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[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is the principal opponent of the Biden regime, and the individual who at this point is most likely to be elected president in 2024. He has also been indicted on federal criminal charges related to the mishandling of classified documents, and is scheduled to be arrested on Tuesday. Not too long ago, when Trump was arrested by the Manhattan DA on bogus felony charges, critics of the Biden regime began to say that America had become a banana republic. We’re racing past that stage now. America is heading toward becoming a new Stalinist regime in which critics of those in power are arrested by the regime itself, tried on false and fabricated charges, and executed. The Left may not plan to murder Trump, but they’re certainly trying to execute him politically.
As in all the other cases against Trump, this one couldn’t be flimsier. The New York Times says that Trump is accused of “mishandling classified documents he kept upon leaving office and then obstructing the government’s efforts to reclaim them.” The Washington Free Beacon explained that “Trump has previously defended his retention of documents, suggesting he declassified them while president. However, Trump has not provided evidence of this and his attorneys have declined to make that argument in court filings.” The Espionage Act has been brought into play, giving the appearance, without any evidence whatsoever, that Trump collected classified documents and passed them on to a foreign power.
Yet the rules regarding classified documents are not so clear-cut. Journalist Greg Price notes that “indicting Donald Trump under the Espionage Act for Mar-a-Lago documents would be a fully insane abuse of power that it’s hard to wrap your head around: First of all, the Espionage Act is an unconstitutional relic of World War I that was passed in order to criminalize dissent against the war. Second, it was signed into law decades before President Truman created the modern system of classification/declassification and so makes no reference to whether a document has been deemed classified. Instead, it makes it a crime to retain documents related to the national defense that could be used to harm the United States, which in the case of Donald Trump is whatever the DOJ and Jack Smith want it to be.”
What’s more, as Daniel Greenfield pointed out, Trump is being charged over what has been common practice for decades. NBC News reported that “every administration since President Ronald Reagan’s has mismanaged classified documents, according to National Archives and Records Administration officials.” And not just presidents: “Sen. Edmund Muskie, D-Maine — who left Congress in 1980 and was secretary of state in the last year of President Jimmy Carter’s administration — included 98 classified documents when his papers were given to Bates College.” And of course Old Joe Biden had classified documents strewn all over his garage, where his influence-peddling crackhead son and any of his Russian hookers had free and easy access to them.
But now Merrick Garland and his henchmen think they’ve found something they can use to destroy the principal foe of the regime, and so fairness, decency, common sense and impartial justice are out the window. Biden’s handlers are treating Trump the way Stalin treated the Old Bolsheviks whom he saw as rivals: he had them falsely accused, imprisoned, and executed. But Garland and the rest should take careful note: Bolshevik pioneers such as Nikolai Bukharin, Gregory Zinoviev, and Lev Kamenev had never actually been opponents of Stalin the way Trump is Biden’s opponent. They had been his friends, whom he turned against in his paranoia and destroyed in his quest for absolute power. They had helped install the authoritarian Communist regime in the Soviet Union, only to find themselves becoming its victims. It likely never occurred to them that someone could subject them to the same treatment they had meted out to so many others.
But it could happen here, just as everything else we used to think couldn’t happen here is happening now. Now that the Justice Department has become a weapon of political vengeance, it could turn one day against the very people who are using it so ruthlessly today against Donald Trump. But right now, firmly ensconced in power, they can’t even envision a day when someone might displace them. This gang of criminals aims to be in power forever.
And so this is yet another dark day for the United States. Once again we see how few people with integrity there really are among today’s political movers and shakers. A notable exception was Ron DeSantis, who tweeted Thursday: “The weaponization of federal law enforcement represents a mortal threat to a free society. We have for years witnessed an uneven application of the law depending upon political affiliation. Why so zealous in pursuing Trump yet so passive about Hillary or Hunter? The DeSantis administration will bring accountability to the DOJ, excise political bias and end weaponization once and for all.” The question that DeSantis and everyone else should be asking is whether this regime will even allow one of its opponents to enter the Oval Office, or will engage in more brazen criminal activity to prevent that from happening.
