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Don’t know if we should be calling these woke folks, ‘astronauts’ or ‘cosmonauts’. But it was also expected that the people they picked for a hypothetical lunar mission would be leftists who hate America. Their experiments will likely consist of measuring equity on the moon and claiming that low-gravity environments have a disproportionate impact on people of color. And this garbage is starting early. Really early.
NASA astronaut Victor Glover, recently named as the pilot of the Artemis II mission around the Moon, listens to Gil Scott-Heron’s poem “Whitey on the Moon” twice a week on the way to work.
Maybe doing some actual mission prep would be more helpful? But we’re dealing with wokes here. So signaling their virtue and, in typical fashion, preemptively dumping on whatever task they’re going to screw up anyway is more important than the actual mission.
In the 1970 spoken-word poem, Scott-Heron criticizes investment in space when black people in the U.S. couldn’t afford health care.
Gil Scott-Heron, a racist crackhead who came down with HIV, was not offering some meaningful critique of the space program, he was inanely blaming white people for his problems.
Was all that money I made las’ year
(for Whitey on the moon?)
How come there ain’t no money here?
(Hm! Whitey’s on the moon)
Y’know I jus’ ’bout had my fill
(of Whitey on the moon)
Imagine the outrage if a white astronaut were prepping with a racist tone poem about black people.
Anti-American lefties came to embrace ‘Whitey On the Moon”. First Man managed to censor the American flag while featuring Scott-Heron’s racist rant.
A memorable scene captures this dissonance by juxtaposing the Apollo 1 disaster, in which a fire killed three astronauts during preflight testing, with people protesting NASA’s program — all set to a rousing reading of musician and poet Gil Scott-Heron’s work “Whitey on the Moon.”
Victor Glover has demonstrated why he doesn’t belong on this mission. He doesn’t represent America or NASA. And should a future conservative administration that cares about the details take office, he should be removed and allowed to pursue his dreams of talking about how terrible America is.
Glover also believes that it’s important to listen to the spaceflight skeptics, those who don’t see the utility in sending people to space or spending money on those efforts.
Good point. If he gets sent up, no money should be wasted on bringing him back.
TomKat Books says
So black racism is acceptable to NASA? I doubt that any white racist could become a NASA astronaut.
We have come a long way from the original Mercury astronauts!
internalexile says
A very small step for mankind.
Unknowndrone says
Dont you mean one giant step backwards for mankind?
Christopher Riddle says
SPOT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BigDog says
A step backward for mankind, somehow the elites think they are going to be unaffected by the race war they are starting.
tymtrvlr says
A step Barackwards!
Rightway says
Doesn’t NASA have an IQ test that astronauts must pass? I doubt that Gil Scott-Heron would ever pass
Pasta Fazooli says
Reggina Quota Token
Dave Miller says
Not only would he have a low score, he wouldn’t be able to explain it.
BigDog says
Don’t you mean “splain” it?
OSCAR says
How DARE you suggest that there should be standards for astronauts you racist! And the man is without question highly-qualified! He is black, racist, leftist, and even has a hyhpenated name. What else could woke NASA want?
OSCAR says
Even if that was true, his intelligence is not the problem here.
His problem is about one foot below his head. His problem is
his evil heart. His vile racism should automatically disqualify
him as part of a team of astronauts whose lives depend on
cooperation for survival. I would n0t trust him as far any farther
than I could throw him. I’d flat-out refuse to go on any mission
he was involved with. Other than that, he seems like a swell
guy! 😉
CowboyUp says
He passed the race and equity test, but I wouldn’t fly with him at the controls.
Clive Smith says
My comment would be censored… but you know what it is
daniel miller says
I wouldn’t ride on a bicycle with this racist garbage. Imagine having to fly into space with him in charge. Only black people can be openly racist…without consequences… in fact they get promoted for their bigotry.
Teatwaffle says
He’s not not a “real darkey”…. He’s a half-rican, like Susan Rice, Kamala Harris, Colin Krapernick, and Hussein-Obama.. Affirmative Action hurts everyone, always has.
Kenny says
Unfortunately he is real, and he is a blacky but obviously his real darkness comes from within .
CowboyUp says
Institutionalized racial discrimination hurts everyone human, in the long run, even those it seemingly benefits, and a lot of animals as well. The only institutionalized racial discrimination these days goes under the title of “affirmitive action.”
Hiccup says
Same goes for women. They can be openly sexist with no repercussions.
CowboyUp says
Yea, but I can take it from them, I’m a man.
