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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
It has been clear for quite some time that the Biden regime, despite its show of support for Israel, is really on the side of Hamas. Now the regime is in serious talks to respond to Hamas’ brutal and inhuman murder of 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023 by giving it the biggest reward of all: a Palestinian state.
If you are skeptical that Old Joe and his henchmen are really on Hamas’ side, consider the fact that, in November, they enabled the release of ten billion dollars in frozen funds to the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hamas’ primary financier. That followed $100 million in “humanitarian aid” to Gaza and the West Bank on Oct. 18, less than two weeks after the massacre. Biden huffed and puffed about how that $100 million better not end up in the hands of Hamas, but really, who else was there in Gaza who could receive it and keep it from the jihad terror group? Hamas-linked UNRWA?
As if all that weren’t bad enough, now the Biden regime is planning to follow it with the worst betrayal of all of our most loyal ally in the Middle East. The Washington Post reported Wednesday that “Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Palestinian representatives, in addition to the United States” were “rushing to complete a detailed, comprehensive plan for long-term peace between Israel and Palestinians, including a firm timeline for the establishment of a Palestinian state, that could be announced as early as the next several weeks.” As you may have noticed, the one concerned party that would likely lose territory if any such state were established was conspicuously absent from these negotiations.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu noticed. On Friday, he declared: “Israel outright rejects international dictates regarding a permanent arrangement with the Palestinians. Such an arrangement will be reached only through direct negotiations between the parties, without preconditions.” As Biden regime apparatchiks worked with Muslim Arab nations to establish a Palestinian state without the approval of or even participation of Israel, Netanyahu was unequivocal: “Israel will continue to oppose the unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state. Such recognition in the wake of the October 7 massacre would give a huge reward to unprecedented terrorism and prevent any future peace settlement.”
Indeed. Hamas behaved with appalling savagery on Oct. 7, and yet is more popular than ever in both Gaza and the West Bank in the wake of that attack. If a free election were held in a new Palestinian state, Hamas would have a very good chance to win. And given the group’s oft-stated imperative to destroy Israel completely, which senior Hamas official Ghazi Hamad has restated after Oct. 7, a Palestinian state would almost certainly become a new jihad base for renewed attacks against Israel, as Gaza did after Israel’s unilateral withdrawal in 2005 (which, like the eternal goal of the Palestinian state, was also touted as a move that would finally bring peace).
In the Washington Post’s entire fifteen-hundred-word account of the ongoing talks to set up a Palestinian state, no one betrays any indication that they know or care why a Palestinian state has never yet been set up despite decades of efforts to bring peace, or why the Palestinians have rejected numerous offers for such a state since 1947. A standing condition for the Palestinians has been that they accept the existence of Israel as a Jewish state, which no Palestinian organization or leader has ever been willing to do. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has apparently just decided, without a scintilla of evidence, that this condition has already been fulfilled, as he spoke last week in Qatar about the steps that need to be taken in order to embark upon a “practical, timebound, irreversible path to a Palestinian state living side-by-side in peace with Israel.”
Where is there a single Palestinian leader or political group that has ever expressed any willingness to live side-by-side in peace with Israel? Yet instead of pressuring the Palestinians, the Biden regime is focusing on efforts to “convince the Arab world that this time will be different.” This is a total inversion of reality. The Biden regime has completely forgotten, or is more likely deliberately ignoring, the fact that the Palestinian Arabs were the aggressors who sparked this conflict. Historically, a defeated aggressor, if that is what Hamas and its cohorts turn out to be, was not rewarded. Would the Biden regime, if it had been in power in 1945, have worked on a plan to expand the domains of National Socialist Germany? The possibility cannot be dismissed out of hand.
Biden is such a POS. Sorry, I don’t know what else to say. Hard to believe some in my family voted for him, and would vote to reelect him. I’ve tried reasoning with them, but it’s like beating my head against the wall.
We can see the foolishness to vote for bad policies, and liberal politicians, will cause lack of jobs, and security for that matter, and will come back to bite us.
