Remember Obama’s “horses and bayonets” sneer in response to Romney pointing out the sad state of the US Navy? Same people are running the show in the Biden administration and they intend to destroy as much of America’s military as they can manage in four years.
And that includes the Navy.
On one end is Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks, who is spearheading an effort to cut the number of traditional, large-deck amphibs and invest in uncrewed ships and other lighter vessels, the people said. But Hicks’ vision is at odds with plans put forth by Navy and Marine Corps leaders, who want to keep dozens of the ships they say are a key component to moving Marines and aircraft around the Indo-Pacific as the U.S. seeks to deter an aggressive China.
Hicks served under Obama and is pursuing Obama’s agenda of destroying the military.
Hicks’ influence guided the notional 30-year naval force structure released earlier this month, setting up a wholesale divestment of older platforms to, ostensibly, invest in newer technology.
That said, defense budgeting must be responsible. With this in mind, there are a few areas worth additional scrutiny, where funds could be cut and redirected to deliver actual improvements to warfighting. They include: a $110 million increase to combat sexual assault, $719 million for climate-cognizant solutions like hybrid cars, and a $56 million child development center at Point Loma, California. Some of this spending might be needed, but the return on investment at these levels measured against enhancing warfighting is suspect.
They know what they’re doing. They want America to go down and America’s enemies to triumph.
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