Morton says
Just another angry tribe member — this one with a nice pedigree.
Geoff miller says
I know for a fact that he did it just to provoke. all the reactions just for entertainment and he got exactly that…I know some NASA people and they’ve said he’s not prejudiced at all…But loves screwing with folks for giggles and look how many went for it…If he really had a hard on about white folks do you really think he’d want to lock himself in the equivalent of a phone booth with a bunch of them…and do you think they would want him in there with them ? Suckers !!!!!
Kasandra says
Sending drag shows to Iran and anti-American black racists to the moon. The rest of the world must be laughing at us. And be terrified.
Noah Andeark says
I thought that NASA was supposed to be a muslim outreach agency. What happened?
Cat says
To show muslims were really good at math. Or something more explosive.
Ugly Sid says
Of course, it’s sabotage.
Biden is China’s guy.
Prove me wrong.
Kenny says
And BO owns Biden, prove me wrong 🙂
Dee says
Useful idiot BO was a one trick pony. Black man who could read a teleprompter well. He made no more decisions than the dementia ridden puppet the USA is currently suffering from.
i Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, few conservatives notice that. Bo is an incompetent moron.
cedar9 says
What a racist bigot. This obvious mulatto would not exist if it weren’t for whitey somewhere in his ancestry and he sure wouldn’t be going into orbit if not for my white ancestors.
roberta says
He will die of old age first and twice, but if he wants to be true to his values, he should get involved in the space program of some African nation. Moon shot year 3023.
THX 1138 says
Oh really, YOUR white ancestors?
Did your white ancestors also give us King George, Benedict Arnold, Prince Harry, Hitler, Stalin, Fidel Castro, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, John McCain, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, etc.?
“A genius is a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race—and a moron is a moron, regardless of the number of geniuses who share his racial origin.” – Ayn Rand
i Jeff Bargholz says
Victor Glover. how would you like to fly into space with that racist asshole and depend on him for your life? I’d sooner fly with a Klingon
i hope he dies soon.
Pasta Fazooli says
Not to worry, “whitey’s” gonna do all of his work and he will take the credit for it although he laid on his ahs sleeping. It’s a cultural thing. I know, I spent 28 years doing their work at a municipality.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Hey Jeff, good to hear from you 🙂
People forget we were in a space race with the Russians at the time. That is why we went to the Moon.
Sputnik put the nation into a panic. I still remember where I was when I first heard of it. Playing freeze tag with the other kids on my neighbor’s lawn. I looked up into the blue sky 🙂
i Jeff Bargholz says
Good to hear from you, too.
Sputnik was before my time but I know the story.
I broke up with my girlfriend recently and I’ve been in misery ever since.
CowboyUp says
Wow, to have heard that news as a kid while playing the old games in the yard(we were still playing them in my time), but I did see the Saturn 5 Apollo 11 launch from nearby Daytona Beach. 20KHz for .3secs on and off in human range(40KHz alternating as well, but it’s not audible to humans). I think that’s the same signal used at the end of “Fly Like An Eagle,” by The Steve Miller Band, recreated by a Moog synthesizer.
cedar9 says
So far as we know , no. None of the above share my family tree of artist, writers war hero’s patriots and inventors. But I confess there were a few that ended up in Botany Bay
CowboyUp says
My home state of Georgia, was also a penal colony
roberta says
I get the first part of your comment, but quote? Is this guy a genius?
Kenny says
That’s like the dumbest quote ever. You should be seen but not heard, no screw that, you shouldn’t be seen or heard..
Steven Brizel says
It is tragic that NASA has gone woke instead of selecting astronauts with the right stuff
Onzeur Trante says
Yes, it is tragic. Every institution in the country has been overtaken by the gangrene of “woke.”
unknowndrone says
Incorrect… Gun stores are not woke. But according to the woke idiots guns are bad, not the crazy people ho use them and not properly punished..It should be those who live by the sword shall die by the sword. Use a gun to commit a crime? Face a gun standing against a wall…Blindfold optional..
Dr.Ernesto says
But no “last cigarette” because they cause cancer!
CowboyUp says
LMAO! Of course not, First ya gotta sterilize the site of that lethal injection.
CowboyUp says
I agree, but to me a short rope is preferable for horse thieves, other heinous capital criminals, and traitors. A classic firing squad is too much of an honor for most.
Kynarion Hellenis says
The right stuff is the non-white stuff.
Dave says
Just like the military he came from. And people are wondering why NASA has been failing lately. I believe Glover answers that question.
