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Whose votes exactly is Biden trying to win?
Biden’s first campaign video announcing that he was going to run again featured attacks on Republicans for being against “freedom”.
As I wrote yesterday, Biden’s freedom pitch has a major problem.
“Every generation has a moment,” Biden, who was born during WWII, claimed, “To stand up for their fundamental freedoms. I believe this is ours. That’s why I’m running for reelection.”
“Around the country, MAGA extremists are lining up to take those bedrock freedoms away,” he claimed, in front of pictures of Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis.
What sort of “bedrock freedoms” is he running to protect?
According to Biden, he’s going to fight for our freedoms against Republicans “dictating what health care decisions women can make”, a euphemism for killing babies in the womb, and “banning books”, a euphemism for keeping graphic pornographic books out of schools.
The Biden campaign ad includes a pile of supposedly banned books. Buried under Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man and To Kill a Mockingbird is Lawn Boy by Jonathan Evison. Lawn Boy features 8 and 10-year-olds performing sex acts. “I was ten years old, but it’s true. I put Doug Goble’s d___ in my mouth,” runs one line. This is what Biden wants to force into every school.
Last year, the Biden administration sent in the feds to go after a school district in the Dallas-Fort Worth area for daring to remove books from its school library that included ‘This Book Is Gay’, which teaches students to use ‘sex apps’ to hook up and then “meet the trick in a public place”.
Biden’s idea of freedom is using the power of the state to crush local parents for refusing to let their kids be groomed to secretly prostitute themselves through their smartphones.
Lawn Boy was one of the more controversial graphic sexual books at the center of the debate because of its descriptions of 10-year-olds performing sex acts. Even its author said it doesn’t belong in schools.
Biden begs to differ. And he’ll send the DOJ after anyone who opposes him.
The Left and its media have vocally defended Lawn Boy. They argue that depicting 10-year-olds performing sex acts isn’t pedophilia. Never mind that the only obvious audience for such a thing would be pedophiles.
The Biden ad shoves Lawn Boy in there alongside To Kill a Mockingbird, but it’s lefties who were banning the latter book.
The teachers’ objections to the book included criticism that black characters are not fully realized and that the book romanticizes the idea of a “white savior.”
The teachers also cited concerns that characters in the book frequently use the N-word while no character explains that the slur is derogatory and that the word and the portrayal of black characters cause harm to students of color.
That’s why DeSantis correctly noted that lefties are pushing Lawn Boy and banning To Kill a Mockingbird.
“You have some groups that want to take away classic books like ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ but they want things like, ‘Gender Queer: A Memoir,’ which is a cartoon-style book with graphic images of children performing sexual acts. That is wrong,” DeSantis said. “They want to eliminate ’Of Mice and Men,’ but ‘Lawn Boy,’ a book containing explicit passages of pedophilia is somehow accepted.”
Biden’s people are pandering to liberals with a picture that features books familiar to them, Kite Runner, Invisible Man and To Kill a Mockingbird in prominent positions while the books that are actually under discussion like Lawn Boy are down in the bottom half. It shows that not only are Biden’s people lying, they know they’re lying.
It sound so much as if Barack and Michelle Obama are making the decisions. There is a lot of evidence that Barack was gay.
Or valarie jarrett. I think the obama administration team is pretty much running the show from within the executive branch, like they were with barak. I don’t think barak has the ability or the desire to do the work and make the actual decisions. He’s just functional enough not to be such an obvious figurehead as joe.
It’s a lot of the same people and even when it isn’t the same people, it’s people from the same movement and milieu.
People concentrate a lot in Obama when he was just a figurehead, a lazy and mostly disinterested figurehead..
Much like Biden
Bareback Hussein Obama is gay? Naw. He’s a flamer. Gay doesn’t begin to describe him.
Lol, I’ve often wondered why people who call themselves, ‘gay,’ are among the most perpetually unhappy people on the planet. Some really are, but most are not.
Biden’s going for the votes of people young enough to be overwhelmingly brainwashed and indoctrinated by our leftist run ‘education’ system into believing pedo and outright racist books are good, and the classics are bad. People that need “influencers” to tell them what to think and do, because they were intentionally not taught how to think and do for themselves.
You are spot on.
Thanks Cowboy. Influencers. That’s a sore subject.
Often people too young to have had their lives majorly screwed up by the twists of fate. Which means they don’t have the wisdom from experiencing catastrophe.
Then taking on a huge responsibility for misleading their followers. Which consequences may catch up with them.
Personally I don’t want to influence anyone or persuade anyone of anything. Rather, I would prefer they criticize what I say. I might learn something if their criticism is correct.
Thx is the most humorous of the critics. He was criticizing me for having fallen prey to the mind-body split recently. Little does he know that I have been bashed over that issue by Berkeley Psychology types since the 1960s, so i probably have the least split between mind and body of anyone on earth 🙂
You hit a valid subject. People who haven’t been harmed by life don’t learn from it. If you take it up the ass enough times, believe me, you learn. My ex wife taught me that the hard way. Straight up my ass.
Thanks Jeff! False accusations against a man by a woman can ruin his life.
Tell me about it. I had to leave “lovely” Omaha Nebraska because my psychotic ex wife kept throwing me in jail. In that shitty city, the white night cops will arrest any significant other a woman tells them to despite the lack of a criminal offense.
The owner of my company was hauled off to jail because he gave his wife a hicky. He called the cops himself, because she would not let him leave. The bruise that he gave for her pleasure was his doom.
What sayeth Dr. Jill, the school teacher (!) on the subject of porn in schools?
They lie about everyone else so why not this? BTW, the Left also has banned “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.” But our garbage “news media” will never mention that or ask him how he squares his stand against removing pornography from school libraries with his apparent support of removing great literature from them.
As I recall, Tom and Huck were in cahoots with Jim out of personal friendship. The Left objects. What could Samuel Clemens possibly relate faithfully about nineteenth century America? He didn’t even denounce the place, probably approved of Lincoln and was silent upon sexual deviance. That’s too much to forgive. Twain is out.
I should probably reread Huck’s book. I remember it was very pleasant and enjoyable.
You hit a valid subject. People who haven’t been harmed by life don’t learn from it. If you take it up the ass enough times, believe me, you learn. My ex wife taught me that the hard way. Straight up my ass.
Samuel was a cracker. He was the cracker barrel story teller, way ahead of his time, not the whip cracker leftists made up. He must be erased.
Once again Biden proves e is a a Globalists/Traitor who wants school kids to take part in Drag Shows and such stuff Hitler, Stalin Castro and Mao used Kids and so is Biden
They also know who they are lying to.
t doesn’t matter whose votes Biden tries to win. Because of Soros’ cheaters in election offices nationwide we have selections of officials, not elections.
It never occurs to the right to become moles and get the cheaters kicked out so that they can run the elections, not watch, do.
The right refuses to obey Newton’s 3rd law – opposite and equal reaction to the Marxists color revolution. Thus a vacuum is formed and they constantly fill it with more republic killing acts.