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[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Last November, Biden met with China’s Xi and the two leaders reached an agreement to tackle the fentanyl crisis fed by the traffic in precursor chemicals from the Communist dictatorship.
Three months later, the bodies are everywhere.
Fentanyl overdoses rose fourfold in Marin County in just 2 weeks, Oregon has the largest overdose rates in the nation and even children under 5 are dying of it in Tennessee.
And there’s no sign that the carnage is slowing down. 66 people died of drug overdoses in San Francisco in just the month of January. The majority of those deaths were fentanyl related.
Biden claimed after the meeting with Xi that China is “taking steps to shut down companies dealing in illicit trade and precursor chemicals.”
But officially what China did was send out warning letters to the firms shipping precursor chemicals to the cartels. Rather than warning Chinese companies that they faced action from their own government, the letters cautioned them that they faced legal action from America.
The companies making the poison killing Americans then had every reason to laugh it off.
Chinese firms were told to be “cautious about orders from the United States and Mexico and be wary of the exported items being used to manufacture drugs.”
Telling companies to be cautious and wary, is a long way from a crackdown.
In sharp contrast to the warning letters, earlier that same year Chinese authorities had raided the offices of American companies auditing local firms on behalf of U.S. investors.
Televised footage all over Chinese media showed blue uniformed thugs breaking into offices, carrying away boxes of files and manhandling employees. The regime was sending a message and it did so in the usual unsubtle way that Communist governments always operate.
The People’s Republic of China was far more interested in cracking down on American firms detecting fraud in China’s Potemkin village economy than on the drug rings and firms that bribe local officials to be able to continue murdering hundreds of thousands of American citizens.
China has spent far more time cracking down on tech firms than it has on drug precursor dealers. And, like the crackdown on auditors, it has done so publicly and prominently.
By contrast, China’s response to the fentanyl crisis has been to sweep it under the table.
In 2019, Chinese officials claimed that all the issues had been “resolved” after a handful of members of one smuggling network were convicted. Fentanyl was finally treated as a controlled substance. Some of the most blatant online pitches for drug sales were toned down. And hundreds of thousands of Americans still went on to die of fentanyl because none of this substantively stopped the manufacture and traffic in precursor chemicals out of China.
Now once again, Chinese authorities are sending out warning letters to companies and telling them that the government is keeping an eye on them. But smaller companies, which exist only on paper, just swap out old names for new ones and keep right on killing Americans.
Beijing had pulled this same scam in 2019 only for the fentanyl crisis to grow worse.
Even as Biden administration officials claim that the Chinese crackdown is working, it’s easy to find Chinese manufacturers still pushing precursor chemicals through Whatsapp messages.
Biden administration officials keep claiming that every meeting with Chinese officials moves things forward, but the Chinese officials tend to have a different story. In February,
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas met with Public Security Minister Wang Xiaohong in Vienna. Biden officials claimed that progress had been made on battling fentanyl while Chinese media claimed that the focus was on letting Chinese students enter America.
Fentanyl is profitable for Communist China both economically and politically. The mass deaths of Americans provide Beijing with leverage on everything from tariffs to visas to Taiwan.
Lenin had once reportedly bragged that the capitalists would sell him the rope with which he would hang them. Americans are buying the fentanyl rope with which China is hanging us. Every shipment puts more money into China’s pockets while undermining America. And when American leaders ask China for help, they offer some limited cooperation, hold meetings at which they issue their own demands and then the regime which runs slave labor camps and conducted forced abortions claims that there are legal obstacles in the way of a crackdown.
The official line is that the marketplace is just too complicated for China to crack down on. The same regime which relentlessly monitors every aspect of life, especially economic activity and contact with foreigners, claims to be helpless to stop a major form of international trade.
Chinese authorities are aware of which precursor chemicals can be used for the drug trade, where they are manufactured and then shipped. And if these were being used to kill their own citizens, the crackdown would have been immediate, ruthless and thoroughly comprehensive.
But the Biden administration has been more than happy to accept the myth of Chinese helplessness. Rather than seriously taking on China, Biden’s 2022 National Drug Control Strategy focused on working together with the Communist regime “on shared drug priorities”.
But Beijing has very different drug priorities than we do.