Three years worth so far and most knee-jerk Dirtbagocrat voters are as fanatical as ever. So America is in the worst shape since the Great Depression.* Loyalty to a political party is more important than America, your friends and your family. To Dirtbagocrat voters, anyway.
*Sure, things were bad under Carter with the oil embargo against us and rampant inflation and unemployment but the Beijing Biden Regime has outrageous inflation and unemployment, a self imposed energy ban and uncountable other cases of self sabotage, particularly the up to 18 million illegal aliens invaders being invited in and feted.
These are irrefutably the worst days since the Great Depression and the long term effects will be here before long and will likely be irreparable, even if Trump overcomes vote fraud and cheating this time around.
When you talk to your relative beat their head against a wall; really! oh, “just kidding, maybe
That’s why the term “libtard” was coined!
Just one thing – “PO” is too small, instead whole.
I had a mother who did. Her words – ‘Joe’s should a good man!’ I looked at like you would some out-and-out moron. These people will either get over this illness or go down with this Dem-commie party.
I washed my hands of her and the rest of the family who refuse to see what has happened with this party that dared to put forward this wreck of a man. From open borders, to the endless male shaming, to the sick love of Islam – these people are first idiots and then dangerous to everyone.
Thank you, Robert Spencer, for always pointing out the truth about the “Palestinians” in Israel and the long standing intentions of Hamas, who will never live in peace with anyone they haven’t subjugated to Sharia. Frankly, I don’t think they deserve to live beside an advanced and civilized sovereign country like Israel and they proved it on Oct 7th. Very sad for the decent Arabs who actually did live in Israeli cities and held good jobs and even voted, but some say now they were spies. Doesn’t it say in the Bible that “He who rules Israel shall never sleep?
Paul Johnson has a must-read titled “A History of the Jews” that does the same clarification of this faux “palestinians”.
“Modern Times” is also a must have book.
As the saying goes: “Tell me about it”.
meanwhile, sleepy Joe ponders his VP for 2024.
Fetterman’s name was mentioned.
Sleepy Joe’s idea for their campaign slogan: “Biden/Fetterman in 2024 – It’s a No Brainer!”
20 years ago a little sweet Gazan baby boy, indoctrinated from birth, grew up to be a rapist and murderer. So will the little boys in Gaza today.
Egypt and Jordan refuse to take these animals for the threat they pose to their rule.
KiIIem all Israel.
Israel should take out its true enemies arming and funding Hamas and the Houthis, Iran and the Biden administration!
Biden, his administration, and the democratic party are already well on their way towards full implementation of their
Stab-in-the-Back policies against Israel and Jews and America and US citizens.
America and US citizens have been, and are now being betrayed by many of its political leaders, particularly Biden, his administration, and the democrat party.
America and US citizens have two insidious and deadly enemies right now: Islam and Mexico.
Of the two, Mexico does by far the most damage.
I do wonder what the REAL agenda is here. Hunter worked for a Ukrainian energy company and as soon as his dad fixed the voting machines war throws up energy prices dramatically.
Israel offered to broker peace between Russia and Ukraine and the west rejected it.
Then billions were given to islamic dictators and they attack the ONLY nation prepared to negotiate peace.
How does the military industrial complex react?
That colossal idiot Sleepy Joe is loyal only to his own belly.
His exceptionally low I.Q. is now joined with his increasing dementia; making his courtier press exhaust themselves having to clean up after him 24/7.
Israel might as well make the crime fit the punishment. Israel has be accused of genocide and ethnic cleansing when the Islamofascist Empire been doing that for 1,400+ years now. Deport all the invader. What more punishment can the anti-semites actually do?
Considerably less damage if they were to be deported.
Let’s go whole hog here:
Any country who supports Hamas and a Palestinian State has no right to exist, has lost all rights and privileges to exist.
History tells us that modern day Palestinian/Muslim conquest will not endure, but dissolve like the Assyrian, Babylonian and the Roman Empires.
