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Despite completely open support for Hamas and its atrocities by the Palestinian Authority, the Biden administration keeps demanding funds for the terrorist entity and refuses to impose new sanctions.
Meanwhile, the Biden administration moving to impose sanctions on a battalion of the Israeli Defense Forces.
This is unprecedented and unsurprising.
While you’ll hear all sorts of rationalizations in the media for imposing sanctions on the IDF’s Netzah Yehuda Battalion, actually undertaken at the behest of an Iran lobby-backed senator, the same administration has pushed uncritically for foreign aid to…
1. The Iraqi military whose Shiite-backed government is actively killing American soldiers
2. The Pakistani military which was harboring Osama bin Laden
3. The Palestinian Authority’s security forces
The same administration that continues to provide billions in sanctions relief for Iran, imposes sanctions on Israel.
Just found out Netzah Yehudah is the religious unit. So the Israeli supreme Ct is going to force religious Jews into the army and then the Bi Dung fourth reich is going to sanction them? And the BDFR has conditioned the money they are allowing Israel( that Israel uses to buy American armaments) on money going to Ukraine?
Bi Dung or Bidung. That’s funny! There are so many good name variations for that piece of dung.
Double standards. Sending taxpayers monies to terrorists.
Its all about working with those chanting “From the River to the Sea.”
After these weekend GOP House votes supporting Ukraine and not doing anything for US citizens,
I believe that the GOP has now sealed its fate for the November elections.
Big losers all around.
See you later … I ain’t voting for nobody.
Domenic, your ”not voting for anybody” is another vote for Bidet. For God’s sake, vote for Trump, please. And vote Republican down the line. They’re not great but they are so much better than the donks, home of the squid, and others almost as awful.
The US Government is now the worlds leading terrorist organization.
Agreed. The Obama and Biden 12 years makes Obama/Biden years of U.S. Government the world’s biggest financier of terrorism in the world today. When Trump gets voted into office of POTUS, on day one should declare the Democrat Party a domestic and foreign terrorist organization. The Democrat Party should be outlawed for crimes against the people of the U.S.A.!
If this was WW II Biden would Sanction the UK and supplied Germany and Japan with Weapons after all we were shipping Scrap Metal to Japan and on Dec 7th 1941 we saw what they used it for
Actually, most of Imperial Japan’s planes had aluminum bodies, not steel. That’s why they were so fast and maneuverable.
America came up with P51 Mustangs made of bullet resistant steel and self sealing fuel tanks that were the fastest and deadliest of all WWII planes, however. They weren’t flying flame bombs like the Zeros and even shot down the Messerschmidt jets.
Hebrew people by DNA lost their identity because of the diaspora and keep voting for the wrong people from hitler to O’Briben – not that Obama is pulling the puppet strings of Biden – Obama is a willing puppet whore himself – as are Clinton’s and Bush’s * Joe Briben is a willing whore of on his own long before Obama was even turning tricks in Hawaii
What an incredibly SHODDY job of “reporting”.
It misleads, right from the start: The first sentence, incredibly awkwardly constructed as it is, implies that the Biden administration supports Hamas, which is not just completely untrue, but a heinous libel. This outright lie was not accidental.
Ditto for the context-free references to aid for the Iraqi military (which was done to promote the separation of Iraq from its Iranian overlords), aid for the Pakistani military (a necessary ally for the completion of American goals for the region), and aid for the Palestinian Authority (as a counter-weight to extremist Hamas terrorists).
This joker is an “investigative journalist”????
A “fellow” at the David Horowitz Freedom Center????
The only thing this “fellow” contributes is deceit.
Daniel assumes his audience is well read. Maybe you should pay attention.
woah … that comment is not awaiting moderation?
shocked, shocked I say …
“The first sentence, incredibly awkwardly constructed as it is, implies that the Biden administration supports Hamas, which is not just completely untrue, but a heinous libel. This outright lie was not accidental.”
Talk about projecting an abject lie. You Dirtbagocrats are so FUCKING stupid, you think people will believe lies that wouldn’t fool a child. Joe Hamas ABSOLUTELY supports Hamas with his actions, even though it’s his handlers who call the shots.
What has that aid to “the Iraqi military” done to free it from its subservience to its Iranian overlords? In two words, jack and shit.
Pakistan is of no regional or national importance to America whatsoever, unless you think its hostility to a real American ally, India, is vital in some way.
The PA is a terrorist organization and it collaborates with Hamas.
Fuck, I’d like to bitch slap you. DIRTBAGOCRATS ARE ANTI-AMERICAN SCUM.
All the billions in aid will be redirected to terrorist activities by all these groups of Muslim terrorists. You are not talking to just low information democrat voters!
Worse than despicable.
The Biden and democrat party/administration stab in the back policies just keeps on and on and on ….
Betrayal and Traitorous now have new meanings.
And with sadist scatological pervert comedian ZZZZZelenskiiii and Ukraine getting so much more billions of the US taxpayer dollars,
while fighting against the INVASION of 12 millions of illegal alien hordes across the Mexican border gets nothing, and
fighting against the murder of more than 100,000 US citizens by Mexican manufactured drugs pushed into America by the Mexican government also gets nothing,
I can see now that the GOP is going to lose the House and the Presidential election in November.
Apparently the GOP also cares little about US citizens and the Mexican INVASION and the Mexican fentanyl murders of US citizens.
The GOP House has the power of the purse to squash bad spending bills.
They refuse to use their power.
So screw the GOP. as well as the depraved stab in the back Biden and democrats.
True but Zelenskyy and the Ukraine has always wanted weapons, not money, but the Dirtbagocrats and RINOs are much too corrupt to pass up backroom deals of graft. Why not? It’s never their money being handed to moneyed interests and they stupidly think America is too big to fail.
America “is not too big to fail.”
Every day brings more and more evidence that America and at least half its citizens and electorate, and its “leaders” have lost their minds, become morally corrupt and lost their moral compass.
Such a nation will not thrive nor endure for long.
Replace Biden’s name in the headline with BO’s name. Then you’ll understand what this is all about since 2009.
B.O. didn’t even mastermind his own empty suit administration, much less this one.