The Biden regime is indefatigably committed to the baseless and dangerous – indeed, life-destroying – delusion that women can become men and men can become champion female swimmers and International Women of Courage, and so when its budget proposal for 2024 included taxpayer money for genital mutilation surgeries and hormones for veterans, the regime was just being consistent. This budget item, however, makes it abundantly clear that “tolerance” is not on the agenda, either for the regime or for the LGBTQ industry. Authoritarians to the core, both are after total compliance: we not only have to believe in their insane fantasies, we also have to pay for them.
The groundwork for this budget proposal was laid in June 2021, when the Department of Veterans Affairs lifted a 20-year ban on what Rolling Stone called “gender confirmation surgeries for trans people,” and what the budget itself refers to as “gender affirming care.” These bland euphemisms are designed to hide the fact that what is really being discussed here is physical butchery, making people dependent upon pharmaceuticals for their entire lifetime, and destroying their possibility of having normal relationships and families. There can be no doubt that future generations will look upon today’s society approval, and indeed, celebration of all this with unmitigated horror, but those days are still a ways off. Right now, we have to sign the checks for the destruction of our fellow human beings who have fallen prey to this delusion.
The evils are being sold as a positive good, as evil always has been sold throughout history. And so back in 2021 when the Veterans Affairs Department lifted the ban on these mutilation surgeries, VA Secretary Denis McDonough announced happily that the department would now be “allowing transgender vets to go through the full gender confirmation process with VA by their side.” He had the sinister audacity or jaw-dropping ignorance to add: “We’re making these changes not only because they are the right thing to do, but because they can save lives.”
Now the budget that will force all Americans to pay for this crime against humanity for veterans states in the same vein that it is doing so in recognition of “the diversity of America’s veterans,” and also as part of action that the Biden regime is taking in order to “advance equity across veterans’ services.” It goes out of its way to point out that “the VA announced that it was extending survivor benefits to certain survivors of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex veterans.”
Terrific, but the downside of all this is already becoming apparent. The Daily Caller reported Thursday that “former Navy Seal Chris Beck announced in a Dec. 1 interview that he was transitioning back to being a man, after nearly a decade of living as a woman and advocating for trans people in the military.” Was Beck consulted when the new budget, requiring Americans to pay for the genital mutilation of psychologically disturbed veterans, was formulated? Was anyone, anyone at all, who was involved in putting the 2024 budget together apprised of the extent of the butchery involved in “gender-affirming” surgeries, and the physical and psychological harm that can ensue? (For evidence, see here and here, but be forewarned: these images and accounts are not for the fainthearted or weak of stomach.)
There is a great deal that is monstrous about the Biden regime, not least its ongoing attempts to destroy the freedom of speech (remember the “Disinformation Governance Board,” and make no mistake, such initiatives continue) and criminalize dissent (as we see with the ongoing Jan. 6 “insurrection” hoax). It has actually become an open question whether or not America will survive this regime as a free society. Certainly if the Left succeeds in attaining its authoritarian goals, the human cost will be catastrophic, but that cost is apparent right now in the regime’s commitment to “gender affirming care.” The recipients of this “care” will find their gratitude turning to resentment, horror, and rage as they have to live with what was done to them when no less an authority than the United States government was touting their mutilation as physically and psychologically affirming.
If there were any justice, we would ultimately see Old Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and all the rest of them on trial at Nuremberg. But as the elites usually do, they’re likely to escape the horrific consequences of their actions, and die laden with awards and honors for their services to humanity. The only people who will have to pay the price are those who will be the recipients of their taxpayer-funded largesse.
The “Biden-Harris Administration” is torturing and murdering veterans over PAIN medication issues. Veteran suicides have been skyrocketing. These sadistic monsters who call themselves administrators on the 4th Floor and quack “doctor” of the Loma Linda VA here in California took away my PAIN medication at the same time they set up transgender booths in the middle of the VA hospital.
This same “Biden-Harris Administration” setting up safe spaces on city sidewalks across the country for drug addicts to shoot up or snort their illegal drugs and providing them with the needles and paraphernalia to do this with.
Excerpt from one of many letters I’ve written to the Loma Linda VA:
At the Loma Linda VA: “Chaplain Jude Johnson hosted a Transgender Day of Remembrance table at the Ambulatory Care Center Nov.15 to raise public awareness about discrimination and crimes against transgender people.”
Yeah; That’s “Jude Johnson (they/them)” with the “proper pronouns” now mandatory at the VA: “Gender Identity, Gender Expression, Pronouns, Sexual Orientation” “Pronouns: the term we use to refer to people such as ‘she’ or ‘they’. Correct pronoun use is an essential part of affirming healthcare. VA policy requires health care providers and staff to use a Veteran’s correct pronoun.”
Or Be F**king FIRED!!!!
I too had ALL my pain meds stripped of me in 2013. Spent the next few years twisted up in pain.
I told them, as I’ll tell you now, most Vets I know, if in pain, will head straight for the liquor store or nearest bar to seek that pain relief… one that is quick and easy.
Why would it NOT be in China’s warfare plan to systematically kill Vets thru the very bureaucracy created to help Vets?
I recently watched a video of a veteran that is a homeless drug addict.
The VA has given him a prescription for his drug of choice (fentanyl).
(((((shame you are not an addict))))))) you might could get some pain meds.
What is the definition of a drug addict? If you know what I mean.
Someone commented below”
“Sexual dysphoria is a spiritual issue”
I responded:
It’s a mental health issue. And the scariest part is the whole of the medical and psychiatric professions jumping on board the horrific Mengela concentration camp experimentation on children and he sexual mutilation and butchering of children in Children’s Hospitals and normalizing pedophilia and child grooming in schools.
