Maybe Joe Biden should consider staying in Delaware.
He doesn’t seem to be doing any good in Washington D.C., and they could just move that fake Oval Office set to his basement in Delaware, set up a studio, and have him pre-tape teleprompter speeches before refusing to answer any questions over there.
But instead, Biden promised to “work like hell”, by which he meant going on vacation.
“Everybody’s frustrated, it’s part of being in government, being frustrated,” Biden told reporters before leaving the White House for a weekend stay at his home in Wilmington, Delaware. He pledged to ”work like hell” to get the two pillars of his domestic agenda passed into law, but refrained from laying out a new deadline.
That’s after refusing to do anything about it until now, and then flying off to Delaware.
Biden said he would soon travel around the country to promote the legislation and he acknowledged concerns that the talk in Washington had become too focused on the trillions in new spending and taxes in the bill.
Too focused?
“I’m going to try to sell what I think the American people will buy,” Biden said Saturday, adding, “I believe that when the American people are aware of what’s in it we’ll get it done.”
Americans are bound to love the billions to subsidize electric car chargers for the rich, mileage tracking and IRS tracking of transactions over $600. But I’m sure Biden’s rambling tour to talk about how much he loves ice cream and sniffing young girls will really win over Americans.
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