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This is the exciting new decency is it?
Biden gave his latest “everyone who disagrees with me is a threat to democracy” speech in Arizona to “honor the legacy of Senator John McCain”. (You would think that open borders would be enough of an honor.)
And the speech, in typical Biden fashion, started on an awkward note.
John and I used to travel together. When John got back from all the time in Vietnam in prison — when he was released, he decided he wanted to go back to stay in the military. And he was assigned to the United States Senate and to the military office there that travels with senators when they travel abroad.
And John and I put in a couple hundred thousand miles together. And on our way to — I think I was going to either China — I forget what the destination was — China, I think. And we stopped in — we stopped in Hawaii. And the — the Chief Naval — of Operations was there showing me around. They did an event for me.
And John kept looking at your mom. Oh, I’m serious. (Laughter.) And he said, “My God, she’s beautiful.” (Laughter.) I said — and I said, “Yeah, she is, John.” And I said, “Well, you to go up and say hi to her.” He said, “No, no, no, no, no, no.” (Laughter.) “I’m not going to do that.”
Well, as your mom come — I won’t go into more detail, but I’ll tell you: I insisted that they meet. (Laughter.) And I take credit. I take credit for you guys. (Laughter and applause.)
That might be a romantic story about Biden playing wingman to McCain, except that he was married at the time.
Biden was actually encouraging McCain to cheat on his wife who was sick and had lost her looks.
Her car had skidded on icy roads into a telegraph pole on Christmas Eve, 1969. Her pelvis and one arm were shattered by the impact and she suffered massive internal injuries.
When Carol was discharged from hospital after six months of life-saving surgery, the prognosis was bleak. In order to save her legs, surgeons
had been forced to cut away huge sections of shattered bone, taking with it her tall, willowy figure. She was confined to a wheelchair and was forced to use a catheter.
Through sheer hard work, Carol learned to walk again. But when John McCain came home from Vietnam, she had gained a lot of weight and bore little resemblance to her old self.
Joe Biden knew all this and decided to send in his wife to help get Cindy and John together.
The McCain and Biden families have been friends for a long time. In 1979, now-first lady Jill Biden introduced John McCain to then-Cindy Lou Hensley.
“It was at a cocktail party in Hawaii, and I was with my parents. Jill’s the one — ‘Why don’t you go over and talk to him?’ I guess he was looking my way. I wasn’t paying any attention anyway,” she said.
What kind of man sends in his wife to encourage another man to cheat on his disabled wife? A Joe Biden.
McCain’s despicable behavior built a friendship with Biden, but destroyed his relationship with the Reagans.
Outside her Bel-Air home, Nancy Reagan stood arm in arm with John McCain and offered a significant — but less than exuberant — endorsement.
“Ronnie and I always waited until everything was decided, and then we endorsed,” the Republican matriarch said in March. “Well, obviously this is the nominee of the party.” They were the only words she would speak during the five-minute photo op.
In a written statement, she described McCain as “a good friend for over 30 years.” But that friendship was strained in the late 1970s by McCain’s decision to divorce his first wife, Carol, who was particularly close to the Reagans, and within weeks marry Cindy Hensley, the young heiress to a lucrative Arizona beer distributorship.
The Reagans rushed to help Carol, finding her a new home in Southern California with the family of Reagan aide Edwin Meese III and a series of political and White House jobs to ease her through that difficult time.
Until McCain filed for divorce, the Reagans and their inner circle assumed he was happily married, and they were stunned to learn otherwise, according to several close aides.
“Everybody was upset with him,” recalled Nancy Reynolds, a top aide to the former president who introduced him to McCain.
All of this may be ancient history, but it matters because Cindy McCain is now acting like the guardian of some sort of legacy of decency within the GOP, when she’s actually a homewrecker who colluded with Biden.
Biden and Cindy McCain aren’t the guardians of decency, but the most indecent people around.
But here’s Biden again.
And I just told your mom: John and I had something in common, we both married way above our station — (laughter) — way above our station.
Biden and McCain did have something in common. They both cheated on their wives and lied about it.
So you can see why Jill and Cindy get along so well.
NAVY ET1 says
Don’t get me started on McCain. I had a wheelchair-bound ex-military instructor in advanced electronics ‘E’ school that decided one day to go off on him. No lesson taught that day. Not exactly sure what the trigger was, but a room full of 60 students watched as he melted down to the ground. Knew him personally. Gave times, dates and personal experiences as to why John was an undeniable traitor to the Republic. I didn’t then, nor have I since, had any reason to doubt him or his experiences.
Biden, not only liking him but encouraging him to cheat on his wife, is par for the course and makes them two peas in a pod.
