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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
After Old Joe Biden’s ranting, rabidly partisan declaration of war against half the country, also known as his State of the Union address, the figurehead Commander-In-Chief huddled with Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, and another sycophant, and boasted about the pressure he was putting on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: “I told him, Bibi, and don’t repeat this, but you and I are going to have a ‘come to Jesus’ meeting.” Calculated disrespect? Galloping dementia? We’ll likely never know, for, as usual, the leftist press corps is too busy propping up Old Joe to look into anything that might cast him in a negative light.
When Biden realized that what he was saying was going out to a watching world, he doubled down: “I’m on a hot mic here. Good. That was good.” Nor was this the first time that Old Joe appeared to be casting his contentious relationship with Netanyahu in religious terms. Last September, when Old Joe Biden finally invited the Israeli prime minister to the White House, after refusing to do so for nearly nine months while his regime did everything it could to undermine him, the two sat down for their first chat of Biden’s alleged presidency. As the leader of the world’s lone Jewish state began speaking, Old Joe bizarrely took the opportunity to make the sign of the cross.
What was Biden trying to do? Why did Biden choose a meeting with Netanyahu to make a sign of his much-ballyhooed, yet utterly empty and cynically displayed Catholic piety? Was it a calculated insult to a Jewish man with whom Biden has been publicly at odds? Was it a deliberate demonstration of contempt for a man Old Joe clearly hates and a nation he has tried in numerous ways to weaken, both before and after the Oct. 7 jihad attacks? Or was it simply yet another sign of the the senescent kleptocrat’s dementia? Or all of the above?
To put into perspective how odd this is, imagine if Trump had told Netanyahu that they had to have a “come to Jesus meeting,” or made the sign of the cross while sitting right next to him. There would have been a new round of “Trump is an antisemite” articles in the establishment media. The far-left propagandists and hatemongers at the ADL would have issued another in their long series of furious denunciations of the Bad Orange Man. The gesture would have been portrayed as a recrudescence of the bad old days of blood libels and false accusations against the Jews that culminated in the Holocaust. When Biden does these things, on the other hand, no one pays any attention.
Note also that Biden didn’t make the sign of the cross when he met with his friend Mahmoud Abbas, or tell him that they had to have a “come to Jesus meeting.” What’s more, Biden has made the sign of the cross more than once in the context of denouncing his enemies. On Labor Day 2023, according to the Daily Mail, the cynical old liar was speaking in Philadelphia: “As he gave shout-outs to some of the other Democratic politicians in the crowd, an attendee yelled up at him that Biden, 80, would live until 90, prompting the president to do the sign of the cross over his chest.” Biden then proceeded to denounce Trump while touting his own supposed achievements as president.
Nor was that the first time. Back in Sept. 2021, Biden made the sign of the cross at an event for his socialist comrade Gavin Newsom, who was facing a recall election in the California Socialist Republic. Old Joe likened Newsom’s opponent, Larry Elder, to Trump, and then said, “All of you know that last year I got to run against the real Donald Trump.” According to Newsweek, the aged corruptocrat “then made the sign of the cross, a common gesture among Roman Catholics that is sometimes used as a way to ward off evil.”
In a similar vein in March 2023, the Huffington Post claimed that Biden “drew laughs” by bringing up Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga): “Speaking at an event in Virginia Beach, the president asked the audience if they remembered her howls during his State of the Union speech, when she repeatedly interrupted with shouts of ‘liar!’ Biden resisted the temptation to strike back with a barb of his own and made the sign of the cross instead.”
So is Old Joe in the habit of making the sign of the cross when thinking about those whom he hates and wishes to destroy? Is that what is on his mind when he thinks of Netanyahu? It’s noteworthy in this connection that during his State of the Union address, Biden claimed that “more than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed.” The source for this wildly inflated number is Hamas. If Old Joe is willing to take the claims of his fellow serial liars in Hamas at face value, is it any wonder that he would let slip a clear indication that the first thing he thinks of when he thinks of Netanyahu is “Jew,” and not in a positive manner? Old Joe is as hateful as he is mendacious, and his misrule as president and systematic destruction of the republic will earn him the lasting opprobrium of history.
