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The remains of intercepted Iranian drones and missiles shot down over Israel and Jordan are still smoldering, and already the Bidenites are trying to prevent Israel from launching its own strike in retaliation for what Washington admits was a hugely “disproportionate” response by Iran to the killing of a high-ranking Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) commander, Mohamed Reza Zahedi, in Damascus. Biden has said his government will not take part in any attack by Israel on Iran. Apparently that “ironclad” support for Israel that the Bidenites continue to claim extends only to defensive measures. It does not include support for actions that might now be taken by the IDF to make an aggressive Iran “pay the cost” of its own aggression. Furthermore, the Bidenites have told Israel not to retaliate against Iran, but to “take the win.” If Israel were to follow the Bidenites’ advice, Iran would get away scot-free after its massive and “disproportionate” attack on Israel, that included the launching of 170 drones, 130 ballistic missiles, and 30 cruise missiles. More on the Bidenites’ attempt to persuade Israel not to retaliate can be found here: “Report: US told Israel ‘take the win’ rather than retaliate against Iran,” Israel National News, April 14, 2024:
A senior official in the Biden administration told the NBC network that US President Joe Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in their telephone conversation that while the American commitment to defend Israel is an ironclad commitment, the United States will not participate in offensive actions against Iran.
According to the official, Israel should “take the win” of its successful interception of 99% of the drones and missiles launched by Iran rather than retaliate.
The fact that Israel, with some help from the US, UK, France, and Jordan, managed to intercept 99% of Iran’s drones and missiles launched at it, does not mean that Iran should be allowed to get away with such a massive attack without suffering retaliation. Even though its attack proved to be a miserable failure, Iran still needs to suffer the only kind of consequences that will make it impossible for Tehran to try again. The Bidenites seem to think Israel should be satisfied with having escaped harm — their advice is “take the win” — and with a diplomatic victory, such as denunciation of Iran at the UN’s General Assembly. In the view of the Bidenites, that is more than enough.
Separately, National Security Council Spokesman John Kirby was interviewed on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’ program. When asked if the Iranian attack could or has led to a wider regional war, he responded, “I don’t think there’s any reason that it needs to.”
“The President doesn’t believe that it needs to move in that direction whatsoever,” he continued. “What Israel demonstrated last night was an incredible ability to defend itself. Just their own military superiority was quite remarkable yesterday.”
He added, “Israel demonstrated again that they’re not standing alone, that they have friends.”
“The President’s been clear: We don’t want to see this escalate, we’re not looking for a wider war with Iran,” he said.
Nor is Israel looking for a “wider war.” While Iran’s retaliation for the killing of its IRGC commander in Damascus was certainly hugely “disproportionate” — with its launching at Israel of 170 drones, 130 ballistic missiles, and 30 cruise missiles, Israel will likely choose not to exceed by very much that degree of lethality. But unlike Iran’s drones and missiles, Israel’s are likely not to be intercepted, but to hit their intended targets. At that point, Jerusalem will declare the “tit-for-tat” exchange over, and the Iranians, who will not have had anything like Israel’s success in intercepting missiles and drones, are likely to acquiesce. There is only so much public failure that the Iranian regime can endure, without becoming even more of a malign laughingstock than it already is.
Biden spoke to Netanyahu late on Saturday night, after Iran launched an attack on Israel involving hundreds of drones and missiles.
In a statement following the call, Biden wrote, “Earlier today, Iran—and its proxies operating out of Yemen, Syria and Iraq—launched an unprecedented air attack against military facilities in Israel. I condemn these attacks in the strongest possible terms.”
It was not just “military facilities” in Israel that were under attack. It’s true that the Nevatim Air Base and the Dimona nuclear reactor were two of the sites the Iranians were aiming for. But they also had missiles headed to Jerusalem, which the IDF shot down. Just imagine the reaction of the world’s Muslims if an Iranian missile had hit Al-Aqsa Mosque or the Dome of the Rock. Another target was apparently the Golan Heights, the site of both a military outpost and several civilian towns.
It is one thing for Biden to refuse to have the American military take part in an Israeli attack on Iran. That would open American forces in the Middle East to retaliation not just by Iran, but also by its proxies. But it is quite another thing for Biden to say that he “opposes”any attack at this point by Israel on Iran. That is asking too much of Israel, to refrain from retaliating after such an enormous, and potentially devastating attack by Iran. Israelis must feel that they have to teach Iran a lesson so that it will never try such an attack again.