Cassandra says
So Bi Dung could feel better about the way he met the bride of Frankenstein – I mean doc Jill…
Jeff Bargholz says
Or in his case, the bride of Pedostein.
Jeff Bargholz says
Alzheimer Joe and fake Dr Jill are about as scummy as it gets.
Every time Joe opens his mouth, he lies and says something inappropriate. And I hate the obviously fake laughter. Nothing Jejune Joe has EVER been funny. His attempts at humor are cringe worthy. That fake laughter comes from his handlers, staff and Dirtbagocrat fake news media. They might as well just use canned laughter like in those old TV shows.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Biden is a loose cannon when he goes off script. Must give his handlers nightmares 🙂
Ernest says
I’m still PO’ed at the GOP for forcing me to vote for John McCain. And Romney, too, while I’m at it. They definitely don’t send their best.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, they’re going to be gnashing their teeth in impotent fury when Trump easily wins the nomination in 2024.
I’ll be chuckling.
Beez says
Your chuckling will be short-lived. Trump will go on trial in DC, just days after he wins that nomination.
Beez says
What are his chances of acquittal in DC? Don’t blame me. I didn’t want this.
Jeff Bargholz says
He’ll beat it in the end. He beats everything. Thhat’s what appeals are for. He’ll be President before it ends and then he’ll be untouchable. I predict he’ll foolishly wait until it reaches the supreme Court and is overturned, rather than go after every piece of shit criminal behind these phony indictments and throwing them in jail with no due process like the January 6th tourists.
If it were me, they’d all dragged out of their homes at 3;00 AM in their underwear with news cameras there and locked up for years before they saw a judge, and it would be a hanging judge.
Una Salus says
commonsense says
Will you stop your incoherent zealous ravings already? You’re just embarrassing yourself. No one knows what the hell you’re talking about. I think you may be autistic or have Asberger’s Syndrome, so I’ve said little or nothing about your inappropriate posts, but enough is enough. Get help.
commonsense says
Delete “zealous.” A slip of the stylus occurred while I was trying to post my comment, which resulted in Autocorrect “helping” to make sense of it. But my comment stands, Oh, and I spelled “Asperger” incorrectly. Sorry.
CowboyUp says
I think it’s alcohol, but he left it at one one sentence post, instead of 20 or 30, so I’m grateful. It’s sad, because when Una’s sober he has a lot of knowledge and some keen insights. A lot of times I do understand what he’s trying to say, but the multiple one sentence train of thought posts are annoying, and I end up skipping them. He should at least wait until he has five or six lines built up before he hits “post comment.” Then I might read it, even if they are a somewhat disjointed train of thought.
Jeff Bargholz says
Una is a chick. And yes, she obviously has a drinking problem. Too bad. As you noted, she writes cogent comments while she’s sober.
Alcohol makes fools of all of us.
Every time I’ve got my ass kicked, I was drunk.
Frank b says
Alarming story I was not aware of. But it’s mentioned that Biden cheated on his wife that part I do not know about anybody in for me . I’ve heard a lot about Biden, but I’ve never heard that that he cheated on his wife? Not that I’m surprised.
They should make a movie on the real Biden but Despicable Me has already been taken
CowboyUp says
Gru was actually smart and likeable, unlike biden. Totally different plot line. Dispicable is taken, but digusting isn’t.
Fred A. says
You look at people like Biden and McCain and realize just how corrupt the U.S. government is and how the moral standards in America has declined.
Ross Perot says
Ross Perot: “After he came home, he walked with a limp, she [Carol McCain] walked with a limp. So he threw her over for a poster girl with big money from Arizona [Cindy McCain] and the rest is history.”
Also Cindy appointed former Burisma employee Evelyn Farkas as CEO of the McCain Institute.
Classy pick
“A former Defense Department official during President Obama’s administration admitted under oath that she lied during an MSNBC interview about evidence allegedly ‘proving’ the 2016 campaign of President Donald Trump ‘colluded’ with Russia to steal the election from Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton.”
T100C1970 says
Can’t wait to hear Biden brag about how he and Jilly hooked Rielle Hunter up with John Edwards during the 2004 campaign when Edward’s wife was dying of cancer..
Jeff Bargholz says
Trump is currently suing Christopher Steele in a British court.
CowboyUp says
It won’t let me upvote you. But john and john had such great hair! Who cares what scumbags they were?
Jeff Bargholz says
That’s what appeals are for.
CowboyUp says
Pedo joe is always saying, “Hey little girl, want a piece of candy?” “Your hair smells so good, feel the hair on my legs.” It would be funny, if it wasn’t so serious.
RS says
This is the calibur of people you get on the left. Pretty pathetic.