Britain’s Palestine Mandate double whammy oil greed and anti-Semitism marked the beginning of the decline of the British Empire. The European Union will implode because of its hatred for Israel. If Americans don’t vote out and remove the Obama/Biden regime, it will not survive. America will be conquered by the “revitalized” Muslim Empire, which will inevitably collapse, as it did before.
The Muslim European agenda of invasion migration is erasing borders. The US government’s border policy is erasing borders.
The world wants to erase Israel, not just her borders.
The world didn’t erase Germany after WWll.
Britain anointed herself with oil and Jewish blood by barring Jews fleeing Nazi Europe and creating all the countries that today say Israel shouldn’t exist. Thirty of the UN’s 193 member countries do not recognize Israel.
The entire world feels it has the presumptuous authority to forcibly whittle down Israel to dust.
Israel is the land
that God and only God has set aside for the Jewish people, for eternity, as recorded time and time again in the Torah, the Prophets and the Writings of the eternal people Israel.
When enemies talk about ‘from the river to the sea’ it’s not about a massive chunk of land, like it’s between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean. Look at a map and see the huge swathe of Muslim Arab self proclaimed “countries” that surround Israel. Israel is a minuscule dot, a holy dot, amidst that huge land area, most of which is uninhabited. 95% of Egypt is uninhabited. 90% of Jordan is uninhabited. Plenty more room in Qatar. Any where. Leave Israel alone in her true God-given borders.
The world against Israel should really stop its antediluvian behavior, suck it up, admit its guilt and inner Nazi, and finally show some shame and contrition for all the murder and pain they hath wrought, lest they be the ones who cease to exist, and all that they incessantly schemed and plotted against Israel will happen to them.
The Biden Stab-in-the- Back policy against Israel is well under way.
The Biden Stab-in-the- Back policy against America and US citizens is well under way.
From The River To The Sea, Israel Shall Still Be…… For over 1000 years longer will Israel exist. But first comes some of God’s planned events.
1.. The rise of the two beasts of Revelation 13
2. The end of this age, or dispensation of time, in which the Gentiles have dominion over Israel.
3. The beginning of the 7-year tribulation period known as The Great Tribulation
4. The taking of the Bride of Christ home to be with Jesus.
5. The Abominiation of Desolation
6. The great battle of Armageddon
7. The final judgement of the Gentile nations and Israel for the rejection of Jesus as Messiah.
Those are just some of the events coming to earth very very soon and Israel will afterwards be God’s oracle for the 1000 year reign of Jesus. Believe it or don’t believe it. Your choice.
All people need to have is a desire for truth and prayerfully read God’s Word. No one, and I repeat, no one will take what God has given to Israel. Not now, not ever.
AND YET, AIPAC and Jews will overwhelmingly vote for Democrats and fund their campaigns. Democrats First… Jew Last.
I also call many of them JINO’S!
DEMOCRATS have always sided against our Enemies! ALWAYS!
“…in addition to the United States” were “rushing to complete a detailed, comprehensive plan for long-term peace between Israel and Palestinians, including a firm timeline for the establishment of a Palestinian state, that could be announced as early as the next several weeks.” This lovey-dovey pic of Biden & Abbas is nothing. Biden is just acting and Abbas despises Biden and any American president. As far as a Palestinian state is concerned, that is an illusion. The Palestinians have turned down 6-7 previously negotiated agreements with Israel making several concessions. The Palestinians will turn this one down too because it is a money maker for Abbas, PLO, & Hamas. The Palestinians do not want a two-state solution. They want the destruction of Israel. Period.
Joe Biden has ,again revealed his own completerly evil and sinister character by releasing of ten billion dollars in frozen funds to that hostile anti-Jewish anti-Israel bellicose Islamic regime of Iran which had encouraged that horrendous hand heinous vile jihad terror entity ,Hamas , to engage those totally evil jihadist Islamic terrorists on October 7th supplying Hamas with many deadly to weapons to commit mass murder against the Jewish people who are also the citizens of the State of Israel.
Therefore, Biden in a very insidious way is giving a grand reward to that demonic jihad group ,Hamas for Its murderous Islamic terror attacks on 1/7/23 by allowing Iran to receive all that money to further the Islamic murder jihad attack by Hamas and also Hezbollah and Islamic jihad.
