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Old Joe Biden on Sunday recounted a conversation he says he had not long after he was elected with “Mitterrand of Germany.” Of the many remarkable achievements of this singular man’s presidency, this has got to rank as the most remarkable of all, for François Mitterrand was not “of Germany;” he was president of France from 1981 to 1995, and he died in 1996. Many people are pointing to Old Joe’s words as just the latest in a long string of indications that he is unfit for the presidency, but look at the bright side: if the man can summon the dead, maybe he could have a chat with Charlemagne or Jan Sobieski, and turn this mess around. Four more years!
Biden claims he recently met with French president Mitterrand. Mitterrand died in 1996.
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) February 6, 2024
Biden related his feat of necromancy during a campaign stop in Las Vegas, while he was expatiating upon his favorite subject, the evils of Emmanuel Goldstein, that is, Donald J. Trump. Biden told the horrified crowd that Trump was “calling January 6th insurrections — you know what he calls them? ‘Patriots.’” The crowd duly booed, and even the exhausted transcript wonks didn’t catch or bother to correct the fact that Old Joe called the patriots “insurrections” rather than “insurrectionists.”
This new accusation was a variant on Biden’s oft-repeated lie that Trump called National Socialist demonstrators in Charlottesville “fine people.” In repeating this false claim, Biden has never had the decency to mention that Trump also said “I’ve condemned neo-Nazis…but not all of those people were neo-Nazis.” Instead, the sinister old lie machine intentionally gives his audiences the impression that Trump was calling the Nazis “fine people.” Now, in the same way, Biden is claiming that Trump was referring to all the Jan. 6 rioters as “patriots,” when it is certain that the former president did not mean to include Ray Epps or other deep state plants who fomented the phony “insurrection” under that rubric.
Immediately after this, Old Joe shifted gears and dived into his tale of chatting with the great German leader Mitterrand. “You know, right — right after I was elected, I went to what they call a G7 meeting, all the NATO leaders. And it was in — it was in the south of England. And I sat down and I said, ‘America is back.’” It’s breathtaking to see Biden boast about this after all he has done to destroy America’s economy, national integrity, and standing in the world, but if there is one quality that Biden has repeatedly shown himself to have in all his decades of fattening at the public trough, it’s audacity.
The garrulous old liar plowed on: “And Mitterrand, from Germany — I mean, from France,” yes, he managed to correct one, but not the other, “looked at me and said — said, ‘You know, what — why — how long you back for?’” This, of course, brought down the house, which was packed with leftist sycophants. Over at, they matter-of-factly crossed out “Mitterrand” and added “Macron” in brackets, but why should they hide the fact that their guy can converse with the dead?
This could come in very handy. Old Joe could get advice from Jefferson, Madison, and Lincoln. The only drawback, of course, is that he is much more likely to consult with Emma Goldman, Karl Marx, and Ché Guevara. Seriously, though, this is just the latest sign that the man in the Oval Office is absolutely unfit to be acting as president of the United States. If Old Joe had an R after his name, 25th Amendment proceedings would have removed him from office within months, if not weeks, of his inauguration, and he would be harmlessly cursing his aides on a sunny Delaware beach right now. The longer he remains president, the weaker America appears on the world stage, and the more emboldened the nation’s enemies become. Those who are running the Biden regime have never demonstrated any concern about that, and want to keep their figurehead in place for the next four years.
If they defeat the hated Trump, which, of course, they will pull out all the stops to accomplish, and succeed in installing Old Joe as their frontman until he is 86 years old, the next big question will be this: which one will fail first? Biden, or America itself?
The real question is what Macron said to Biden at the G7. I think it was like this “get lost you old pervert”
Brandon is truly a remarkable President …
Not only can he speak with the dead …
But he can speak with ghosts from another dimension in which Frenchmen elect the President of Germany …
… in his spare time he must write counter-factual, dystopian science fiction …
I don’t suppose the held a séance and contacted his Ghost? This is getting funny now
They have to keep him propped up until after the convention. the best thing that could happen for the nation with regard to BIden is that he gets incapacitated so he cannot run. Of course they will probably get actors to fill in the gaps. They obviously don’t want their chosen candidate to have to face a campaign.
A little inspiration from “Weekend at Bernies” perhaps.
NOTICE that no one corrected him. Why not? Because he’d blow a gasket and maybe couldn’t remember who he said five seconds earlier, or he’d get more confused and then brush it off TO LAUGHS from The Zombies!
Joe “Gaffy Duck” Biden: “I’m a Quack Quack Quack!”
I can’t wait for the debates which there should be a wall between them because Joe WILL blow a gasket with the ammunition Trump has in his arsenal! Joe’s Aides: “Just smile and shake your head and then your famous line, ‘Come on man!'”