These EVIL, Depraved Scum are the worst of the worst of Humanity.
If Pedophile Rapist Joe was on life Support, I would unplug him to charge my phone…
Kasandra says
He’s not a “liberal.”. In fact, he has no principles other than self-aggrandizement. But the Left is now the center of gravity of his party so he says whatever they tell him to say. He is just a wretched human being without a shred of integrity, honesty, or intellect.
10ffgrid says
The “evil” that he displays is without remorse. You described him quite accurately.
Brown Wolf says
I agree with you, 100%. He’s always been a pathological liar. We, the people, deserve much better than this corpse.
Alex Bensky says
Imagine if he’d said he needed a “Come to Jesus” moment with a Muslim leader. The msm would be all over it and he’d apologize profusely for insensitivity. But as always, somehow it’s different when Jews are involved.
Of course this is the guy who made a true statement about an illegal immigrant who murdered a young woman…and then apologized to the murderer for insensitivity.
David Ray says
Hear, hear! The 🍻 🇺🇸
Couldn’t agree more, and deep down, so does Sleepy.
He knows the fanatical muslims would riot in the streets, and possibly even lay siege to the W.H. as AntiFa/BLM did to Trump in 2020
10ffgrid says
“somehow it’s different” ……. of course it is – he’s a democrat.
Maha says
I would amend that to “a filthy pig”.
Jeff Bargholz says
I”d charge his buttplug before I’d charge Alzheimer Joe’s life support.
VOWG says
Biden needs to be in the dementia ward of a nursing home.
Brown Wolf says
Biden serves his lord and master Satan, the father of lies. What is he doing talking about a “come to Jesus meeting”. I find that very offensive.
R M says
Mr. Netanyahu simply needs to ignore heathen Biden and keep up the bombing of Gaza and terrorism supporters until all the hostages are released. Never negotiate with hostage takers and Netanyahu needs to turn Gaza into a giant ashtray if necessary… maybe the Israeli air force needs “30 seconds over Tehran” and other hostile countries that are financing Hamas and other hostage taking groups.
Tionico says
I suspect Bini knows more aobut Jesus than does Dopey Joey. Perhaps the “come to Jesus” mme would be more for Joey’s benefit.. not that ha’d give a rat’s backside about it all.
Further proof that this Clown in Chief is a despicable suit devoid of anything good, right, true, or beautiful. and thus worthy of being had out onto the dungheap.
pie says
biden forgot he was talking to a jew. ahh well, same old song “rules for thee not for me.”, another example from our leaders of the two tier justice system.
CowboyUp says
Epic cluelessness, joe’s trademark. He just can’t help putting his foot in his mouth.
Kasandra says
So you don’t think that was intentional in order to give the message to Netanyahu without officially saying it? I’m now so cynical I believe it was absolutely intentional.
CowboyUp says
Sure it was, but the way he said it was typical joe, “Come to Jesus,” to the Israeli PM? He managed to be arrogant, condescending, insulting, and stupid, all at the same time.
pie says
i was being cynical about “forgot”. seems the justification for poor leadership is daily, “not cynical”. biden justified comments speak volumes of what is in his heart. at least the jews openly decline to acknowledge Jesus as the messiah. if biden was an astute catholic he would understand the importance of taking communion. no practicing catholic with an ounce of integrity could support a man of higher leadership who openly mocks jesus. its called sac religion. and its a sin for all catholics. while the catholic church scrambles to cover for biden comment and actions. i am not opposed to practicing religion, but dang at least make a small effort to practice with dilligence. biden has undermined all good that practicing catholics have worked for. following Jesus Christ. for those who are unaware. catholics believe the authority of jesus christ has been passed down from christ to present day pope. how catholics justify the dark ages, i do not know. interestingly the jewish Sadducees of the time of jesus have declined to acknowledge the authority of christ to present. knowing the history of religion helps to understand how the “comming to jesus” comment is a mockery of epic proportions. its in his heart and i dont believe its jesus in there.
