Given the Biden administration’s previous solicitude for the mullahs, granting them concession after concession to obtain a new nuke deal, it’s unlikely that “we’re gonna free Iran.” Ultimately that deal foundered on the Iranians’ continual demands, as well as the bad optics of making a deal with the mullahs while their own people are rising up against them. If the Islamic regime survives this uprising, however, the deal will certainly reappear, which will make it abundantly clear that when the garrulous old liar in the White House said “we’re gonna free Iran,” he meant “we’re not gonna free Iran.”
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Mo de Profit says
Politicians start wars, businessmen profit from them but they do start them.
David Ray says
Only thing this corrupt, senile idiot has ever freed in Iran was $billions in frozen assets and shipped in pallets of cash to the mullahs.
His handlers ship pallets of illegals in the dead of night also; equipped with public assistance and voter registration cards. (The press corps run cover, as they always do.)
Daniel says
Of course he is. First order of business? Legalize Gay Marriage. 2n’d? Legalize abortion.
Walter Sieruk says
The ancient Greek Philosopher, Plato, did have a good valid point when he had written, “The measure of a man is what he does with power.”
When applying that wise statement to Joe Biden, his “measure” is more than lacking, it’s outright terrible, he’s lacking in honestly among other things. For the lying Biden is so dishonest that he says “We gonna Free” Iran “but in reality, he supports that oppressive brutal, cruel malicious and murderous tyrannical regime of Iran.
As seen by his giving in to the arrogant demands of the aggressive and hostile anti-American Islamic regime of Iran giving those in power in that vicious tyranny everything they want, including the means to of supporting that tyrannical regime the power the oppress brutalize and murder the Iranian people.
Walter Sieruk says
That liar Joe Biden said, “We’re Gonna Free Iran.” It has been truly said the “talk is cheap” and that’s all Biden worthless empty words mean when he said that. For Biden is actually harming the Iranian people by and supporting aiding and supporting vicious and malicious oppressive and even murderous tyrannical Islamic of Iran is continuing to do so.
Likewise. is also at the same time helping and extremely hostile anti -American tyrannical that hates the United States and the American people.
The ancient Greek philosopher Plato also wrote, “The price good man pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
Spurwing Plover says
Lets see Biden turn Water into Wine or Lead into Gold and make the sun stand still