Is the failure of the Immigration Bill going to lead FJB to grant full amnesty to 30-40 million as the solution? Elon Musk repeated what I have been writing for years: All New Voters for the Democratic Party leading to “ONE-PARTY RULE!” He’ll do it and “WE the People” will bombard the internet sites like this one to write REALLY REALLY REALLY MEAN AND ANGRY COMMENTS, and to prove to the Democrats who angry we are, we’ll add five !!!!!. That’ll show ’em!
Biden could drool at the podium and his supporters would still vote for him. Period.
Not surprising at all, since Joe Biden himself died years ago.
Of course, a day or two later Biden couldn’t remember “Hamas” and, once prompted by a “reporter”, referred to the murderous, anti-Semitic terrorist group as “the opposition,” as if it was the Republicans, although, to be honest, in his addled mind there probably is no difference. What a daily disgrace he is. I watched a 35 plus minute interview Sunday that Maria Barteromo did with Trump. It is literally inconceivable that Biden could have done such an interview for even five minutes.
I watched one with Trump and Rob Schmitt the other day. It was great, but my friend interrupted it with a phone call. Oh, well, you have to to give service to friends.
I’m in awe of the capabilities of Biden. Up here, in the Great White North, our idiot, Trudoofus, can only declare that “the budget will balance itself “” a far cry from conversing with dead people!
Joe Biden is so very weak and feeble in body that he can’t even walk on a platform without falling.
Likewise, Biden is so very weak and feeble in mind that he can’t be a competent United States President.
To give only two example, out of many about his feeble mind. Biden had said “Imagine had the tobacco industry been immune to prostitute being sued, come on.” .and he also said “If you’re paddling upstream in a canoe and a wheel falls, off how many pancakes fit in a doghouse.”
This strong reminder that the ancient Greek philosopher Plato wrote, “The penalty for refusing to take part in politics is to be ruled men inferior to yourself.”
An idiot Joe Biden truly is. For example, senseless Biden declared, “Imagine had the Tobacco industry been immune to prostitute being sued, come on.”
Therefore, the more Joe Biden speaks the more he reveals that he has terrible cognition problems.
As in another time when is declared “America a nation that can be defined in a single word. In the foothills of the Himalaya with Xi Jinping traveling with him 1700 miles.”
Likewise, Biden is so very feeble –minded that he can’t even get an old saying right. For example, he said “Buy a man eat fish, the day, teach man to a lifetime.”
Joe Biden in a speech declared, “Imagine had the Tobacco industry been immune to prostitute being sued, come on.”
This is reminiscent of the dénouement in C.S. Lewis’s That Hideous Strength. The scene is a banquet attended by politicians and intelligentsia, and, as the speeches progress, they become increasingly comprised of incomprehensible gibberish, at which juncture the comment is made “Qui Verbum Dei contempserunt eis auteretur etiam Verbum hominis” (“They that have despised the Word of God, from them shall the word of man also be taken away)
excellent observation … and so true …
Count on Lewis for many pithy and pointed observations about wickedness …
Good old Biden, he can make you laugh at what he does or says.
The concerns for America’s security grows with a President that can’t even remember things he was updated on. Hes just an actor playing a part, but not fully with it.
I believe that Joe Biden is not going to the Democrat nominee for President in 2024, they can’t prop him up for another four years and I’m sure they’re very nervous about just getting him through the end of this year. Biden doesn’t know what planet he’s on half the time and is a dementia riddled sock puppet that’s just following orders from his handlers – whom I believe to be Obama and company. Barack Obama is getting near the end of his third term and he needs a fourth term to complete his “transforming America” (i.e. destruction of America) agenda. The only way he can be assured of that fourth term is to get Michelle elected and run the operations behind the scenes.
The Republicans need to get ahead of what most assuredly will happen this Fall. They must start openly discussing and reporting about the coming election like you know that Michelle Obama will be running. The Democrats and Obamas will deny it because they want to keep the target on Biden’s back for as long as possible then slip in Michelle at the last minute – the focus need to shift to Michelle Obama. The Republicans need to plan their strategy correctly and if they believe the false narrative that Biden is actually running they will be sorely out maneuvered and very unprepared for a Michelle Obama campaign.
I don’t believe Biden will step aside until just before their convention in August and that’s when Michelle will be put forward and selected by their party. The resulting love-fest coming from all quarters (news media, talk shows, Hollywood, and any possible venue you can think of) will be like none you’ve ever seen. Barack was treated like the second coming of Christ, Michelle will be treated like the third coming. While at the same time the attacks against Trump will come with a fervor beyond anything he, or the world for that matter, has experienced before.
The Democrats are diabolically evil, but are very, very good at deception and planning. They are prepared to do whatever it takes to win the election. They don’t care if it’s unethical, immoral, or illegal – it’s win at all cost. The Republicans need to get their heads out of the sand and plan for who is really going to be the opposing candidate or they won’t even have a chance of taking back the White House.