Tionico says
Two things. First, the bible clearly states that Jesus, by virtue of His life, death, resurretion, and ascension, has put (past perfect tense) ALL THINGS under His feet. Thus no pope, vicar, head poohbah, can ever sttand in he place of Jesus. That pope guy is known as “the vicar (placeholder, representative) of CHrist on earth. Poppycick and balderdash. This should be plainly obvious upin even cursory cinsideration f the current ecuse of a “leader” for the roman church. I say this as having been birn inti and raised roman catholic from birth… until i was called OUT of that group. So no, Biden’s hipocrisy is all on him.
Second, ol Joey Buy Dem is a VERY religious man.. he studiously and passo=ionatley wirhips his “god”, :himself. Every word he slurs, every beath he steals, ecery step hs shuffles, is all about HIM. His offspring also bear this out, as each of them busy themselves about worshipping the same god Joey does…..:. themselves. Observe how faithfully and unreservedly they all perform this worship.. of themselves.
Gary says
I guess that Jesus was actually born a Jew. Funny thing to say to a leader of the Jewish nation, although I’m not surprised any more of the stupidity that FJB vomits out on a regular basis.
Lightbringer says
Jesus was born a Jew, he lived his entire life as a Jew, he died as a Jew, and he was buried as a Jew. What else could he have been? A Romanized pagan?
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Robert! That ranks as one of the stupidest things Joe has said.
roberta siegel says
biden is an Obama puppet Obama was the only”leader” to vote against Israel and for Palestine at U,N, No surprise that Dunham, Soeteero{Obama} biden would vote against Israel as per Obama’s instructions
Gary says
Afterall, Obama is in reality a half-breed muslim. He always hated Israel because of his “true” moslem beliefs.
john blackman says
the jews have no friends , borne out by the pathological liar in chief dementia joe . to think that america voted for this incompetent do nothing empty suit is beyond belief . he will do and say whatever is politically expedient and his control staff will continue to follow suit in endless lies as they prop him up . the sotu address was a disgraceful rant encouraged by the greatest bunch of cowards , miscreants , carpetbaggers , gravy train riders and child murderers in americas political history on both sides of the isle . his crossing himself is no different than muslims crying allah akbar as they murder any opposition . biden is a permanent stain on the republic and no amount of MSM spin will change it . the only hero of the moment was the father who lost his son in afghanistan voicing his disapproval at bidens shameful treason .
R M says
Mr. Blackman….what is your guess that Biden was hopped up on crank or something when delivering the rant SOTU address?
john blackman says
RM . its a given .!!
pie says
amen. found it chilling they arrested Steve Nikoui for “wrong speak” during state of the union, “gold star” dad who lost his son in botched Afghanistan withdrawl. while pro-Palestinian protesters get off scott free blocking motorcade route to state of the union. all while Americans are held hostage by Palestinians in gaza. slap in the face to all American military families.
Tionico says
America did NOT vote for this worse than empty suit. Select operatives were dispatched who rigged the voting process and voilá, we got Doped with Joey.
And they are already hard at work setting things up to do it again. They’ve failed at “taking ou” of action the one that SHOULD have been installed last go-round. So it will come down to JRB and DJT once more. Unless………
pie says
i do not believe in coincidence so i really need to get this off my chest. the word “trump” or a version of the word “trump” appears in the king james version of the bible 137 times. its an interesting fact. the times we live in. cannot think of anyone elses last name mentioned in the bible this many times. to further complicate. if someone were to describe the man djt. would it be a trumpet.? have you ever stood next to bad trumpet player, its annoying. i think its the intention in the bible to garner attention when using the word trump not to soothe and calm. like a reality check.
susan ignatius says
“Trump” does not translate into “trumpet” but rather as a verb… to excel, to surpass and outdo.
pie says
137 times is no coincidence.
rev 4:1
After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.