Meanwhile, where are the patriotic Democrats who are likely appalled at the abandonment of the rule of law and the persecution of the nation’s foremost political opposition figure? Don’t keep a light on for them. Authoritarians tend to march in lockstep.
Una Salus says
You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave
Sebastian says
If you want a clear cut case of election interference this is it.
Mo de Profit says
If this doesn’t succeed in stopping Trump then they will reveal their trump card, warp speed vax deaths.
Intrepid says
Isn’t it amazing how fast Garland’s Lawfare Inc. DOJ can move when you want to keep the one Republican they are afraid of off the ticket. At least the trial won’t be in D.C. or N.Y.
Meanwhile Hillary continues to get drunk on cheap wine and nothing happens with her deleting 30,000 emails from the illegal server in her bathroom, and creating the Russia Collusion hoax……Obama lives the high life after helping to plot a coup against Trump in the WH, Biden fumbles around the WH after it becomes clear he was taking money from the Chinese and the Ukrainians and admitting to a quid pro quo in front of the Council on Foreign Relations as VP, and his crackhead son is busy hiding all the evidence in spite of being “under investigation” for 5 years for his laptop.
Some day, when honest law enforcement is restored, the four P.O.S’s will be indicted for their crimes There is no statute of limitations for treason.
David Ray says
I’m thinking something more along the lines of Romania’s solution circa 1989. (It helped save on prison overcrowding).
World@70 says
I worked on a construction project in Canada around the 1989-1991 time period and we had a timekeeper from Romania. He was convinced that Ceaușescu was not executed, that it was a double and Ceaușescu had many doubles. BTW he was born in Romania and had been in Canada for just a year.
john r butala says
Yeah, and Elvis is hiding out in a South American jungle. Tell us another one.
Onzeur Trante says
The shipwreck of America is on full view for anyone who cares to look.
Greg says
I’ve read that there are seven counts in the trumped-up Trump indictment. Does that mean there will be seven trials in seven Democ-rat “courtrooms” in seven blue states? Why not? “Woke” jurisprudence follows the lead of the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland: “Sentence first–verdict later.”
THX 1138 says
It would be so wonderful and awesome if President Trump wins. They must be shaking in their boots at the possibility that he might win. The just retribution that he would wield would wipe them all out and maybe even a few would go to prison.
Which means that the election of 2024 will possibly be more dangerous and violent than any election in the last 100 or 200 years. Can we dare say that assassination will never cross the Swamp’s mind, that it can never be a possibility if Trump wins?
An assassination would create a serious crisis and play into the Swamp’s hand, never let a serious crisis go to waste the Swamp says, you can do things then that you could never do before.
Intrepid says
If you use the “a” word too much you may just get a visit from Wray’s FBI. Just sayin’
But then again you are nuts and have zero impulse control.
THX 1138 says
The one who has no impulse control is you. You cannot see any comment by me without figuring out a way to attack it. You’re pathologically obsessive-compulsive.
Intrepid says
Oooo, such a tough guy. And now you are a hack psychiatrist too. It’s amazing what a sorry philosophy can do to you. Is your diploma hanging on your wall?
I don’t have to figure out a way to attack your comments. You are as predictable and repetitive as a sunrise.
You are just pissed that I expose you for the simplistic fraud you are every single day, and there is nothing you can do about it. You can’t even come up with your own insults.
Intrepid says
Gee, I’ll ask your permission next time, OK snowflake?
Una Salus says
They might fear the truth but they don’t fear us at all THX. We’re a joke to them thanks to Big Guy and the GOP. Unless you’re talking about the saps who get hysterical and start barking at the moon over Trump’s election but they don’t really matter.
K.F. Smith says
I completely agree.
THX 1138 says
“Arresting and Jailing Donald Trump? It’s Just the Beginning” – Objectivist Michael J. Hurd
“Today’s conservatives remind me of the leftists back during the post-9/11 era. Leftists insisted that Islamic terrorism was not a problem — only “Islamophobia.”
Today, conservatives insist that the open weaponization of the federal government, while a problem, is not a dictatorship. They feel it’s nothing that can’t be fixed by another Trump presidency; or perhaps a DeSantis presidency. Hold out for election 2024, and then all will be well! You know — just like holding out for Election 2022 was to put a restraint on the Biden regime.