I even created a document mentioning how I was molested when I was 10 years old and again when I was 13. But that my later close and dear friends who were gay (my spiritual mentor Richard was “queer as a three dollar bill”. His words. Wisest and kindest man I’ve ever know who I would have entrusted with the lives of my two boys.) are probably rolling in their graves in this atrocity and mass child abuse happening to children.
Took my elderly disabled lady friend who has dementia to a Riverside University medical office. The form they had you fill out had “Transgender” and “Patient Pronouns” at the top of the document.
What VA did you go to and who was the “doctor”?
Have you raised hell or sent any letters to the VA?
I’m blocked and censored EVERYWHERE but I’ll be glad to provide my email.
Here are some letter and documents I put together:
VA Torture 8-15-15 Loma Linda VA (Part I) Original
Letter to Ken Calvert Regarding the Loma Linda VA and Pain Medication (Part I) 1-14-22 Never got a response.
Letter to the Loma Linda VA Regarding Quack “Doctor” Petru D. Papacostea (Part I) (Con’t from Original VA Torture letter.) 12-28-21
“Transgender” and Marxism at Loma Linda VA Hospital (Part I) 3-10-22
Articles on Biden, Marxism, Loma Linda VA Torture-Pain Meds and Veterans (Part I) 2-8-22
The warrior has always been torn down by those who refuse to fight, until the shiite hits the fan.
That’s exactly why I propose a plan… EVERY elected official in DC MUST attend MANDATORY training at the Navy’s Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape School, known as SERE School.
If it hasn’t changed since I attended 35 years ago, students were expertly trained in anti-Marxist brainwashing classes.
You know, out of show of solidarity with those you send downrange.
A wonderful idea, but it will never happen. The Elect (Thomas Sowell’s word) are exempt from any of the rules the rest of those in authority traditionally had to follow. H0wever, it might be a good elective course in college, for a large number of credits, to keep at least a few of the kids from becoming zombies.
“We’re making these changes not only because they are the right thing to do, but because they can save lives.”
People who transition/sex change aren’t having their lives saved. Although some might be pleased after the initial surgery every study shows the increase in mortality, suicidal behavior, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population.
This is a mental health issue that is not being addressed. It is being glorified and passed along as normal behavior.
Gay advocacy groups, Leftists, phony politicians will lie and say the reason trans people commit suicide much more so than the general population is because of the discrimination they face, verbal or physical harassment, etc. However, that is a lie. These Leftists used the same argument as to why homosexuals commit suicide at a higher rate than the general population. In many studies it showed even when homosexuals lived in cities that were the most accepting and welcoming i.e., NYC, Boston, LA, they still had much higher rates of depression, drug abuse, anxiety and suicide.
This is a mental health issues that needs to be properly addressed. Unfortunately, many in the psychiatric and psychology professions are Leftists, or they just go along with the program.
Sexual dysphoria is a spiritual issue. Godless people promote it so that they can claim to have the solution for it and garner sympathetic votes of the Marxist Democrat ilk. The people buying into the philosophy promoted by the left are completely disoriented in their spirit and cannot see the truth. I am sorry for them as it must be horrible to not even know your own identity or be able to describe simply what a woman is.
Meanwhile the south border is invaded and armed “veterans” do nothing to stop it. Our heros.
Biden and his Globalists scoundrels weaking our National Defense to appease Russia and China and the UN Globalists Gestapo
This is mutilation – Orwell would be proud of the words “gender affirming” or whatever garbage words the Left is using. This is gender mutilation. I wonder what the suicide rate is among those submitting to this “gentle gender affirming care”.
I’ve read that it’s about the same as for similarly delusional people who do not have “gender affirming therapy” — about 40% over a 5-year period. It doesn’t matter what you do to change their outsides, their insides are mentally deranged and need a very different type of therapy, along with compassion and a dose of reality.
Sickeningly the media always refers to Biden as complacent with what is undermining
life in America. China Joe is not complacent he is complicit in all efforts to destroy
the Nation, Obama is behind him, the same Obama that has always been on track
to make America unlivable for Americans. Dark days ahead, evil is spreading over
our land like a dark, furious cloud.
Do you think it’s the stupid and feckless Obama, or could it be Valerie Jarret, his eminence grise? Or someone else about whom we know nothing?
I happen to know a couple “trans” people in the world. They are bar none the most mentally messed up people I’ve met. My involvement with them is from a standpoint of recovery and the mess the LBGTQ political people have made of these peoples lives. One in particular stated, “those people refuse to leave a person alone” and allow them to live in peace.
The only reason it’s pushed is because of Obummer and his Trans wife, period. it’s to divide and conquer, no other reason..
I never imagined, in my most frightening nightmares, that I would see the collapse and Fall of my own country–the United States–anytime within my own lifetime.
Just a few years ago I confidently believed (as every sane person did, then) that we’d have another 500 or so years to survive as a free constitutional republic, strong, proud, and prosperous, and with an iron-clad Bill of Rights to protect us from any possible danger from a totalitarian dictatorship.
I’ve lost that foolish confidence over just the past 3 years; we are now staring that horrible End right in the face. We are There, now. No longer at the edge of the cliff, but over it, into the Abyss.
And the Abyss does more than stare back at this point. The fact that we were robbed of our votes and of our very competent President in 2020 has caused worldwide shocks and terrible consequences far from the insulated Imperial City.
May GOD Damn Joe Biden and hs Administration
None of those who were complicit in Sodom and Gomorrah survived.