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Friday was a good day for criminals. Just like every day in the Biden administration.
Not that Biden and his pro-crime administration calls them criminals. In the 2,500 word statement, the term “criminal” never appears once. Neither do “felon”, “offender” or “convict”. Never mind “murderer”, “rapist” or “mugger”. Such hurtful language would be insensitive.
Instead the Biden administration has adopted the awkward pro-crime euphemism of referring to criminals as “justice-involved persons”, “incarcerated persons” and the even more elongated “eligible persons with criminal history records”. By “eligible”, Biden doesn’t mean bachelors.
What is Biden offering these “justice-involved persons”, who are not prosecutors or corrections officers, but robbers, con artists and pedophiles? Free stuff at taxpayer expense.
Are you a thug shortly to be on the loose? Apply for food stamps directly from your cell. The Biden administration will be sending “guidance” to agencies handing out food stamps to “accept and process SNAP applications before someone is released from jail or prison”.
What else does Biden have for the Murderers, Muggers and Molesters of America? The administration’s “strategic plan supports justice-involved individuals” with expanded “access to health care”, “affordable housing”, “educational opportunities”, “food and subsistence benefits”, “job opportunities and access to business capital”, and “banking and other financial services”.
Why even bother being a law-abiding citizen when all of this is waiting for you?
Biden is “expanding access to” bank accounts for “justice-involved persons” and giving “incarcerated persons” more access to Medicare and Medicaid, and tips on voting Democrat.
That guy who picked your pocket: he’s getting a voter guide with all the D’s marked in red.
Or as the Biden administration puts it, “Most people in jail are eligible to vote, since jails primarily detain people awaiting trial, who have not been convicted of any crime, or those serving misdemeanor sentences that do not preclude voting.” And Biden’s DOJ, which now divides its time equally between prosecuting conservative opponents and aiding criminals, “will provide guidance on state-specific voter rights for incarcerated persons and promote strategies to reduce barriers for eligible voters.”
Your local neighborhood child molester and car thief just became a valuable part of the Democrat electorate. Conducting voter outreach in jail is the perfect captive audience. The next step will be converting jail community organizing into a nonprofit funded program.
Is there any chance the Biden administration would be doing this if it didn’t expect to gain votes?
Increasingly unpopular, the Democrats are doubling down on their 2022 strategy of ‘finding voters’ the way pigs find truffles. Forget trying to appeal to the nation as a whole. That’s not happening. Biden’s approval ratings are in the 40s and Kamala’s are in the 30s. The majority of the country would rather that someone else, anyone else, run on the Democrat ticket.
That’s a problem if you view elections as a public referendum, not if you view voters as assets and use detailed demographic data to flip off most of the country and focus on turning out the dumbest and most worthless people around who are easy to manipulate with ballot harvesters and massive bribes. Nothing is off the table. Make credit-worthy homebuyers subsidize Biden’s zero down diversity FHFA base, investigate parents who objective to pedophilia in schools as domestic terrorists and just toss out student loans in exchange for votes.
Speaking of that, Biden’s great giveaway for criminals includes implementing a process that will allow “an estimated 760,000 persons to become eligible for a Pell Grant through prison education programs”. A Pell Grant averages $4,130. Multiply that by 760,000 and you get $3.1 billion. But, come on, man, it’s just money. And we have as much of it as we can print.
Certainly more than enough to roll out a massive welfare state expansion for the latest exciting addition to the Dem team roster after the ‘men who want to play womens’ sports’ get settled in sashaying around the locker room.
All the inflation will be a problem for someone else after Biden is fossilized in Lenin’s Tomb.
In true Tammany Democrat, AFL-CIO and Sicilian Mafia fashion, being with the party also means getting jobs. Guaranteed jobs. From the companies they bribed with taxpayer cash.
Are you a serial embezzler? Come work for the federal government where, once hired, you can never be fired.
The National Defense Authorization Act, one of those horrible monsters you had to pass to find out what was in it, included provisions from Senator Cory Booker’s pro-crime Fair Chance Act limiting “agency requests for criminal history record information prior to conditional offer of employment.”
Indeed, why shouldn’t the federal government, which is practically a criminal enterprise already, dare to ask about the criminal past of the fella looking to get a job looking over your information?
Biden warns that the federal government’s “ban the box” policy (a social justice euphemism for banning even asking about the past criminal history of an applicant) will impose “accountability measures for hiring officials who are alleged to violate it”. Under the most pro-crime administration in history, there’s no accountability for criminals, only for those who get in their way.
The equity supervillains of the “Chief Diversity Officers Executive Council” will create “metrics for enhancing federal employment opportunities for qualified workers with criminal history records.” Criminals will now benefit from their very own dedicated affirmative action quotas.
Steal national security secrets and sell them to China? Come work for the Pentagon. Serial rapist? Have you considered working at a federal women’s penitentiary? Get sent to prison for stealing other people’s social security checks. There’s always work for you at the Post Office.
Beyond semi-redundantly filling the federal workforce with criminals, all that corrupt special interest pork from the Inflation Increase Act, the CHIPS Act and the Pay Democrat Donors Act will be used to find jobs for the party’s new criminal electorate.
The Department of Energy will be “encouraging” its “competitive grant recipients” to hire workers with “criminal history records.”
Why should federal contractors settle for employing amateur criminals to defraud taxpayers when they can partner with Biden to employ professional criminals?