Onzeur Trante says
Surely (?) that nonsense disqualifies him. If not, the “whitey” astronauts would be wise not to go up into space with him.
Victor L. says
America was first to put man on the moon and now first again to put an imbecile in orbit.
unknowndrone says
And a total incompetent village idiot in the white house. Oh damn I said WHITE house does that make the government racist?
Pasta Fazooli says
Or “something”!
OSCAR says
I don’t agree about the imbecile part. He is obviously intelligent and educated,
so his mental fitness is not even in question. But even if he WAS an imbecile, as
you claim, you would have given him an out for his actions. An excuse. A defense
for his vile racism. He has none. No, he’s smart. He knows exactly what he’s doing. That means there remains only one explanation for his sick poem – he’s evil. And because of his sick hatred, no astronaut, of any color, should agree to be on a team he was a member of.
Don Kosky says
Moon landings faked, Earth is flat. Deep Space is fake, so no need to go any further, all of NASA is one big luciferian agency influenced by Jack Parsons (student of Crowley) and Wernher Von Braun (Nazi). We need to expose these truths to defeat the deep state. They get billions each year to destroy America.
i Jeff Bargholz says
Is that satire or are you serious?
Algorithmic Analyst says
Some people believe that stuff. I had terrible effects on my life from arguing with a Flat Earther 🙂
Teatwaffle says
Cuckoo… cuckoo… cuckoo
CowboyUp says
Hard to fake the lighting effects of a vacuum on that scale back then. God created a big universe. It exploded from one point in space time. It was created. The fact that it’s accelerating is just one of the laws of this creation (along with the mass/dark matter problem) of His that we don’t yet understand. Buy a telescope and look for yourself. Do the math with your own observations.
We have to move into the solar system (everything needed to sustain life as we know it is out there for us, cheaply behind a few feet of nickel iron), the Milky Way galaxy(Sol and Terra have lifespans), and on to other galaxys (ours is on a long term collision course with the Andromeda galaxy) to survive as a species in the long run. Billions of years is a long time, but it’s not infinite. Best to get moving towards the long term goal when you can.
i Jeff Bargholz says
Victor Glover. how would you like to fly into space with that racist asshole and depend on him for your life? I’d sooner fly with a Klingon
i hope he dies soon.
RobL says
Was all that money I made las’ year
(for a darkey on da moon?)
Go jus’ fo’ reparations & we’fare here?
(An’ a darkey on da moon)
Ya know’d, I jus’ ‘bout had my fill
(of a racist darkey on da moon)
Probably won’t make it onto the website, but I don’t care.
Teatwaffle says
Your perfect comment made it. Perfectly acceptable beautiful poem. Here’s the chorus:
LEAVE that racist darkey on the moon,
He can come back on a communist China balloon.
Take Kamala with you in June
Together you can sing that song about Rocky Half-Koon.
i Jeff Bargholz says
Is that satire or are you serious?
Kynarion Hellenis says
Full song lyrics. Several verses, but only two thoughts — I hate whitey for making my life hard, and whitey needs to take care of me!
I hate you! I will never leave you!
Tex the Mockingbird says
I would like to have Biden and all the Democrats stranded on Mars and this Creature with them
Algorithmic Analyst says
“Here am I sitting on my Tin Can,
High above the Moon,
Planet Earth is Blue,
And there’s nothing I can do …”
CowboyUp says
If anybody ever deserved it, they do, almost too poetic. Pray the automated systems and redundancies hold up on the flight deck, and your engineers weren’t also picked by the color of their skin, whatever it may be.
Una Salus says
Oh, gee after everybody already knew cosmology was in crisis Michio comes out with the shocking announcement, we might have been wrongo.
I don’t mind them being wrong if standard cosmology is wrong. I mind them shouting down critics with labels of “misinformation” like the hacks most of them are.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Una 🙂
I always doubted the Big Bang theory.
CowboyUp says
The red/blue shift is pretty clear. I doubt everyhing I can’t observe myself (It would be easy to prove, or disprove if I could afford to put even a relatively cheap telescope outside the atmosphere). But for even leftists to even admit it, well…
Big Blue says
Be a shame if he took a space walk and forgot to hook up his lifeline.
First racist black man lost in space.
Agnati Sedrin says
I don’t care what color they are, but I would’ve thought “body-positive” astronauts would be selected for the moon, what with the low gravity and all?
Una Salus says
Oh, joy AI rediscovers time dilation for complete hacks who cannot understand why even with magnificent funding and Oppenheimer surplus IQs they’re not exactly the Vienna Circle.