The Biden administration keeps holding out for empty promises. A White House adviser claimed that her boss believes the China deal has “the potential to make a real difference in the lives of Americans”. The potential is there but only if Biden really gets serious about pressuring China.
And he isn’t.
Beijing understands that American politicians have short attention spans and want some sort of photo op that allows them to claim that they’re handling the problem. And the Communist regime is occasionally willing to play the game and go through the ritual of meetings and form letters even while the underlying problem not only continues, but gets even worse.
In response to past pressure, China rerouted the fentanyl pipeline away from direct sales and toward cartel middlemen. The deals cut profits for Chinese dealers but maintained the core priority of harming Americans. The regime will similarly allow domestic manufacturers to play musical chairs with chemicals as they and their partners develop new even deadlier drugs.
Plausible deniability allows Xi and Biden to pretend that they’re tackling the fentanyl crisis, but both men have more to gain than to lose from the epidemic. The drug trade is lucrative for China and the suffering from the fentanyl epidemic feeds the welfare state that serves as a core organizing and campaign mechanism for the Democratic Party. It’s a win-win situation.
And a lose-lose situation for millions of Americans.
42% of American adults in one survey said that they knew someone who had died of a drug overdose. Our communities are filling up with the casualties of a drug war that China is winning.
Algorithmic Analyst says
There are a lot of rich kids in Marin County that use drugs. I keep warning them not to take street drugs, which may be cut with a lethal dose of fentanyl.
Rob A says
Gee, I really missed the boat on this one. I had always assumed that taking drugs was a voluntary act. Perhaps I was wrong?
Somehow, I must have missed the part where it’s said that someone was pointing a gun at all those peoples heads and forced them to take drugs. Oh well…..!!
Domenic Pepe says
You are blaming the American victims of the Mexican and Chinese fentanyl/drug aggression against America and US citizens.
So, when Britain and the East India Company pushed opium into China for 100 years, it was their Chinese victims who were using opium that were to blame.
Mexico and China are both responsible for murdering 100,000 US citizens every year.
Too bad so many people are incapable of understanding this simple truth.
What is worse is the total failure of the US elite political ruling class to do anything about it.
They just do not care about America and US citizens, especially working and middle class US citizens.
Rob A says
Fundamentally, you are arguing that freedom, specifically freedom of choice, is a dangerous thing and therefore, the government and those who know what best for everyone else should control. That’s an argument in favor of totalitarian control.
Personally, I think moronism is a crime against nature, logic and common sense and anyone who repeatedly says and does dumb and stupid things should be forcibly removed from society (i.e., no more democrats!) Fortunately, we live in a society where being dumb and stupid is not, yet, a crime.
R#P2 says
Taking drugs is less vo,luntary if it is part of the social scene and you take gateway drugs.
there is gateways alcohol. That would be hard lemonade which was talked about 2 decades ago or so..
Once you get someone on the drug roller coaster with something that is legal and socially acceptable like marijuana, it becomes less and less voluntary as time goes on.
Take a drug and your liver/body builds a tolerance. so you have to take more for the same high. you body dials back it production of natural chemicals. At that point you need a better than average will power to stop.
Seriously, I think many people in society want the people using drugs, on drugs and and to be “ded” sometime shortly thereafter.
Look at it like it was an industrial engineering production planning and control problem.
The schools, community and workplaces are “the factory”/assembly line. H\Healthy , productive people are the product.
So the obvious question.
What is the process throughput of this assembly line?
How much is scrap or rework.?
Is rework ballyhooed but not really cared about. Scrapping is cheaper. Of course it is easier if you do not have to pull the trigger. so drugs. they pull the trigger on themselves..
TPTB do not want epsilons or betas. They want a few alphas so long these new ones do not replace them or their offspring. the epsilons they will import from the 3rd world and then rinse and repeat.
Remember the NAZIS invented gas chambers because, even the racists had a hard time mentally gunning people down. TPTB would have a hard time getting rid of people. So they give them and allow drugs.
Domenic Pepe says
Mexico manufactures the fentanyl/drugs in Mexico.
Mexico distributes the drugs into America with the approval and facilitation of the Mexican government.
Doesn’t that make Mexico the enemy of America and US citizens also ?
This obvious truth is verboten to be spoken in America.