The Israeli government may even decide that with the sympathy now being shown the Jewish state for the attack launched against it, a sympathy that is combined with admiration for Israel’s remarkable defenses, it should take this occasion to attack the Islamic Republic’s storehouses of ballistic and cruise missiles, and its drones. What’s more, now may be the moment to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities as it is now just a few months away from having enough enriched uranium for three bombs.. Once that “demilitarizing” of Iran is a fait accompli, and it becomes abundantly clear that all the Sunni Arab states are pleased with what Israel has managed to achieve, the Bidenites should come to appreciate how Israel has managed, in Iran as in Gaza, to enhance both its own, and the world’s, security and stability.
Israel needs to tell Biden to Go Pound Sand
Biden and the democrats show their continuing unwavering malice toward Israel, Jews and US citizens.
Wake up America and get rid of the depraved psychopathic murderous berserk democrat party and its
traitorous elite leaders.
Circular insanity…Obama feeds nuclear power for Iran, helps build it, then asks Israel not to damage it, but leave it alone so Israel can be destroyed by it…what am I missing????
FDR was selling Scrap Metal to Japan in the years before Pearl Harbor look how they used it
TaliBiden also told Israel to stay out of Haifa. Is there anything more inane than the Dumbacrap’s support for the Ismaolfascists? Whatever the dumbacraps want, do the exact opposite because the are out to commit genocide
If they’re not looking for war, why did the unelected biden administration remove all sanctions and give them millions?
It’s pretty clear who you are supporting/working for, a$$licker.
The only question is what are you trying to accomplish here?
I don’t engage with morons like him, or you for that matter. But if you want to waste your time, be my guest
It is tragic to see the US defending Iran from Israel rather than the other way around.
Right. Don’t attack Iran. Don’t retaliate because they did not kill any Jews this time.
Wait until Iran does it better and kills Jews the next time.
Then we will tell Israel not to retaliate because Iran didn’t kill that many Jews.
Then Iran will attack again and kill even more Jews.
Yeah, right. Like Chamberlain would tell us not to retaliate after Pearl Harbor.
Israel and America must recognize that a wider war is necessary in order to defeat the depraved psychopathic violent
murderous berserk hate-filled Islamic lunatics.
At a minimum, the Iranian Islamic regime must be decapitated. now.
If depraved psychopathic berserk murderous Islamic Iran decides to test Israel’s and America’s resolve, and one or
both fail to back up their words with real action that pulverizes and decapitates the depraved psychopathic murderous Iranian regime,
then Israel will most likely fall. Non-Muslims, Jews and others, will not want to live in Israel if they cannot and will not be protected. Jews and other non-Moo–Slums will have no choice other than to get out of Israel and survive somewhere else. No one wants to be a martyr. for a failed cause.
It is that simple.
And that’s why I don’t engage with Jew Haters and leftists like you.
Joe Biden sure has much ,sinister, gall to tell the government officials of the State of Israel not to retaliate against that hostile Islamic regime for its vicious missile and drone attacks against Israel and her people.
Of course , nothing else but such awful words come out of the mouth of Biden , since he’s only a puppet “president” who is the tool and useful idiot of those in high power of the Red/ Green alliance ,who behind the curtains , who control their stooge ,who is Biden.
It’s very important and necessary for the Israeli government to launch retaliatory strikes against that hostile and vicious “mullah regime” of Iran.
The reason why this is so had been explained over 200 years ago by a US President, Thomas Jefferson, who had wisely declared “With every barbarous people…force is law.”
As someone else has rightly said, “Half –measures in was is folly and madness.”
Even France and the UK realize this was an attack on Israel meant to destroy everything. First time Iran itself pulled the trigger not using proxies. All their barage of missiles and drones was shot down! Clear intentions, let us never be under any delusions of this maniacle regime and never tell Israel to restrain themselves.
I truly don’t believe Biden on the phone talking to any one.
We all know whose side Biden would have been on in WWII. It would have been on the Nazi side.
In the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Biden would have told the Jews to calm down and just go peacefully to the gas chambers. Don’t overreact to being exterminated.
Biden says don’t retaliate because it could lead to escalation but not retaliating will lead to escalation.