research in Wuhan. He’s the one that allowed the research, not to be scrutinized.” On January 20, 2025, the Delaware Democrat issued a preemptive pardon for Dr. Anthony Fauci. With the possible exception of Hunter, Fauci was likely the most serious of all Biden’s pardons.
As people of a certain age will remember, Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin gave away their effective polio vaccines for free. That was not the case with Pfizer, which wanted 75 years before revealing the research on their highly profitable Covid vaccines. A judged forced the company to release the information, now compiled by Naomi Wolf in The Pfizer Papers. As Bruce Bawer notes, this could be the “Crime of the Century.”
By pardoning Dr. Fauci, Joe Biden confirms the fathomless corruption of his administration. Presidential comparisons aside, the Delaware Democrat is better recognized as one of the worst people in American history.
Typical mediocrity who climbed up the bureaucratic ladder without doing real science. They may actually be the majority of so-called “scientists”, fooling the public who don’t know how to distinguish between pseudo-scientists and real scientists (real scientists actually being rather rare birds 🙂
Biden and his Gang of the worst kind his own Rouges Gallery like with Dick Tracy their the real domestic Enemies of America and Americans
Upvote for the Dick Tracy reference.
Do sham pardons protect criminals from righteous retribution?
Time for We the People to hunt down and publicly execute the traitors, communists, spies and liars …
Form your teams
Choose your prey
Good hunting !
I think that is an excellent idea…it may be too late to stop the damage they’ve wrought, but we’ll get some justice, and can guarantee they’ll never do it again!
Not if God is just — as He certainly is!
Hey, what’s the big deal? He only participated conduct that resulted in killing 7,000,000 people including 1,200,000 Americans.
And maybe 1% or 2% of the annual deaths from now on.
That is not quite accurate because since convid hardly anyone dies of the flu or pneumonia.
And millions more died from vaccine injuries.
Biden’s pardons will be deemed a sham: you can’t pardon treason.
Please President Trump pull Faucis’ taxpayer paid for security detail and let the hunt begin.
My 34-yr-old son had a heart attack almost 3 years ago after 3 doses of the COVID shot. (He was a smoker and overweight, but a heart attack is still quite unexpected at that age.) He now is suffering from an aggressive cancer in his mouth as well. We are all praying for him and doing everything we can, but he and we can see the damage done by this supposedly ‘harmless’ genetic treatment.
Joe Biden cannot give pardons from Hell, as he himself will soon discover.
Stay strong, praying for you.
Fauci joins the Nazi Mengele of Auschwitz as the most evil physician in history. This is the consequence of allowing a bureaucrat huge power for forty years with an exorbitant salary, in a position for whc he was not qualified. Fauci is responsible for far more deaths than Mengele
Dr. Death shouldn’t have been so anxious to take the pardon. He simply confirmed what all of us already knew. What a fatuous P.O.S.
If he’s so awesome he shouldn’t mind a thorough investigation of his actions throughout his career. Fauci a classic example of how the chosen ones get away with literal murder while posing as hardworking bureaucrats.
Can Dr. Fauci be sued?
It’s my understanding he is not immune from State charges. All that’s needed is a state prosecutor willing to build a case against him on behalf of the state’s residents.
Fauci is the 21st Century’s Face of Evil. He helped to kill and terrify millions, Period.
Fauci is 84 years old. He will probably need to be in witness protection until he dies.
There are others that didn’t get the unlawful pardon–no one believes Biden had the bandwidth to do all this last minute damage to the nation–so courts and civil suits can still go after Ralph Baric. the gang at EcoHealth, the NIH patent holders, and the scum at the FDA who rubber-stamped everything that came their way, and just for good measure, go after jab happy Peter Hotez, Then there are hospitals and corporations that push the shots, and mandated them, (Actually, there are still doctors that demand patients be “up-to-date” on their vax card, or they refuse to treat them.)
If he hasnt been charged with anything, is the pardon valid?
How can you have a pre-emptive pardon? Is makes no sense.
How can you make a pre-emptive pardon? I don’t know…ask Joe Biden!
I can’t even read about this venomous snake. May he rot in covid hell.
Dr.Fauci, like other psychopaths, dictators, and religious totalitarians share similar tactics. We can both historically review the past and as firsthand witnesses during this planned release of a gain-of-function virus, specifically designed for both its potential lethality and rapid transmissibility (aka a bioweapon) deduce the following:
1. Creating a volatile mix of uncertainty rapidly followed by extreme fear induction accommodates citizens willing submission.
a. The virus is deadly, there is no current method available to stop transmission; therefore if you get this you can/will die.
b. Selective release of information to further amplify fear in order to begin taking control over people’s choices.
c. Intermittently advising them of the steps mandated to thwart transmission effectively using administrative, government power to move people as a group into thoughtless compliance
d. Mobilizing the pseudo-science as grounds for isolation, mask wearing, complete lockdowns and ultimately a jab used under EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) and called a vaccine without it ever having completed the rigorous testing normal for previous vaccines development.
c. Questioning any of the dictates was considered conspiratorial and rejection of the science. Anyone voicing alternate opinions or concerns was immediately chastised, defamed, slandered and de-platformed on social media as “misinformation”.
This rigorous deception sought validity through terrorizing the global citizenry into submission, compliance and effectively used media power to vehemently marginalize ANYONE unwilling to submit.
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, an Orthodox Jewish physician, called this virus a bioweapon and the death jab shot as both being deliberately designed as vehicles for the genocide of humanity. HE WAS RIGHT!!
The lasting legacy of those who took these shots is that each of their immune systems has been permanently altered as the spike protein invaded the cell nucleus and replicated itself, altering the DNA, immobilizing our T cells ( the immune system killers) and having other immutable changes affecting the proper functioning of natural immune system.
At the very least, Fauci and his myriad co-conspirators should be imprisoned for life; without parole.
Very well said.
But maybe like in the “Sum of all Fears” movie there is a Lev Schreibner character waiting in the wings (?)
My issue was not about the severity of the flu itself. Some worse, some dead, some it hardly touched at all.
My problem was the complete shutdown of our economy. We may as well have had a war. We were imprisoned in our houses and not allowed out. We had to comply with all manner of restrictions on our physical activity.
…and the untold cost to our prosperity is yet unfathomable. I know many lost their dreams during that time in the price of fledgling businesses having to shut down and older, more established ones, too. Plus many projects hatching never could take flight. A sad cost to us all.
Pardoned for what? He hasn’t been charged with anything yet! However, if he does get off the fed future charges, a state DA can definitely charge him with civil offenses
Can Dr Faustus be charged with Civil crimes (if that’s the correct term). Braindead might be able to pardon criminal crimes but surely he can’t stop Civil cases being taken out by the likes of Dr Faustus and the General?