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The Biden regime has been under heavy pressure from its far-left base for months. Foes of Israel have repeatedly demanded that Biden’s handlers punish the Jewish state for defending itself, or else they’ll lose their votes in November. Clearly, the Biden camp has been listening, and now the matter has come to a head: the Biden regime has actually threatened our foremost ally in the Middle East with a cutoff of military aid.
The Jerusalem Post reported that “Biden issued a memorandum on Thursday night asking countries receiving US military funding to prove they’re following international humanitarian and human rights laws.” There is only one country to which that pertains at the moment, and as the Post pointed out “the timing of the memorandum coincides with President Biden’s unscheduled press conference where he took reporters’ questions on the Israel-Hamas war, saying Israel’s response is ‘over the top.’”
This has been coming for a long time. Nihad Awad, executive director of the Hamas-linkedCouncil on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), who infamously said that he was “happy” about Hamas’ Oct. 7 jihad massacre of 1,200 Israelis, thundered at a November pro-Hamas rally: “No cease-fire, no votes. No votes in Michigan, no votes in Arizona, no votes in Georgia, no votes in Nevada, no votes in Wisconsin, no votes in Pennsylvania.”
These were, of course, the states that allowed Old Joe to pretend to be president over the last three years. Awad concluded: “No votes for you anywhere if you don’t call for a ceasefire now.” Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Ramallah) added: “The American people won’t forget. Biden, support a ceasefire now. Or don’t count on us in 2024.”
In mid-January, the “March on Washington for Gaza” boiled overinto violence at the White House, as thousands of pro-Palestinian demonstrators stormed the security fence and forced the evacuation of “non-essential employees” from the building. Then last week, Fox Newsreported that Biden was “facing an electoral revolt among Arab and Muslim voters in Michigan who are outraged by his ongoing support for Israel, with some even accusing him of enabling genocide.” They even launched an “abandon Biden” campaign in Dearborn.
The pressure has continued. The Jerusalem Post added that “for weeks now, reporters have pressed both the White House and State Department on their ability to assess if Israel is following international law as there have been no formal assessment procedures in place.” Also vocal on this issue has been, predictably enough, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Ramallah). She and some of her far-left colleagues wrote to Biden stating: “We write today regarding your administration’s ongoing weapons transfers to the Israeli government despite considerable evidence that these transfers are flagrantly violating American and international law and being used in the commission of war crimes.”
The only actual evidence that Israel has committed any war crimes in Gaza comes from Hamas, which has every reason to fabricate incidents and wildly exaggerate real ones, especially when it has such a sympathetic and credulous audience in the West. Israel must nevertheless submit its report to the Biden regime by March 24, or military aid will be stopped until “required assurances are obtained.” The memorandum explains that the U.S. “must maintain an appropriate understanding of foreign partners’ adherence to international law, including, as applicable, international human rights law and international humanitarian law.”
Although this was an outrageous insult and quasi-betrayal of an ally, Karine Jean-Pierre rushed to assure the world that it was just business as usual: “I want to be clear: there are no new standards in this memo, we are not imposing new standards for military aid, that is not what is in this. Instead we are spelling out publicly the existing standards by international law including the law of armed conflict.”
Yeah, sure, that’s it. What’s really happening, however, is quite clear: The Biden regime is trying to show Tlaib, Awad and co. that it is listening to their rage, and pressuring Israel accordingly. The subtext is blazingly obvious: Please vote for us! Don’t stay home in November! We are betraying Israel as quickly as we can! Actual questions of justice and the rules of warfare are out the window here. This is just naked and shameless pandering for votes. That it might result in a world-historical victory for the forces of the global jihad matters to the Biden regime not one bit.
Unclear why israel owes a book report to the US. It’s a contract between two nations. If US wants to break a contract that ruins its reputation, oh well, Israel will have to find arms elsewhere. Probably not in Europe which has reignited its genocidal Jew hate and said no ( but does Europe have any arms to sell anyway?).
Israel needs to strengthen alliances with India and South Korea, perhaps Taiwan as well. Unfortunately, that can’t be done overnight. Biden is manipulated not only by threats from Muslim voters, but also by the Great Narcissist and world class Jew hater Barack Hussein Osama.
Hussein Obama, the depraved psychopathic lying prevaricator – in- chief has done terrible harm and damage to America and US citizens.
Obama should be put on trial for treason and betrayal to America and US citizens, just like Biden.
What did people expect of this administration? Biden is a dishonest, corrupt and unprincipled person. He’d sell out his own grandmother to grovel for a few votes in a swing state. I’m sure he nearly doubles up in laughter inside every time he says “my word as a Biden.”
Anti-semitism has surged since October 7, and a recent poll revealed that as much as 86% of American Jews feel less secure in their own country than they did even a year earlier. While the Left will point fingers at the so-called “right wing extremists” the facts are otherwise. As is the habit of the Biden Administration to choose “facts” over “truth'” the truth is that the upsurge in anti-semitism is coming from our Ivy-League children brainwashed by their professors, from some of our Senators and Representatives, mainly Democrats, and our legacy media. At what point do Jewish voters accept that they no longer of importance to the Democrat Party? The Democrats gladly will take their contributions all the while looking away from a large segment of their base that despises Jews. Jewish voters would be well advised to give President Trump a serious, objective, look. Even if they cannot vote for him, why should they vote for Biden or the Democrats?
Some of the “Progressive Caucus” (Summer Lee of Pennsylvania and Cory Bush of Missouri) refuse to even meet with representatives of the Jewish community.
With Hamas on the ropes in Rafah, Biden is doing all he can to prevent Israel from dealing the final blow to this terrorist arm of the terrorist state of Iran. He is quite literally determined to see October 7 repeated in order to preserve the shreds of the JCPOA. Because he is the President of the US, you cannot call his actions treason under the law. By any other standard that is exactly what they are.
What is blazingly obvious is there are now a lot more Muslims than Jews in this country.
I should add that the Dems are playing the same game the Labor Party plays in UK. Stuff the country full of Muslims and brand yourself the anti-Israel party.
Trump seems to be staying relatively low-key on this one, or am I missing something? But Biden’s situation is wonderfully ironic. Talk about trying to hold the tension of the opposites!
Somebody should explain to the dementia patient that the muslim vote isn’t going to save him.
The decadents have always had a problem with Israel. And so with America. because there is a link between Jerusalem and America. A deep connection. Trump recalled this link by placing the embassy there.
Caroline Glick, journalist and ex-IDF, had this Biden crew’s actions and point of view pegged from the very start.
Lets us hope that many Jews wake up and quit voting for the enemy…..especially those that want their demise. The Left is no friend to Israel, and takes the sides of Israel’s enemies and supports them financially.
“Biden issued a memorandum on Thursday night asking countries receiving US military funding to prove they’re following international humanitarian and human rights laws. There is only one country to which that pertains at the moment…”
There is also Ukraine, the recipient of USA military aid that amounts to $45 billion so far (and counting).
And it’s being debated whether that country can pass the international human-rights test.
The obvious response from Israel should be:
“We’ll turn in our report on the same day that Ukraine turns in theirs!”