The Department of Labor will also help criminals get jobs “in secure areas in ports facilities and vessels”. Formerly secure areas. Soon to be managed by criminals whose jobs were obtained by the Biden administration.
Friday is usually when damning information is ‘dumped’ at a time when it’s likely to be ignored. If the Biden administration really wanted people to see its latest release, it would have scheduled a mid-week event. Instead it buried its plot to spend billions on an expanded welfare state for criminals, corrupt the federal government and use jails to solicit Biden votes.
But it’s big news even if it’s not the kind the media would ever truthfully headline. The most criminal administration in the country’s history has officially partnered with actual criminals.
Well, excellent points. The little tangent that occurred to me is that once these criminals are hired by the government and working within the system, they will find ways to commit crimes within the system.
That makes them perfect government officials in a communist state.
My paranoid-gov’t conspiracy theories include the idea that stolen BILLIONS in COVID funds were syphoned off to pay off known criminal gangs in CA and elsewhere to act as thug enforcers for Leftist politicians.
Imagine having an “ace in your pocket” that anytime your political opponents stand in your way, personal death threats and threats of urban violence can be wielded with great success.
Imagine MS-13 and Cartel crews being that “ace in your pocket” all funded by the tax paying citizen.
What could even ONE of those billions buy?
If dead folks can vote, why not jailbirds??
Imagine if you could set up a system where ALL your acts of political corruption are protected by legions of lawyers, gov’t bureaucrats and nearly all channels of information and entertainment.
Indeed, it would be a type of unrestricted political warfare.
Now look up “unrestricted warfare” and “CCP” on ChatGPT.
This is simply the logical extension of the concept of constituency.
Collecting an inventory of registered voters eligible for postal voting, and unlocatable in any effort at refutation, builds momentum towards stability.
This stability explains the seamless quality of California’s governance, the gold standard and model for the rest of us.
Excellent point Sid. All the criminals votes can be forged, and none of them will protest.
Voter registration drives have a long-range purpose served by targeting communities of transients. Jails and flophouses provide the opportunity for groundswell support that overwhelms an unsuspecting opposition a decade after the “voter” left town on a Trailways™.
Were there not twenty-six million more votes cast in the election for President in 2020 than 2016?
Postal voting is the entitlement that keeps on giving.
Termination of sentence joins termination of metabolic existence as insufficient cause for termination of postal voting.
Thanks to the Democrat Party, immortality no longer evades us.
No wonder the Dems don’t want to clear the voting rolls of deadwood.
Deja vu:
The pro(ag)gressives are busy busy busy……
building their Tower of Babel.
“Why not the worst” in action once again.
Get ready for a rise in identity theft and other economic crimes.
I can’t process the rapidly unfolding steps in this multi-layered coordinated plan of individual and societal destruction fast enough.
Is AI being used to formulate this sequence and roll out program to systematically destroy truth and identity?
This is the point in the movie when the heroes come up with a plan to save the world…….
Type the terms “unrestricted warfare” or “omni-directional warfare” into ChatGPT.
Death by a thousand pin pricks is turning into a thousand dagger wounds.
What people don’t understand is that this is a David vs. Goliath fight in which David is an inch tall and Goliath is a mile high.
While the parties seem similar in size, the Left commands a massive nonprofit infrastructure with assets in the hundreds of billions, funded by much of the wealth of the richest men in the country and the fortunes of the past, from Ford to Warren Buffett, Bill Gates and George Soros, not to mention unions who bleed off much of property tax monies into their coffers.
That money has been used to seed political startups and fund a wide variety of strategies in different areas.
The Left has ten thousand plans for taking power and fallback strategies.
The conservative movement has nothing like it either in scale or in plan or intent.
The Democrats only will allow for Convicts and Illegal Aliens to be able to vote while banning our Military overseas to vote this is treason and Biden belongs in prison with both the Clintons and Obama
I think that you meant migrants when you said illegal aliens. Honest mistake. Migrants are voters and illegals are not.
Are you absolutely sure about that?
And if you’re right, how long do you think it will be before the dhimmicrats start handing out voting rights to the illegals?
THIS IS HARDLY SURPRISING given the extent the Democrats game it to get their invading illegals into the voting booths,
As in 2016, Democrats advance a corrupt ruling-class candidate. Like the dead man Gary Ernst, Democrats want people to vote for Joe Biden so they can swap him out for Kamala Harris, already a beneficiary of voter fraud and with the exception of Xavier Becerra possibly the worst attorney general in California history.
Kamala Harris Urges Illegal Migrants to Help Elect Joe Bidenwrence Jackson / Biden
Sen. Kamala Harris promised Sunday to reduce detention space for migrants as she asked an illegal immigrant activist to help Joe Biden win the election.
The financial and illegal infrastructure of the global Marxists is gigantic. In Shanghai, the CCP operates an AI-controlled infrastructure to win elections at all levels worldwide for their mercenaries.
Hansjörg Wyss has robbed the Swiss pension funds and invests the money through Arabella Advisors in the US to gain power over NATO and the FED.
What Daniel has beautifully elaborated in this article is the work of the global Marxists’ mercenaries:
destroying the productive population
I have to write that the replies to this article are outstanding as well as the article itself.
“When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing – When you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors – When you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you – When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice – You may know that your society is doomed.”—Ayn Rand