GE says
Biden in a come to Jesus meeting, that’s blasphemy if I’ve ever heard it. The only Catholic I can think of who supports abortion in such a high position of authority besides Biden sadly enough may be the pope. About the only difference between the two men is, once in a while the pope manages to tell the truth.
Mo de Profit says
He most definitely is too cowardly to do that to Abbas, the islamic cowards would take him out.
Chaya says
A common ( and I mean common as in low class) aspect of anti Semitism is overt disrespect. It’s a bully tactic. While fellow haters get to snort and giggle, it just demeans the person doing it and not his target.
Can Biden or Obama stoop any lower? Especially with regard to the Jewish people and nation.
Darrel says
Complete idiot.
Kasandra says
And evil. Don’t forget evil.
Jeff Bargholz says
And he shits his pants daily.
sue says
Hello Dr..Spencer, and all – Is it that President Biden does not understand that the sign of the cross would be just as offensive to Pres.Netanyahu as it would to Pres.Abbas? Or is it the usual double standards of politics, which tell you who you must not offend, and who you can safely offend?
And is the cross a Christian symbol?
The Greek word rendered “cross” in many modern Bible versions (“torture stake” in NW) is stau·rosʹ. In classical Greek, this word meant merely an upright stake, or pale. Later it also came to be used for an execution stake having a crosspiece. The Imperial Bible-Dictionary acknowledges this, saying: “The Greek word for cross, [stau·rosʹ], properly signified a stake, an upright pole, or piece of paling, on which anything might be hung, or which might be used in impaling [fencing in] a piece of ground. . . . Even amongst the Romans the crux (from which our cross is derived) appears to have been originally an upright pole.”—Edited by P. Fairbairn (London, 1874), Vol. I, p. 376.
pie says
if Jesus Christ was sacrificed with a gun would you wear a gun around your neck? or holster it on your hip? some Christian beliefs do not worship the method/symbol. method/symbol worship is a catholic based belief. seek the true authority of Jesus Christ.
pie says
my comment is harsh. the cross is a worldwide symbol for good. i do not intend to insult those who hold it sacred. sincere apology. i always wish to uphold any “good fruit” , no matter the details of belief system.
Tionico says
the early church did not make regular use of the cross as a symbol or reminder of Jesus and His life and work. No, it was tye symbol of the fish. Why? Because Jesus was a fisher of men… and so are we who follow Him.
today the cross as a symbol is more frequently as a talisman, a fake charm to ward off evil spirits…. but as Joe proves, it is with jo real meaning, and certainly not with any level of understanding of the significance of that cross.
The important thing is not the means of His unjust execution, but that it happened.. at the hands of the religious rulers of the day in cahoots with the local government.. that of Rome. Herod and Pilate became fast friends the day that “troublemaker” Jesus was finally dealt with. Or so they thought. One can only imagine the extreme astonishment and disbelief when, three days later, word began to circulate that that same Jesus whom they murdered was alive, going about and meeting His friends and followers. Uh oh, we messed up big time.. we THOUGHT we were shut of Him. Now look at what’s happening. And, forty years in exactly as that same Jesus promised, He sent the Roman armies to utterly destroy the sacred Temple they all worshipped (and used for private gain) and then turned to make desolate the entire city of Jerusalem, leaving behind a scorched earth empty plain devoid if all life.
Who won?
sue says
Hello Tionico. Re the cross as a religious symbol – and as a Convent schoolgirl (eons ago) I made “the sign of the cross” many times, and prayed in front of depictions of it.
But what is it a symbol of?
“The cross in the form of the ‘Crux Ansata’ . . . was carried in the hands of the Egyptian priests and Pontiff kings as the symbol of their authority as priests of the Sun god and was called ‘the Sign of Life.’”—The Worship of the Dead (London, 1904), Colonel J. Garnier, p. 226.
If President Netanyahu does not want to make that sign, I have every sympathy with him. Neither would I want to now. The Inspired Scriptures warn us so strongly against worshipping the creation.