Mexico is the obvious insidious enemy of America and US citizens.
Domenic Pepe says
What about the complicity and major role and responsibility of Mexico and the Mexican
government in the actual manufacturing of the fentanyl/drugs and their distribution across the
Mexican border into America.?
It is absurd to only talk about China’s role in the fentanyl/drug catastrophe in the USA without also
talking about the Mexican role and complicity and actual responsibility.
More than 100,000 US citizens are being murdered every year by Mexico.
Is this a big deal or not ?
I guess not,
Algorithmic Analyst says
Mexico: A Commie government, with drug lords as powerful feudal barons.
Rob A says
I live 40 miles from the Mexican border and over the years, have done contract work with various Mexican telecom companies. Mexico is complicit in the drug trade to the extent that the Mexican government has no control over the Mexican drug cartels. In fact, outside of Mexico City. the drug cartels have carte blanche over the country and the military and police, if they want to stay alive, are answerable to the drug cartels.
The Mexican government has nothing to say about what the cartels do. If Mexican government officials don’t want themselves and/or their family members to be assassinated, they’ll take the mordita, keep their mouths shut and stay out of the cartels business. That’s a harsh reality most Americans can’t seem to wrap their minds around.
America is beset with many of “external” problems because most Americans have an Americancentric view of the world and can’t envision realities different from their own.
Americans also have a strong propensity towards thinking that they’re morally superior to everyone else. That simply isn’t true. A country that tolerates and normalizes depravity, degeneracy, homosexuality, multiple genders, pedophilia, abortion, open borders, etc., has no claim to being morally superior to anyone or anything.
Do-gooders and bleeding heart liberalism is killing America. Moreover, not being able to stay out of other countries business and mind our own is what has gotten gets America into trouble around the world and has made American more enemies than friends (thanks, CIA!)
Unfortunately, most Americans don’t see it, don’t get it, don’t want to hear it. They will in the final days of America.
Hunter Biden rakes in the dough from his fathers acts of Treason against America and the American People and their will partners in crime the M.S. Media overs up for their Crimes of Biden and Xi
Mo de Profit says
The CCP is in league with the global corporations, they will achieve their communist nirvana through this.
Take a look at Amazon sellers who claim to be local businesses, but drill down and they are all Chinese.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Mo. Their customer service is terrible 🙂
Chaya says
It’s a bloodbath of drug deaths, which will only increase if Democrats steal 2024. Yes, I said blood bath. And steal.
David Ray says
It was most certainly stolen.
Molly Ball openly bragged about it in Time magazine & Dinesh D’Souza proved it in “2000 Mules”.
The left was stunned on election night that Trump got 11 million MORE votes than in 2016. So they had to eject Republican canvassers, and discreetly count the votes they wanted (several times in Fulton County).
Algorithmic Analyst says
All the probabilistic factors I know of indicate that the election was stolen. Multiplying them together makes it a virtual certainty. But most people don’t think probabilistically.
Alex says
THe laughable words here are “Bidens’ fentanyl deal with China….”🤣
Joe met with Xi….that alone was the circus….LOL
Xi looks at Joe, all the time rubbing his hands together and thinking to himself ‘”this joke is easy to manipulate.”
And so Xi did… well as the rest of the American people.
Semaphore says
Of course it’s laughable. Biden serves his masters (China) very well.
notebeat says
This is nothing less than treason and murder! Brought to us by are traitor politicians.
They have become the world’s largest, most powerful child sex traffickers and drug dealers in history! Their silence in all of this proves their continued guilt.
David Ray says
All true, but these cosseted nihilists don’t care; they need the votes.
Besides; it’s not their posh enclaves (like Martha’s Vineyard, Kennebunkport, Malibu, etc) that are being turned into dumpster-fires, it’s only our neighborhoods.
notebeat says
Yes, for now they are immune from the destruction of their own making.
But if allowed to continue, I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t suddenly find themselves trapped in their own castles. Completely incapable of walking the public streets again in America.
Eventually forcing them to seek refuge in other countries because they will be known and marked people here the rest of their lives.
David Ray says
Your right, as that dumbbitch Barbara Boxer found out when she was mugged in Oakland.
(A small number of other politicians have also had a taste . . . but not enough to discourage tem from importing more islamists & 3rd world criminals.)