Dana says
Free citizens of African decent, need to begin making ties to their non-African decent neighbors and community. The plantation blacks of the demoncratic party have been being fed hatful rhetoric from their deomoncrat “representatives” for 60 years and now they are howling for a race war to exterminate the white race. They are close to sparking that race war. When it comes, I hope Free citizens of all flavors, will band together and fight the evil.
I pray that no free citizen is caught up in the flames by being mistaken for the citizens of African decent, who are howling for white extermination. BTW, my best wishes to the 13% of the US population who are dedicating their lives, their honor, and their fortunes, to exterminating the 65% of the US population.
CowboyUp says
They will be, black and white. We all hope the good will prevail. We can only all we .can, and let God handle the rest.
D_Sabot says
Thank you for exposing this David. A missed point is that this guy is also a senior field grade officer in the U.S.Navy. He has lots of flying cred on paper but his embrace of a poem using highly prejudicial racial language is breathtaking. I wonder if that is the standard in today’s Navy.
Uradumone says
General Milley is too busy studying about ” White Rage ”
Can’t we send Biden and his administration to the moon? They’ve already messed this planet up with their presence.
Lightbringer says
That is no poem. It’s a stupid little screed that an fourth-grader would be ashamed to hand in for a homework assignment. Absolute garbage.
Teatwaffle says
Even Biden’s astronauts are affirmative action, like his cabinet picks. Gil Scott-Heron is already in space…. he’s a black hole, with a big ay-ess-ess in front of it… a token low eye cue astronaut.
Rob of Mendota says
WHY in Hell can’t these racist SOB’s just let it go. I am sick and GD tired of hearing this garbage every day. Whitey on the moon, my foot. If Glover can’t shut his damned racist pie hole he should be GROUNDED. I have had it with the perpetually offended crowd! Pull the giant stick out of your @$$, shut the F#ck up and do your job!
Steve Duncan says
So, for these people, it’s ‘the White stuff’ rather than ‘the Right stuff’.
I went to church with the brother of Gus Grissom, and I have to say, this new crop of so-called astronauts in no way compare favorably to that generation.
Colt Baldwin says
Was all that money I made las’ year
(for war in Ukraine?)
How come there ain’t no money here?
(Hm! War in Ukraine)
Y’know I jus’ ’bout had my fill
(of war in Ukraine)
Muawiyah says
Will this guy be the HISTORIC first astronaut to be AIRLOCKED?
Hmm, hmm, hmmmm ~
King of Liberia says
The Negro couldn’t cross the ocean,
the Negro could barely cross a sea,
Whitey took them on the oceans,
bringing on himself misery.
The Negro’s in space ’cause of Whitey
there was never racism out there before,
but now that the bar was lowered,
there will be spacelifting, riots, and gun violence like never before.
ToolsforLiberty says
Perhaps he should learn about what “WHITEY” did for his name sake, Joshua Glover after a group of Southern Democrat Slave Catchers captured him in WI in the years leading up to 1861.
Gypo says
Take up the White man’s burden —
And reap his old reward:
The blame of those ye better,
The hate of those ye guard —
-Rudyard Kipling
Lightbringer says
Oh, that poem contains prescient gem after prescient gem. Thanks for sharing one of them one here, but I would urge the reader to read the entire Kipling poem. Well worth the few minutes you’ll spend on it.
Fred Garvin says
We’d have colonies on Mars, if we did not shift to perpetual custodial care for non-Whiteys after the Apollo missions. Obviously, the redirection of funds not only somehow failed to fix their problems, but their hyper-dysfunction is much worse.
Robert says
I believe it was Jesse Jackson who stated in the 1990s, “Black people cannot be racist”. His lack of critical thought and non reciprocating perspective has manifested into the asylum we are living in today coupled with the support of white liberals.
Lightbringer says
Isn’t he also the guy who, when he perceived footsteps behind him on a dark street, was mightily relieved to find that the person walking there was white? (Rhetorical question. Of course it was.)
Cassandra says
This vile individual is an ‘ arsestronaut’ and clearly what he emits is crap. Maybe the other guys going up with him will let him out of the space hatch and cut his connection….
Lightbringer says
“Whitey on the Moon” is no poem; it’s an illiterate screed that any sensible second grader would be deeply ashamed to turn in for his poetry project. But our hypothetical second grader might be white; this “poem” was written by a black, so isn’t that just ever so adorably clever of him?