Do I agree with the way Pres.Netanyahu is handling the current crisis? No I do not. Do I have any idea how to handle it without causing further devastation to both sides? No I do not. As the Hebrew Scriptures warn “It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step” And that includes us ladies too.
sue says
Hello pie – Exactly, re your point about the gun. But isn’t there something more? The cross is a religious symbol – but not a Christian one.
“The shape of the [two-beamed cross] had its origin in ancient Chaldea, and was used as the symbol of the god Tammuz (being in the shape of the mystic Tau, the initial of his name) in that country and in adjacent lands, including Egypt. By the middle of the 3rd cent. A.D. the churches had either departed from, or had travestied, certain doctrines of the Christian faith. In order to increase the prestige of the apostate ecclesiastical system pagans were received into the churches apart from regeneration by faith, and were permitted largely to retain their pagan signs and symbols. Hence the Tau or T, in its most frequent form, with the cross-piece lowered, was adopted to stand for the cross of Christ.”—An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words (London, 1962), W. E. Vine, p. 256.
Does this matter? I believe it does, very much.
pie says
hi sue, nice research. appreciate your comment. yes, i agree it matters. the pagan symbol was adopted by the catholic/christian faith. i believe in present day, the worship of the cross is a sign for good. i do not worship the cross, but i do not recognize the catholic faith as jesus christs authority here on earth (dark ages). i try to acknowledge all jesus christ based faiths as essentially good. in these times any mention of jesus christ is a breathe of fresh air. while persons of faith diligently pursue the details we must remember to love one another and be patient.. yes there is only one path with many stumbling blocks and diversions. some will be content with their beliefs and some will continuously seek out the true path to jesus christ. i also follow research in quantum physics and astronomy. it helps and reminds me to understand how unlikely our existence in this exponentially expanding universe, and every being form of life should be loved and cherished, as jesus christ taught. do not be fooled by my words. i consider myself to be a terrible example of the teachings of jesus christ but im trying. be well.
sue says
Hello pie – Yes, it is not easy to follow “the narrow road” and we all stumble many times. Many times. But it leads to life, and to “the glorious freedom of the children of God” – which is something we – the damaged, dying children of disobedient Adam – have never yet known. Do we even know what it is to be truly alive, as we are dying from the moment we are born?
When I was first shown this about the cross I did wonder if it was all a pointless sort of theological discussion about, for example, how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. (And re research, it couldn’t be made easier. Just go to the website and type “cross” into the search engine.) But then I began to think of all that has been done under the banner of the cross, and I realised that it mattered very much. What do you associate it with – don’t war and graveyards come strongly to mind?
Dwayne says
If Joe were to participate in a ‘come to Jesus’ event he would tell us ‘we are legion’.
And that would require a herd of pigs leaping out of the Washington Monument into the reflecting pond.
Dwayne says
And Joe said Netanyahu’s hurting Israel?
Netanyahu’s set his country back?
Joe’s the pot, Bibi the kettle black
Steve says
Yasser Arafat, Ilhan Omar, Vanessa Redgrave and Rashida Tlaib could more plausibly feign concern for Israel’s future than Taliban Joe.
Tionico says
if he were the lead pig I would sand and cheer.
Mike says
Biden, and all leftists, are children of hell.
Steve says
To paraphrase one of their leftist icons Hugo Chavez, you can smell the sulfur and brimstone when Joe Biden is in the room.
Or is that just another of his noxious farts, like the one he greeted King Charles and Camilla with?