Exactly what can a President Trump or DeSantis do to eliminate the Deep State? Only two things will fix the Deep State: One, defund it; two, arrest and prosecute all the criminals involved in it. This will mean arresting, prosecuting, jailing all of the top Biden officials — including Biden, his criminal family, his Cabinet members, all of them — and much of the middle level government.
We know that’s not going to happen.”
Intrepid says
Just wondering, which conservatives insist that the open weaponization of the federal government, while a problem, is not a dictatorship. Everyone is talking “banana republic”. Do you actually read things out side of FPM?
Other than that, more useless blah blah with no solutions from you. Why do you bother?
Teri Lyn Hughes says
Very good forward thinking…we pray the insanity encouraged by godless people stops short of this but what you said is true; the undercurrents of rage and despair in our nation are of epic proportions.
Ugly Sid says
It’s outrageous absurdity is quite deliberate.
It’s a distraction.
Ugly Sid says
Evidently, Trump was colluding with the Kaiser in his violation of the Espionage Act.
For our national, mathematical simplicity, our leadership has identified the most appropriate prosecutorial jurisdiction to be one where fewer than one thirteenth of the registered electorate are registered as other than Democrats. Observation of rounding conventions suggest that an all Democrat jury is completely normal.
Washington DC fits these requirements perfectly. With luck, the Roger Stone jury can be available. Deliberations can be completed over a Cafe Cubano.
Mark Sochor says
It’s time to decouple the DOJ from the executive branch. But finding balanced individuals without an agenda is becoming impossible. The founders fear of factions dominating over the rule of law is now a reality. We’re beyond banana republic status, veered right into fascism.
internalexile says
I presently know only one or two self-identifying Democrats who might still have some patriotic feelings. The rest are gone.
Down Easter says
Is Tulsi G one?
Old Fogey says
God will have the last word, and it will be good. – Rev. Robert H. Schuller
In the meantime, free America is under attack and the subhuman cretins our enemy has enlisted have no shame. The fella who was being aced out of a sweet job in the Hague by Trump diplomacy in the Balkans is now persecuting him in federal court, on the explicit direction of the fella who didn’t get appointed to the Supreme Court because Senate Republicans wouldn’t allow consideration in the lame duck last year of a Democrat presidency. DOJ lawyers suborn perjury from Mar-a-Lago personnel. And it started before he was elected in 2016 and has persisted ever since.
Satan walks among us.
Intrepid says
It would be nice if someone could have the last word that we could actually see. So tired of hearing about God having the last word. That really doesn’t do any of us any good.
I would like to see a little payback on this level of existence.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Fine analysis Robert.
Good point that Stalin’s paranoia was a major factor.
Also false accusations by his minions against each other may have been a factor.
I read Trotsky’s whole book about Stalin, fascinating psychopathology, yet I don’t think I could face reading it again, winded at the start, just thinking about it.
One point people don’t know about: Stalin loved hunting, trapping, and killing small animals, and was good at it. He was expert at doing the same to humans. Caught a lot of his victims in very clever, as well as brutal, traps.
Una Salus says
This is how pros do it and let’s be honest a large segment of Trump’s demographic was probably voting Bill Clinton when he was bringing in the bucks. Now they see but too late.
TikTock just the typical leftists propaganda like the rest of the M.S. Media
KenPF says
By what conceivable mechanism could the “Justice Department … turn one day against the very people who are using it so ruthlessly today”? When the Soviet Union collapsed it had viable enemies in Reagan, Thatcher, and John Paul II. The current Democrats are in service to Communist China, who has no viable enemies anywhere. No one’s gong to “displace” these people for decades … maybe centuries. They will never allow another Republican president.
The only viable alternative is to create a new country out of the old. Red and blue states must go their own way. Already many red states have laws protecting children from sexual mutilation and abortion, and more than half have enacted constitutional carry of firearms. Nothing of the sort will ever come out of Washington. The “United” States is already breaking up.
We should make it official.
DC says
That was a great post.
