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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Yeah, yeah, another Democrat has likened a Republican to Hitler; this must be a day ending with a y. But Old Joe Biden has a way of making everything worse, and in his latest smear of the man he wants us to believe is the worst person on planet earth, Donald Trump, Old Joe came through for us yet again.
Barack Obama said it years ago: “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.” On Friday, Old Joe proved his sainted predecessor right yet again in what was supposed to be a stemwinder campaign speech that would get his far-left base all fired up to do whatever it takes to get their favorite dementia-ridden kleptocrat back in the White House for four more years. The man who supposedly won eighty-one million votes after running a non-campaign from his basement called Trump a “loser” and charged that Bad Orange Man speaks “the same exact language used in Nazi Germany.”
What? Trump speaks German now? Is he going to start barking at us with a slushy Austrian accent? Okay, I get it: Old Joe means that Trump’s rhetoric is like Hitler’s. Trump’s going to be a great dictator, grow a funny little mustache, put on a lumpy uniform, and have us all goosestepping into Poland in no time. Sure, Joe. I understand. But to say that he speaks “the same exact language used in Nazi Germany” is as ineptly stated as it is inaccurate.
By any measure, Trump certainly does not echo Hitler’s rhetoric. The National Socialist leader was openly antisemitic; although Trump is charged with this, he was the most pro-Israel president since the founding of the modern state of Israel. Hitler was gleefully racist, another charge Trump has borne, and another that is without foundation. And Hitler was openly contemptuous of republican governments, while Trump insists that he will protect our tottering republic, and that Biden, the Disinformation Governance Board president, is the real threat to “our democracy.”
Biden, however, is making it clear that his entire 2024 campaign will be a noxious mélange of fiction, fantasy and propaganda. He leaned heavily into the “insurrection” Big Lie, claiming that Jan. 6, 2021, was “the day that we nearly lost America.”
Yeah, sure, Joe. Thank you for saving “our democracy” from a guy with Viking horns, Ray Epps, and a bunch of old ladies who were let into the Capitol by police who opened gates for them and then stood by placidly as the “insurrectionists” wandered around snapping selfies. Insurrection is an actual crime. Yet while people languish in prison for trespassing in order to bolster the left’s sagging “insurrection” narrative and propel Biden back into the Oval Office for another four years of open borders, skyrocketing inflation, managed decline, and enforced misery, the worst thing that has happened to this nation since 9/11 and Pearl Harbor and the extinction of the dinosaurs remains an insurrection without any insurrectionists.
Old Joe, of course, didn’t see fit on Friday to make much of the fact that no one, not a single person, has actually been charged with that crime in connection with anything that happened on Jan. 6, 2021. On Saturday, however, Donald Trump Jr. wrote: “Happy Fake Insurrection Day!!! The first ever insurrection with armed tour guides and unarmed participants!” For his part, Ron DeSantis chided Biden for “saying the people that supported Trump were basically enemies of the state.”
Yeah. That is the heart of the problem right there. This authoritarian administration, the first in American history to bring criminal charges against its chief opponent, has a long and ever-lengthening record of being intolerant of dissent. Besides the Disinformation Governance Board that would have policed speech that dissented from the leftist establishment’s perspective, it sicced the FBI on angry parents protesting at school board meetings, worked with Twitter and other social media giants to silence and deplatform people with opposing views, and even sent spies into Catholic churches.
But yeah, Joe, the threat to the republic (it’s still not a democracy, no matter how many times you assume that it is) is not you, it’s Donald Trump. You’re competent, capable, and articulate, too. As long as we’re piling on the fantasies, might as well go all out.
Chief Mac says
TaliBiden is funding the Islamofascists that state they wish finish what Hitler started. Actions not words, which of course are only 100% lies
Steve says
True. And Dementia Joe is as much a habitual liar as Josef Goebbels.
World@70 says
Speaking of Hitler like actions, look at the pic above with Biden shouting and the clinched fists. If I’m not mistaken this was one of Hitler’s favorite gestures. Slap a couple Swastikas on that blood red background and Uncle Joe would be ready for a Charlie Chaplin mustache.