Steven Brizel says
Biden is an angry old man with no ability to distinguish between enemy and friend
Steve says
Israel is an ally of the United States (and the only thing stopping a Middle East dominated by Iran and its proxies, such as Hamas and Hezbollah). Ergo, the Great Narcissist Barack Hussein Osama and his ventriloquist puppet Dementia Joe see Israel as their most implacable enemy
Laurence Jarvik says
Biden was dog-whistling to pre-Vatican 2 Catholic antisemitism that views Jews as Christ- killing deniers of his divinity pretty obviously.
stuBdoc says
I never understood what the deal was with “Christ-killers”. According to Christian theology, wasn’t Jesus destined to die for the sins of the people? Wasn’t that the devine plan? If he had not played that role, wouldn’t sins not be forgiven by believing in Him? Of course, the Romans actually did the killing, perhaps at the behest of the Sanhedrin, but what did Jews in general have to do with it, and even if they did, didn’t Jesus have to be killed one way or another? Although officially ended, at least by the Catholic Church, this line of thought persists among some Christians. As a Jew, it never made sense to me.
pie says
the only important difference between jews and christians/catholics. jews believe the true messiah is coming. christians/catholics believe in the second coming. in other words jews do not believe jesus christ is the son of god the messiah or savior, while christians catholics do. jesus christ is from the tribe of judah descended from david as are jews. ancestry makes a difference when researching why. yes the ultimate sacrifice was necessary to appease justice. ” i am a just god ” meaning there are rules. personally i believe there is a reasonable amount of mercy mixed into the judgment as well.
Tionico says
It was the dirty work of the jewish zealots who sturred up the everyday jews, then brought in the corrupt romans who always stood ready to quell anything resembling revolt. The “testimony’ at Jesus’ “trial” (illegally held at night, and with no more than one witness when at last two, with clean hands, were required). Luke records that on that day Herod (jewish) and Pilate (roman) became faas friends when they had been opposed before that) So yes it was a collusion between jewish and roman leaders.
But the real fault and burden lies with the jews, who for generations had made a practice of killing the prophets God kept sending to call the jews back into faithful following of the Lord God. the jews also made a huge business of desecrating the sacred Temple by making it a big business (run by the then-chief priest and his family).
Beez says
The world killed Jesus.
Lightbringer says
I think you need to study some history, friend. Your account is wrong almost from the word “go”. And by the way, Herod was not a Jew. He was an Edomite. Big difference.
Chief Mac says
The last time TaliBiden tried that was in 1982 with Menachem Begin in a US Senate hearing and he got handed his head in an epic slap down that resulted in the rest of the democrat senator applauding Begin.
Israel is great full for American help but they are a sovereign state at war for their survival and TaliBiden can take his threats and shove them
David Elstrom says
Yeah, but all those Senators who dissed Biden and applauded Begin are dead, and the sentiment they expressed exists only among conservatives. All that’s left in today’s Democrat Party are terrorist-loving anti-Semites. And as we can see from this incident, these filth are thinking of abandoning even the mere lip service support they give Israel. Not to mention the regime’s current priority seems to be resupplying Hamas.
Chief Mac says
But Netanyahu isn’t dead and TaliBiden needs to be bitch slapped again
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
It is truly ‘mind-boggling’ to hear them defend Hamas after the butchery of October 7th. Makes one wonder whether we do not need better K-12 schools.
Beez says
That’s an implicit and blasphemous threat to betray our ally.
Greg says
“Come to Jesus?” The irreverent Joe Bite-Me (a Pope Francis Catholic) ought to be telling that to his sodomite Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, a boy who thinks he’s a mom.
BLSinSC says
Joe’s meeting with Jesus would be a very SHORT one!
Joe : Oh Lord, I’m finally home!
God : NO!
CowboyUp says
Joe needs to have a come to Moses meeting. It’s just like arrogant and clueless joe to say the PM of Israel needs a come to Jesus meeting, and that wasn’t an accidental open mike slip. It’s hard to be too insulted though, when he’s about as much a Christian as nancy pelosi is. What an embarrassment.
Algorithmic Analyst says
lol … thanks Cowboy 🙂
Verneoz says
Biden & Pelosi are about as Catholic as my mailbox. Both of them should be excommunicated from the Catholic church for their open support of abortion and its “Dr. Mengele” version late term abortion. Also, their prolific lying to the American people is grounds for such action.
