Democrat support for illegal aliens has often been criticized for prioritizing illegals over legal immigrants.
And this proposed move by the Biden administration is just another example of that.
The Biden administration on Tuesday proposed increasing application fees for employment-based visas and other immigration programs, in part to fund the adjudication of soaring numbers of asylum claims along the U.S.-Mexico border.
The proposed rule would also keep application fees for U.S. citizenship and humanitarian immigration benefits, such as asylum, close to or at current levels, as well as codify and expand fee waivers for low-income immigrants and other populations, such as military veterans and victims of human trafficking and other serious crimes.
While work visas are often abused, the recipients are at least trying to come here legally and making a show of being able to support themselves, and they’re being brought in my businesses. The whole thing often disrupts American labor and takes away jobs from American workers, especially in the tech industry.
But it’s still less abusive than open borders mass migration.
So the Biden administration is raising fees on them to subsidize the rapid processing of the flood of illegal migrants attracted by its open borders. It’s also expanding waivers for the people who are going to be on social services full time, keep the fees in place for asylum applications, now mostly a massive fraud, and make sure these folks have no problem with fees for applying for citizenship so that they can vote for them.
“Under the proposed rule, applications from employers seeking to sponsor immigrants for permanent U.S. residency or temporary work visas would need to be filed with an additional $600 fee to fund the USCIS asylum program, which is responsible for screening migrants who ask for humanitarian refuge along the southern border, as well as other populations seeking U.S. asylum, such as Afghan evacuees.”
Or how about we charge the illegal migrants applying for asylum a few thousand bucks or a few weeks of labor for the privilege?
“USCIS said it decided to attach an asylum program fee to employment-based immigration petitions because employers have “more ability to pay” higher fees. Doing so would allow USCIS to keep fee increases for other applications, such as permanent residency requests, low, the agency argued.”
Let the productive people pay for the non-productive people, who are the ones the Dems really want.
Here’s a novel idea, how about take the billions in foreign aid and spend it right here in the USA.
Here’s another idea, you earn it, you keep it. The government s reduced to its only proper functions of the police, the military, and the courts of law. All foreign aid by the government is abolished.
“The only proper purpose of a government is to protect man’s rights, which means: to protect him from physical violence. A proper government is only a policeman, acting as an agent of man’s self-defense, and, as such, may resort to force only against those who start the use of force. The only proper functions of a government are: the police, to protect you from criminals; the army, to protect you from foreign invaders; and the courts, to protect your property and contracts from breach or fraud by others, to settle disputes by rational rules, according to objective law.” – Ayn Rand
Makes sense. Most of those needing foreign aid have already crossed our border, anyway.
There is already a huge black underground market of illegal workers in California, I don’t see how the economy can function without them.
And when the revolution is in place – who cares about those people – legal or otherwise.
How many paying $600 will it take to cover the costs of 5 MILLION illegals???
But the Left always favors taking from the productive to benefit the unproductive. It’s their go-to strategy. And an ignorant populace hasn’t discovered that it is an iron law of economics that you get more of what you subsidize.
Biden and his fellow Democrats/Globalists/Traitors need all those new voters after all
This is much more creative than what Republicans are coming up with.
Maybe it’s because Republicans don’t actually want to create anything besides grievances and complaints for the next election cycle. Let that pendulum swing. Can’t remember the last time it swung back from the GOP angle.
Uncle Joe has some real executive action in play though, completely aside from the trash swampy Trump brought into in play.
The correct response to chaos is we don’t want chaos but if you go to chaos you’ll lose.
How hard is this to understand? Reagan spelled it out multiple times.
As Daniel Horrowitz Illustrates the GOP has nothing to blame for the abysmal state of their opposition than the abysmal state of their opposition.
Then again we could get into how every nation that has fallen under totalitarianism has imagined they are somehow different, that they could somehow make it work. The UK is the most special recent example of this, What can we note about nations is that they are in no way special in this regard.
So much for nationalism.
Not sorry, Try better Boris. ~Try less Alex Bellfield/Bellend