There are limits to this kind of thing.
And past a certain point, stealing from Americans and sending the money abroad should entitle taxpayers to reparations from the politicians in question. If Biden wants to steal from Americans, maybe the next administration can take his home and Hunter’s wealth, that wasn’t blown on crack, and pay reparations to taxpayers. Not to mention John Kerry’s yacht and estate.
Meanwhile, the green grift grinds on with “reparations” for the weather. Americans, you see, are so powerful that we control the weather. And when the weather turns bad, we, as storm gods, have to pay reparations to third-world nations.
The use of climate policy to soak Americans keeps getting worse, and the United Nation’s climate conference in Egypt ended this weekend with agreement on a new fund to pay reparations to poor countries. Welcome to the latest climate shakedown.Poor countries have long sought to force wealthy countries to pay for the “loss and damage” they suffer from natural disasters that are supposedly climate-related. This is separate from the $100 billion a year that rich countries have promised to help poor countries reduce emissions and adapt to climate change.
The 2015 Paris accord suggested rich countries compensate poor countries for climate damage—the rationale being that industrialization has increased temperatures and led to natural disasters. Poor countries finally forced discussion of a formal mechanism to pay climate reparations onto this year’s U.N. conference agenda.John Kerry, the U.S. climate envoy, dismissed the idea earlier this month: “It’s a well-known fact that the United States and many other countries will not establish . . . some sort of legal structure that is tied to compensation or liability. That’s just not happening.” But on Thursday Europe abandoned the U.S. by proposing a deal, and Mr. Kerry rolled over.
The question now is whether the Republican House will roll over.
The deal here is pretty straightforward.
Third-world countries will pretend to believe whatever nonsense that green grifters spew as long as they get a cut of the profits from destroying industrial civilization and giving enviros a cut of all the remaining action.
The only question is how big a cut.
There are basically two sets of thieves here. Our thieves negotiate with their thieves. Their thieves just want money. Our thieves want money, but they also want power and some of them believe this stuff.
Now our thieves want to bribe their thieves with our money.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Daniel! Great analysis. This story has been bugging me for several days. Sending American taxpayers money to green grifters and 3rd world corruptocrats.
Mickorn says
“Whatever nonsense the green grifters spew…” It’s called facts. It’s called science. You dismissing it without presenting any real alternative is not a great analysis. It’s a rant, a rant designed to promote a particular (particularly hateful and ignorant) political ideology.
The climate talks discussed not only the US but industrialized countries to pay reparations to poor countries for the damage the former have caused to the environment. The damage is real and obvious. The moral imperative likewise.
The world has to work to repair the environmental damage, in order to protect future generations. Do you care about future generations? (that’s rhetorical, of course you don’t).
Cat says
Climate change…what changed was the name from global warming because sometimes it wasn’t warming…is science?
Reading is a skill you lack. As is thinking.
And what are you doing here but trolling?
Algorithmic Analyst says
He’s a leftist/satanist/troll.
i3lownFuse says
late to this thread however will post this anyway to give some perspective:
Massive Increase in Greenland Surface Ice Sheet Suggests Possible Overall Gain in 2022
Verneoz says
If you believe that cash is owed to these “poor countries” place your money where your mouth is and start writing checks to them. Thomas Sowell said it best…”Would you bet your paycheck on a weather forecast for tomorrow? If not, then why should this country bet billions on global warming predictions that have even less foundation?” I suggest that you read his book: The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy. Climate Change is a political movement to replace free market capitalism with Marxist central control of the economy & production.
Wallace says
Mankind couldn’t heat the planet even if we put every scientist in the world working on that task 24/7/365. they wanted to. Think. God gave you a brain. Use it.
The water isn’t rising. The temps have risen slightly just like they’ve done forever, and then turned around and dropped, just like they’ve done forever. It has nothing to do with anything mankind has done or not done.
All the models are garbage developed to make their conclusions support their lamebrained theory
Daniel Greenfield says
I like how your comments always start from the premise that you’re indisputably correct and no one could possibly disagree with your politics and then go on to restate that premise through several iterations of bafflement, condescension and annoyance without actually saying anything new.
A lot of people in red states have limited daily exposure to liberals and it can be educational for them to see one outside its echo chamber.
Dani says
take it up with china and india, useful idiot
Tom Morrow says
LOL. It is pseudo-science and the “damage” is as imaginary as Joe Biden’s intellect. Real science requires skepticism to keep it honest, and also demands data to support claims, not nonsensical “consensus”. When even scientists who believe in it cannot state how much humans have contributed to the natural warming cycle, and cannot demonstrate the sensitivity of the system to any of the relevant input factors, then what is being preached is religion, not science.
Ugly Sid says
Climatic adversity mandates the abolition of self government.
You have only yourselves to blame and the government is here to guarantee you do.