Steve says
I fervently hope that senile, despicable old fart has more accidental hot mike moments. When they catch him saying, “Hitler was right” even MSNBC and CNN will be hard pressed to defend him, although The New York Times will have one of its rent-a-Jews (Thomas Friedman, Peter Beinerrt or Ezra Klien) write an opinion piece “Joe Biden is not an antisemite and it is Islamophobic to say he is”
Intrepid says
Since Pedo Joe is a Hamas supporter may he should tell Netanyahu they need to have a come to Mohammed meeting.
And coming from someone who supports Abortion Biden is delirious as is irresponsible
Matt says
Good column, Mr. Spencer. Thank you.
Ex Catholic here. The sign of the cross is just pagan superstitious nonsense. It’s certainly not anything the apostle Paul passed on; Christianity being started through him (not Peter). The sign of the cross, if nothing else, is simply “…ye hold the tradition of men…” Mk 7:8.
RS says
The Come to Jesus moment should be about treating all people, not just the ones you think are relevent and special, as you would treat yourself. The hypocrisy of the Biden administration makes one reel. We should know and love the truth. Truth is true in the sense that it is objective and iindependent of the mind of any human… Instead of diluting what is true, “Buy the truth, and do not sell it.” Proverbs 23:23.
NAVY ET1 says
The idea of a “come to Jesus” moment between Biden and Netanyahu would REALLY be something to see, for while Israel is God’s chosen, Biden is the antithesis of that and would burst into flames and be turned to ash in His presence.
Be careful what you wish for, grandpa.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
In a way, when he messed his pant at the Vatican his first summer as Prez, he was acting for the Devil himself by soiling the grave of St Peter.
xtra says
Grand Inquisitor Biden said “I told him we were going to have a come to Jesus moment””
I was reminded of “Cool Hand Luke.”
“What we have here is a failure to communicate.”
And making the sign of the cross, demeaning that gesture to the same level of hand signals as flipping the bird
Biden may be Catholic but he ain’t Christian.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
Funny stuff comes out of this fool’s mouth.
In fact, it is he, Joseph Biden, aka, Mr. 10%, aka, the sniffer, who is going to have a “come to Jesus” moment this November when the voters kick him out of office for misfeasance, malfeasance, and treason. Bring the tar and feathers that he may be enlightened.
Beez says
Joe takes the Lord’s name in vain.
BobbyD says
Yes, the Sign of the Cross and I’ll add, his frequent use of sloppy hand salutes are Joe’s way of trying to look like he cares about Christians and the military… virtue signals to the right.
Beez says
I hope PM Netanyahu tells Joe Blasphemer to go pound sand.
Sword of The Spirit says
JoKe Biden is actually just a mask. There are many masks now in Washington D.C. Any white man in the DemoCrap party is a mask. Who is behind the masks? Muslims… Muslims are running the Biden Mafia regime called “administration”. Questions is, when will they turn the attack dogs lose on us to kill us.
The two stupid Jews in name only grinning and laughing with the senile anti-Semite Clown Bastard should thank their lucky stars their beloved fuhrer wasn’t in the WH before they were born because they might never have existed themselves. Only a fortunate twist of events saved Michael Bennet’s mommy and Blinky’s grandfather, had he stayed in Europe, well, Tony might have become a lampshade. In some ways those two KAPOs are even more disgusting than their beloved Bozo is.
Come to Jesus meeting. And he is the Father of death of the unborn / and has the unmitigated Gual to challenge the supreme court decision. Why hasn’t the POPE deigned him the sacraments. Another one of our demonic devils. Fiduciary compliance new WOKE-ism Catholicism. The destruction of all social core beliefs.
Kasandra says
Americans need to give Biden a “Go to Hell” moment in November.
Ronald Harvey says
Thank you for recognizing and stating that the REVOLUTIONARY COMMUCRAT PARTY has declared war on America.
An opinion from a man that considers the euthanasia of the un-born the GOD given right of FEMALES. ( With this senile fool it is always politically motivated ) Will history see these Politically instigated years as the ” The female Holocaust of the innocent fragile Un-wanted “? Our Pres. a feeble excuse of a human that calls himself a Catholic?