Practically every day, Old Joe Biden gives us new evidence that he should be relaxing in his taxpayer-funded, walled Delaware beach house and watching Matlock reruns – oh wait, that’s what he is doing most of the time. But nearly every day he shows the world anew that he shouldn’t be doing this while pretending to be president of the United States.
Seldom, however, has he illustrated this in a more spectacular manner than on Wednesday, when he boasted about his efforts to “help keep guns out of the hands of domestic political advisors.” Maybe he was signaling that his political advisors are so angry and frustrated over working for him that they’re contemplating violence, and certainly it’s clear that some of these people aren’t exactly stable. Would you like to see Rachel Levine running around with a pistol? (“Dr. Levine, is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?”) But it’s more likely that Old Joe can’t read off his cue cards anymore, and that talk of continuing this comic opera past January 20, 2025, is even more insane than Leftists usually are.
Biden says he is working to "keep guns out of the hands of domestic political advisors" 🤔
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 23, 2023
The White House transcript wonks performed their usual act of walking behind the circus elephant with a dustpan, crossing out “domestic political advisors” and informing us that what the putative president really meant to say was “convicted domestic abusers,” but that just makes things even worse. To get to this particular gaffe, Biden had to change the word order and two of the three words. Sure, “abusers” could be “advisors” when you’re 80 and squinting through the fog of dementia, but reading “political” for “convicted” is a real stretch – unless, of course, you’re accustomed to thinking of politicians as habitual criminals who might one day be convicted of their crimes, and not just Bad Orange Man and his imaginary crimes, either.
The disarmed domestic political advisors were just the beginning. On Thursday, the alleged chief executive spoke at a celebration of Obama’s healthcare train wreck, and in the middle of the presidential blather and blague, a baby started crying. You’d cry, too, if you had to sit through Old Joe stumbling and fumbling his way through the latest concatenation of clichés and propaganda posted on his teleprompter. Affable Lunchbucket Joe stopped to reassure the mother, who was hurrying the crying child out of the room: “That’s all right — we like babies. You don’t have to worry about it. It’s — it’s okay. It’s all right. Matter a [sic] fact, I like babies better than people.”
Biden may be excused for not thinking babies are people. After all, he is indefatigably dedicated not only to forcing every state to keep abortion legal, but even to forcing pro-lifers to pay for abortions. As this barbarity rests upon the anti-science claim that the unborn child is not a human being, maybe Old Joe isn’t sure about the humanity of just-born babies, either.
In the same speech that set the baby wailing, the supposed leader of the free world said, according to the White House transcript: “History is made when women decide that there’s a greater risk in accepting a situation they cannot bear than steeling our spine and embracing the promise of change. You know, and no one has more in her spine and — than the greatest Speaker in the history of this country, Nancy Pelosi.” State Freedom Caucus Network communications director Greg Price heard that as “stealing our spine,” and that’s certainly understandable, although it would make a hash of the statement; it isn’t as if Joe has never mumbled incoherent gibberish before. Interpreting it as “steeling” rather than “stealing” makes the statement marginally coherent, although nevertheless strange, as “steel” is hardly commonly used as a verb.
We shouldn’t have to do this. The statements of the man who is supposed to be president of the United States shouldn’t be a jumble of unintelligibility from which we try to divine a meaning. It’s time for Old Joe’s unarmed domestic political advisors to take him aside and tell him that he is well past his sell-by date, and should forget about 2024. He has carried out enough of the Left’s agenda for any man, and Americans will be trying to clean up the damage for generations to come. It’s time for him to retire the teleprompter once and for all and make a well-deserved return to the basement from which he conducted his miraculously successful and nearly nonexistent presidential campaign of 2020. He won’t be missed.
Miranda Rose Smith says
I have run across “steel” as a verb.
Jeff Bargholz says
It’s a correct verb in the infinitive form but not the present participle.
David Ray says
That retarded fool was past his “sell by” date in 1988 when he borrowed the life story of PM Kinnock and applied it to his own life story.
The empty suit had no accomplishments of his own. He had no character of his own. He had no intelligence of his own, and as such, had no imagination of how to concoct a resume’ . . . so he borrowed one from someone else.
Sleepy Joe has been a chickenshit loser his entire life, devoid of focus, values, I.Q, or honesty.