Algorithmic Analyst says
Excellent point about how the damage is spreading. A vast number of places that were safe when I was younger went under with most people not noticing. I only knew because I used to be rather intrepid, going to places most people who stay in a safe middle class suburban bubble never see.
Domenic Pepe says
The Stab=in-the-Back American politicians and elite ruling class are traitorous.
Betraying America and US citizens is a big big moneymaker now.
David Elstrom says
What do you think China was paying for when it greased the palm of Prez Send Money Now c/o The Big Guy?
David Ray says
Pregnant woman abuser, George Floyd overdosed on fentanyl.
His 1st overdose was in Chicago, but unfortunately, the cops saved him.
Had that street-trash thug survived his 2nd overdose, he’d be elated to see how the price of fentanyl has dropped – and as a bonus, his painfully ugly statues wouldn’t exist.
(At least the low-life can’t pistol-whip pregnant women any more.)
Rodger A. Cottrell says
Thanks for keeping alive the truth about that lowlife thug known as George Floyd. The best thing that I can say about him is that he is dead and no longer a threat to pregnant women.
internalexile says
There a lot of bright people looking at this situation who suspect that China does indeed “have something” on Biden that keeps him from taking serious action on anything. Wonder if we will ever really learn?
Domenic Pepe says
Yes … China is providing the raw materials to Mexico for the fentanyl/drugs with the approval and facilitation of the Mexican government.
But the fentanyl/drug manufacturing and distribution to America is actually carried out by Mexico and the Mexican government and by Mexicans.
Thus, Mexico is also the enemy of America and US citizens.
US politicians, GOP as well as woke leftist dems, and the MSM will not state the truth.
Literally nobody is calling out Mexico as the real enemy of America and US citizens.
The truth is that Mexican president Obrador is a mass murderer of more than 100,000 US citizens every
year with Mexican manufactured drugs deliberately pushed into the USA from Mexico with the approval
and facilitation and encouragement of the Mexican government.
Mexico is the enemy of America and US citizens.
Let me repeat again … Mexico murders more than 100,000 US citizens with Mexican drugs every year.
Mexican president Obrador is a mass murderer of US citizens
Also, Mexico encourages and facilitates and promotes the invasion of millions of illegal aliens into the USA.
This Mexican facilitated invasion of America is costing US citizen taxpayers billions of dollars every year,
and is corrupting and destroying America socially, politically, and culturally.
Mexico is the real insidious enemy of America and is especially the enemy of US working and middle class citizens.
The minimal solution to the invasion and devastation of the USA is to put 500,000 US military troops on the Mexican border, and deport all illegal aliens from the USA,
and shut down the anchor baby racket.
Mexico is the enemy of America and US citizens.
US politicians and political leaders must be found and elected and given power to crush those deep
state and corporate and cultural elites, and political quisling liars who have betrayed the real interests of
America and flesh and blood bona fide US citizens.
These truths must be acknowledged and strong forceful effective action must be taken against the real
insidious and deadly domestic and foreign (particularly Islamic) enemies of America and US citizens.
The American Apocalypse is staring into the face of America and its citizens.
Open your eyes ….. Save America ….. Do what needs to be done ….
George says
You are right, but a lot of the cartels work for the Chinese Communist Party now. What we must do is deport millions of the criminal invaders, with buses, vans, trains and planes going south back to the border 24/7 for the next 10 years. Then Mexico can figure out what to do with all the Africans, Venezuelans, Chinese, etc.
Domenic Pepe says
Deport …. Deport … Deport all illegal aliens and stop the anchor baby racket.
Steve says
Maybe Joe uses fentanyl himself. Obviously, Adderal and a Depends diaper alone can’t get him through a public appearance. And maybe the coke that found at the White House wasn’t Hunter’s.
We are already dealing with a demented president, who was quite stupid even before senility set in. And drugs (either prescription medication or street drugs) are now being added to the mix.
Algorithmic Analyst says
The comedown from those drugs is awful. I only had fentanyl once, via drip given by a paramedic when I was in the ambulance going to the hospital for emergency surgery. It turned the 30 mile bumpy ride over back country roads into a pleasure cruise. But when it wore off I was literally in Hell.