And your conclusions are 100% correct.
SECESSION of the red states away from the blue is the only way to retain the rights of the red state citizens.
That reality is more than many Americans can process.
Joe says
We didn’t do it over slavery, where 500K Americans died fighting each other, but we’ll do it over this communist nastiness? Don’t think so. We need to unite over this, not separate.
Steve Chavez says
COMMUNIST SANDINISTA DANIEL ORTEGA, installed and protected by the Democratic Party, at the direction of the SOVIET KGB’S WORLD PEACE and the Communist Party USA, does exactly the same in Nicaragua. Hugo Chavez, the Castro’s, Morales, Maduro, all heroes to Democrats, ATTACK, ARREST, BAN ALL OPPONENTS “AS A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!”
Manuel Zelaya, former President of Honduras, proclaimed himself President for Life and his own VP and Supreme Court expelled him from the country. His own defenders: Chavez, Ortega, HILLARY AND OBAMA!
While the COMMUNIST/(D)/KGB were screaming “NO CONTRA AID”, they were aiding the Communist FMLN rebels in El Salvador. When the FMLN won the Presidency in 2009, HILLARY was the highest-ranking U.S. official at the inauguration.
DURING THE 80’S, millions were recruited into their FRONTS, INCLUDING OBAMA (Google: Obama Sundial 1983). THOSE MILLIONS are today’s teachers/professors, Hollywood, MSM, city/state/national leaders, and FILLED the House’s of Congress and the White House. THEIR JOB TODAY IS TO RECRUIT THE NEXT GENERATION OF COMMUNISTS WE SEE IN THE STREETS AND THE TAKEOVER OF ALL DEPARTMENTS! TRAITORS ALL!
“THE FBI , DOJ, and the MSM look at Trump under an ELECTRON MICROSCOPE while they look at the Clinton’s, Obama’s. Biden’s, and Democrats with a BACKWARDS HUBBLE TELESCOPE!” SC
Millions are hired to look under that MICROSCOPES looking for that one bad cell, out of 86 BILLION, so they can blow it out of proportion!
“DEMOCRATS DRAGGED TRUMP to the Public Square to stone him with The Scandal of the Week written on the Stones. For over two years, it was the Russian Collusion stones and in the end, no collusion was found while the Conspirators got away with it. The Democrats walked away LAUGHING since Trump is still laying there beaten to a BLOODY PULP!’ SC
DEMOCRATS: “NEXT! KEEP IT UP TILL NOVEMBER 2020/2024.” They’ll even ship truckloads of stones with the media there to cover every stone thrown!
IT’S CALLED, “THE ACCUMULATION EFFECT!” One right after another and even MAGA’s will turn on him.
Walter Sieruk says
This persecution against Donald Trump , truly is a “witch hunt.”
Furthermore, that indictment of Mr, Trump is a vicious wicked travesty. It’s been rightly called “legal voodoo.”
Walter Sieruk says
That indictment of Donald Trump by those vicious malice-filled leftists in power isn’t really “; legal prosecution” but political persecution.
Those vicious leftist/socialists along with their comrades of the Red/Green alliance have now come after Donald Trump with all their hate-filled malice, it’s only a matter of time before they will later come after all Conservative patriotic Americans.
Walter Sieruk says
After this vicious hoax of a “legal indictment” against Donald Trump, which is political persecution and malicious harassment all blows over , much later in time it will much in the annals of future history books certainly will, with honest and ethical historians who write only truth, will print what an outstanding good President Donald Trump was and that he just and fair man who stood for justice and accomplished must for the advancement of the United States in only four years in Office.
In contrast future good quality history books will reveal what a despicable and evil man President imposter Joe Biden was and how he did and still does everything wrong and terrible to tear down the United States and cause her to become a third world power.
So much so that the name of Joe Biden will rot in American history.
As the Bible informs its reader “The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot.” Proverbs 11:7. [K.J.V.]