That’s what the DNC packaged & sold to the Democrat base. They looked at that decaying husk, and said “Yeah; That’s just the kind of embarrassing idiot that I’m excited about voting for!” (To be fair, it wasn’t really 80 million that voted for him.)
Jeff Bargholz says
You’re absolutely right about everything, especially the Fact that Blowhard Biden is a coward.
roberta says
He really has that ”nobody home” look in his eyes.
reyol says
Until he spots a child. Then his eyes light up.
CowboyUp says
He’svalso the very slack jawed mouth breather dems are always accusing republican voters of being.
Kasandra says
I think he’s on to something. I wouldn’t allow his senior domestic policy advisor Susan Rice to have a firearm, either.
Spurwing Plover says
Bidens Brain is so fogged up he could cut it with a knife
Patriotliz says
Word substitution is part of his aphasic disorder (paraphasia) that no one has really discussed because there’s been no real transparency about his previous brain injuries, their long term sequelae and any superimposed new lesions or degenerative process. No one has asked to see Biden’s Brain imaging or the actual reports from the Neurologist(s) who reportedly examined Biden according to Dr. Kevin O’Connor.
sumsrent says
Impeach Biden!!
CowboyUp says
Dems will keep him because he’s the perfect cover for the radical policies his handlers are instituting in his name. He’ll take the blame for the disasters, once he’s gone. That’s why the msm is so incurious about those actually making the decisions.
John Blackman says
biden and his cronies are what a reprobate mind looks and sounds like . as thomas sowell predicted for the 2020 election ” if biden is elected it will be the end of america ” sowell is the only senior black american pundit to have predicted the outcome and the eventual demise of american exceptionalism . dr. john MacArthur the only white pastor in america to call it and the reason why america is like the titanic , its a race to the bottom and nothing will stop it .
Greebo says
Speaking in Word Salad is a symptom of serious neurological damage. It is an astonishing coincidence that the two top executive leaders in the the US government and the former Speaker of the House in line for the Presidency, ALL show that particular symptom frequently. That appears to be beyond coincidence. Does that keep them from doing anything except what their handlers direct them to do? If so, it appears that their handlers are enemies of the United States. Everything they do harms or sabotages the US. It also helps China.
What a convenient coincidence. It is disturbing that no one appears to notice this.
Jeff Bargholz says
.I told everybody I could that Alzheimer Joe was demented from the day he took office. .Nobody listened but now, two years later, everybody knows – and they pretend they always knew
Walter Sieruk says
To even attempt to reason with Biden is just as a waste of time and an act of futility as trying to teach algebra to a rabbit.
For example, that Idiot senseless idiot bogus “President” Biden declared “Imagine had the tobacco industry been immune to prostitute being sued, come on.”
This strong reminder that the ancient Greek philosopher Plato wrote “The penalty for refusing to take part in politics is to be ruled men inferior to yourself.”
Walter Sieruk says
Joe Biden had said “Let me start off with two words “Made in America.” he might have been letting it slip that he’s such an idiot that he doesn’t understand that “Two” is not the same as number “three.”
Likewise, Biden is so brain dead that he declared ” If you’re paddling upstream in canoe and a wheel falls off , how many pancakes fit into a doghouse ?”
Well it’s amazing and terrible that America that feeble -minded old man masquerading as a real US President.
Walter Sieruk says
Joe Biden must really be an idiot. So much so that he can’t even get and old saying right
For example, Biden said “Buy a man eat fish, the day, teach man to a life time.”
Walter Sieruk says
To think that this demented man .Joe Biden, has the power of the United States Presidency in America is a disturbing.
Biden can’t handle national affairs is a reason sensible logical way so how much less is he able to handle international situations of serious concerns.
Proof enough that Joe Biden is feeble Minded is that he can’t hardly even speak a rational statement. For many times, when he speaks, he exposes just how feeble -minded and nonsensical he really is.
For example, one time in a speech Biden said “The old expression ‘Time is money.’ As one computer said ‘If you’re on the train as they say Portal Bridge, you know you better make other plans.’ ”
What an idiot Joe Biden is. It’s horrible that he’s supposed to be “America’s President.”
Christopher Riddle says
Joe “Bite Me”likes Babies more than “People”?Is that why”Catholic Joe”is All for Abortion at Any Stage of a Pregnancy?????