Brigitte Goldstein says
Anybody who invokes the name of Hitler to smear his opponent and gain votes should have no credibility. In view of the utterly failed policies of his administration, he has nothing else to run on? Then again, presumably 81 million (if you can believe it) moronic voters voted for him last time. Go figure.
Ed says
It can be seen at
Greg says
Right after he slandered patriotic Americans using historic Valley Forge, PA as a backdrop, the demented Joe Bite-Me made a beeline to South Carolina to pander to servile black voters, the Democ-rat’s Amen chorus. Black Democ-rats had better enjoy their fake prominence while they can. As soon as a sufficient number of new foreign-language Democ-rat dependents have crashed through the southern border, Democ-rats will ignore black votes in favor of their new dependent class. Even in South Carolina, Democ-rats will soon be campaigning in Spanish.
TRex says
Black people will be in for a rude awakening when the Dems have enough power to amnesty the 8 million POC FJB invited in. The “replacement theory” will hit them the hardest. Maybe then they’ll realize who the real racists are.
KenPF says
Actually these days there is a lot of Hitler-like language going around; more than at any other time since 1945. Everywhere you hear calls to “Gαs the Jεws” and “Finish what Hitlεr stαrted”. But those aren’t Trump supporters or Trump himself. Those are Democrat voices you hear calling for genocidε “from the rivεr to the sea”. That is almost “the same exact language used in Nazi Germany”.
Look in the mirror Joe.
Kasandra says
Biden is the most dishonest, corrupt, divisive, and authoritarian President of my lifetime. Wait until he finds out that both Hitler and Trump drank water and wore trousers. What a horrible person Biden is.
David Elstrom says
Democrats check every box on the Nazi things-to-do list including persecution and jailing of opponents on spurious charges, gross anti-Semitism, and rabid racialism.
TomSJr says
Frank Gerace says
If anybody’s a Nazi, it’s the current dementia patient-in-chief. I’m too sick of him to describe it in words.
Hitler yelled into the Mike and did a lot of hand gestures Castro did about the same and Biden appears to be doing the same thing as well
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
Says the actual nazi.
He’s projecting yet again.
Incompetent fool.
Mo de Profit says
He’s a liar period.
roberta says
This is just part of the lead up to arresting Pres.Trump……That is, if they cant talk some nut job into assassinating him first.
They no doubt prefer the assassination route. Much cleaner, puts an end to the Trump problem.
Semaphore says
This is exactly what I’m afraid of. They have arrested him, falsly accused him, impeached him, indicted him, and none of it worked. The next step is to simply eliminate him. A mysterious plane crash, a sudden heart attack or strange death in his sleep, or some lone nut tranny with a gun, or some jihadi human bomb that mysteriously gets close to him, many possibilities here. I pray for him.
Jasonn says
Don’t listen to what they say, watch what they do.
Chris Shugart says
Gimme a break. Playing the Hitler card has been around since Old Maid. First it was Nixon that was Hitler. Then it was Reagan. Then George W. And now Trump, including all of his supporters. It’s amazing that we’ve managed to survive over five decades with all of those Hitlers running around. So maybe it’s time to ask: Will the real Hitler please stand up?
Semaphore says
Biden’s infamous “red speech” of a few months back says it all. If you replaced “MAGA Republican white supremicist” with “Jew” it would be hard to tell it from HItler’s work.
Enword G. Robbingsome says
Biden should know, he was Hitler’s language instructor.
Curt Koenig says
That is FUNNY! Biden and dems are actually taking ACTIONS that the NAZIS used against opponents
Old Fogey says
Since 2021, January 6 has been American Patriots’ Day for every sentient being in our land. It is truly remarkable that so many are so witless to believe the lies propagated by the globalist Uniparty machine.
Like the early attempts to Fly ended up with Broken Bones and many dead
Scott Powell says
This piece is masterful in its delivery of facts with humor. While there is nothing funny about the left/global elite accomplishments and plans for more, you have taken a leaf out of Alinsky’s rules for radicals, which stresses the effectiveness of ridicule of your opponents. BRAVO