TheRandyGuy says
It speaks to how sure they are about never having to answer for their actions that they are being so brazen. We have a very ugly time coming to this nation, and it’s comimng soon
Dean Olson says
At the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 Benjamin Franklin was asked what type of government had been created. He replied, “A Republic, if you can keep it.” Franklin knew how fragile America’s political experiment was. Without vigorous protection it could be warped into something the Founders wouldn’t recognize. That day has arrived with the indictment of former President Donald Trump. Like a Banana Republic, America’s founding ideals have been jettisoned to destroy a political opponent by weaponizing the power of the federal justice system. The United States has abandoned the moral high ground. America will never again be able to lecture despots and totalitarians about the need to follow the rule of law. It is a tragic and shameful day.
Mo de Profit says
Maybe that’s what the globalist elites in the United Nations and WEF actually want.
Steven Chavez says
They’re laughing! They don’t care! It’s Mob Rule now!
Steven Chavez says
He desperately wanted back in the White House. He hated DJT more than ever! Revenge. Conspiracy and Coup attempt.
Hillary now joking about Trump since she, aka Bill, got away with it. They’re laughing.
“THE FBI , DOJ, and the MSM look at Trump under an ELECTRON MICROSCOPE while they look at the Clinton’s, Obama’s. Biden’s, and Democrats with a BACKWARDS HUBBLE TELESCOPE!” SC
Millions are hired to look under that MICROSCOPES looking for that one bad cell, out of 86 BILLION, so they can blow it out of proportion!
Ron says
The war is here time to dig in make sure you are prepared for what’s to come things are about to get ugly God bless America and God bless Donald John Trump MAGA
As Princess Leah sad to Darth Vader The More you Tighten your Grip the More Star systems will slip through your Fingers Biden and his fellow Democrats/Globalists/Traitors are losing Americans through their fingers as they tighten their grips
Mo de Profit says
My leftist brother in law is no longer a leftist.
David Elstrom says
“Patriotic Democrats”? There’s no such thing. Any decent human being abandoned the Democrat label decades ago, leaving nothing but crooks and power grubbers. Now the cancerous Democrat Marxists seem to be going “full Soviet” on their political opponents. These self-appointed masterminds, being disinterested in history, assume they will be in power forever; and lack the imagination to understand their despotic tactics will produce a backlash they will (at least for a time) live to regret. Weapons parity always happens.
robert cole says
That crook Biden belongs in a gulag off the coast of Australia. Like the good ‘ole times.
Gamaliel says
No one asks why these presidents took classified documents with them. I wonder if they didn’t want the new administration to know about what was in them. Maybe Trump was trying to protect people by taking the documents away from Biden.
Walter Sieruk says
The bizarre balderdash of “legal indictments” against Donald Trump by the horrendously wicked insidious and sinister left-wing power elites who have examining everything they could, regardless of how baseless those accusations against Mr. Trump are , to use in their malice-filled and vicious determination to take the American patriot down hard and keep him down.
Those indictments against him only prove that saying true, which is that “Evil is always looking for an “excuse..”
john r butala says
Boy, the lip suction Spencer has on Trump’s huge behind must be awfully strong.
There’s not a doubt in the world Trump is guilty of everything he’s being charged..
It’s true that the justice department is totally uninterested in whatever anybody on the left side does, but that doesn’t change the fact that Trump poked the hornet’s nest once too often.
He’s on audio tape for crying out loud talking about the classified material he has. He had highly valuable defense material lying around his house where numerous people could get at ti.
Why the orange idiot simply didn’t turn over the docs when asked goes back to the hideous tangled mess that is Trump’s brain. He asks for these things, and now he’s got a real one he probably won’t be able to wriggle out of.
Jill says
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and some of their ilk have been in power for decades and I’m—naively?—only recently concluding, “This is what they were always like!”
Anne says
It’s all politics and political posturing. Most people recognize a fatal administration when they see one. While the Biden administration dithers, China has convinced Saudi Arabia to reestablish diplomatic ties with Iran, a dangerous appeasement given Iran’s threats and hatred toward Israel and the West. By mid-2023, India will have overtaken China as the most populous nation in the world, Chinese aspirations for global power will drive it to become increasingly belligerent. To the oligarchs, they aren’t in control. The pieces of the puzzle are being assembled by God, not you. The final curtain will be God’s call.