Joe Biden speaking empty and false words when says that he’s a “Christian ” but by his actions he has proven that he is one of the sons of Satan.
The once-great United Stadtes of America is now a terror state no thanks to the Biden/Obama administration. These two monsters and their sycophants will, I predict, face a reckoning at the hands of the American people. The greatest and most successful experiment in the history of mankind appears to be over, destroyed by gangsters, and permitted, and even encouraged by fundamentally decent Americans who forgot their history and the founding principles of their country as well as the nature of evil. There is plenty of shame to go all around. Now, what to do about it? Hmmmmm.
History will record that Obongo and Bidumb worked to purposefully destroy the United States of America in order to bring about the One-World government of the Antichrist. Both of these wanna-be dictators are willing servants of Satan and among the most evil tyrants to ever walk upon this earth.
The Obama-Biden administration has proposed a draft for an Anti-Israel, Pro-Hamas Resolution to the UN Security Council to force a temporary ceasefire upon Israel to halt the Rafah Offensive.
The administration wants to torpedo Israel’s slated seizure of Rafah where one of the last bastions of Hamas terrorists and hostages, including Americans are believed to be located. If our hostages are not home by Ramadan, the fighting will continue and expand to Rafah. No Wonder Egypt doesn’t want to take in Palestinian refugees. They would be taking in the same trouble makers that are causing the problems for Israel.
Whatever it takes to prevent this awful thing from happening is a cheap price to pay. Whatever it takes. Whatever it takes.
Every person in Gaza or the WB age 30 or under has spent their entire life being raised by a homicidal, degenerate death cult. The idea that any of them are interested in “peace” is just another Multicultural Delusion.
When Reality – in the form of a few thousand bloodthirsty Hamas terrorists – goes up against Multicultural Delusions, Reality wins through rape, kidnapping and murder.
Anyone who still clings to their Delusions is insane.
“Palestine” is merely a device to destroy Israel. “Palestinians” are indistinguishable from other Arabs in neighboring states in language, religion and culture (the only real distinction being that every Arab state except Jordan denies them citizenship in order to increase their enmity toward Israel. Any Palestinian” state would be an irredentist terrorist base with genocidal intent toward Israeli Jews.
Yes, although Paleosimians are descended from many ethnicities, not just Arabs.
How about this:
If Palestine becomes a country Israel could wage “legitimate war” against it
AND WIPE IT OUT like we did to Germany or Japan???
God almighty! Seriously – we’re still living with the fallout and consequences of WW1, now the Biden administration wants to impose an equivalent of the Treaty of Versailles on Israel? Hello…anyone with a brain in their head? What do you not understand about not repeating the mistakes of the past? So United States and a consortium of Arab countries wants to impose an unilateral land for peace deal on Israel, they except this to do what exactly? Bring everlasting peace or setting up the stage for a further war, where Arab countries would use this so-called fictional country called Palestine as a launching pad to conduct yet another 1948 type war to exterminate Jews and their country?
To be as corrupt as Joe Biden, you can’t have a soul.
In all fairness. those two scoundrels , Biden and Abbas , do deserve each other. They make a fitting sinister political match.
If the Palestinians lay down their arms there would be peace. If the Israelis lay down their arms, there would be 8 million dead Jews. I know
this as plainly as I know any basic reality.
Biden is slowly working toward the annihilating Israel.
It is exactly what Obama wanted… destroy Israel from the river to the sea.
O’Biden is a total piece of human excrement. It is astounding how anti-American, anti-Israel, pro-China and pro-Iran he actually is. He would sell his own mother for a nickel. I truly wonder how his 1st wife ended up driving drunk and driving in front of an 18-wheeler.
Biden’s master, obama, did say he’d side with islam , didn’t he?
The actions of the Biden administration to aid Islamic terrorism are incomprehensible. The only thing Israel can rely on is itself. The 100% support for Israel promised in Biden’s celebratory speeches are just empty promises.