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In the last week, Joe Biden had flat-out lied in the most egregious fashion in so many ways.
In his disastrous press conference of last week, he claimed that special counsel Hur’s report exonerated him. Anyone who read the findings concluded exactly the opposite.
According to Hur, Biden would have been indicted for his willfully unlawful removal of classified documents except for two reasons: one, the Department of Justice protocols apparently prohibit indicting a sitting president; and two, Biden suffers such cognitive decline that the special counsel believes a jury would more likely pity him into acquittal than convict him of what he is certainly guilty.
He lied that Hur brought up his son’s death (“How in the hell dare he raise that?”). In fact, Biden as is his serial wont, raised it, and does on a regular basis, usually deliberately and further lying that his son died while on military duty in Iraq (he died six years subsequently as a civilian in Walter Reed Hospital), and always contorting the death to enhance his own greater sense of grieving.
He lied that he notified authorities when he discovered that he unlawfully had taken out classified documents to various residencies (perhaps for over some 30 plus years during his senatorial and Vice Presidential tenures). In fact, Biden only admitted that he had apparently for decades unlawfully removed classified files in 2017, to his ghostwriter in a recorded tape, and then he hid that fact and kept quiet for five years—until his administration’s special counsel began to investigate Trump for the same thing. Note the worried ghostwriter erased the tape of Biden’s confession as soon as he learned there was an appointment of a special counsel. (Destroy evidence much?)
He lied that the files bore no classification marks. In fact, they did and do.
He lied that he kept the files safe in a secure location. In fact, the special counsel report includes several photographs of the Biden garage, in which there were sloppily stored, open, and torn boxes of classified documents amid a complete mess of junk.
He lied that Trump’s once secure border is somehow responsible for Biden’s intentionally open border.
He just lied that Trump caused the 2022 Putin invasion of Ukraine on Biden’s watch that never occurred on Trump’s.
It is not enough that the Biden team must wildly lie daily that the non-compos-mentis President is dynamic, impressive in his recall and cognition, and stands out as the most astute mind in most of this meetings.
Well apart from his cognitive decline, Biden himself is a pathological prevaricator.
john blackman says
if crone hillary can say for years that trump was the illegitimate president , which in effect made her an election denier . then the same can be said of feckless joe considering he has been lying for his whole sorry empty suit carreer . if any one was a ” lying dog face pony ” ol joe would take out the oscar . Bumbling Idiot Destroying Entire Nation . and he has the whole of the MSM helping him .
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
Only in a gov job could someone so dumb, so disgusting, and so criminal excel.
Domenic Pepe says
Biden and his depraved psychopathic administration have implemented policies to stab American citizens in the back.
President Stab-in-the Back Biden is doing more harm and damage to bona fide US citizens than any US President in history.
Biden need’s to be impeached now without delay.
Through foreign policy, the Ukraine -Russia War, the Mexican border Invasions, the Islamic/Hamas
war against Israel, to crime in the streets all over America, Biden is stabbing bona fide US citizens in the back every day.
Flash287 says
Am hoping that Trump doesn’t get the Navalny treatment from Biden. “The most corrupt president ever.!”
Mark Rich got it from Hillary!
Nunya says
piece of delusional SHIT!
Steve says
Joe Biden would have to ASPIRE TO BE a piece of shit. As for being delusional, despite his stupidity and dementia, Biden lies purposely and intentionally. He would lie even if the truth would serve him just as well. He has always been beneath contempt. Even Democrats and the tame mainstream media expressed that contempt freely when he first ran for president in 1988.
Steven Brizel says
Biden is a serial liar on every issue
Meg says
Yup, and yet they will steal the election for him or whoever the democrat nominee will be. With his poll numbers so low he would be changing policies if he knew the election wasn’t going to be rigged in his favor
Scott Norris says
Sad thing is, even before dementia, he was a pathological liar.
Judith says
And an unworthy, arrogant, self-aggrandizing little man.
Mark Sochor says
Hyper partisanship, a propaganda press, corruption in the electoral and judicial system and an administrative state whose sole purpose is survival and unaccountable power. Together with an ill informed and apathetic citizenry. That is why this empty suit is President. That Joe Biden is a dim bull has been known throughout his career. His mental decline has just highlighted what a poltroon this guy is. Yet, he still has supporters? Our Constitutional.Republic is no match for this.
Onzeur Trante says
The country is broken beyond repair. A complicit legacy media turns Biden’s straw into gold on a daily basis for consumption by the masses. Little in the “news” gives any hope of the country recovering after the election; it will certainly be rigged. If nothing else moves the people, perhaps the realization that the country isn’t going to recover will.
Chance says
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” ~ John Adams
Jim Daniel says
Sadly, that’s why the Constitutional Republic is dying.
bidens crimes have been diagnosed ad nauseum.
The demo who are not non composed mentis are plotting how to cheat in November. Biden is a pos.
It’s all the Obama acolytes in and out of the biden administration, who are worrisome and keep decent people up nights.
Tucker Carlson just interviewed a man named Bettis. He laid out rhyme and verse on ow they plan to cheat. Just like 16 and 20.
This time the October surprise will be China not Russia.
The WEF is laying the groundwork for the next pandemic alarm. They say it’s 10x worse. Hope it’s only scare tactics or have the bastards already been vaccinated?
Hannah Katz says
Nothing new here. Old Joe has been doing this for decades. I recall his plagiarism of British Labour Leader Neil Kinnick speeches and bragging to Iowa diner patrons of imaginary academic achievements way back in the day. One would think the plagiarism revelations would have ruined his career years ago, but then again he is a Democrat.
Kasandra says
He was plagiarizing long before that. He nearly got thrown out of law school for plagiarizing. He’s an odious human being but that’s no bar for the Democratic Party and our garbage “news media,” although I repeat myself, which propelled him into the Presidency where he and the cabal surrounding him are destroying the country.
CraigAustin says
They absolutely cannot let him win, they are terrified that their tactics will be used against them. Nothing is “offvthe table”.
Dr2xFour says
Liars got to lie. As Sundance at Conservative Treehouse says “We are living in the age of pretending”
Mr. Hanson, thanks for being the adult in the room day in and day out.
Scott Norris says
They’re going to continue to dump on Trump every day, 24/7. It’s what the media and Democrats do. EVERYTHING is Trump’s fault through October, no matter how absurd. Just repeat it as the low information voter already hates him because….. just because.
Mark Bradley says
The rest of the world is just laughing.
Steve says
Even his minder (de facto president Barack Hussein Osama, serving an extralegal and unconstitutional third term) has nothing but contempt for Biden’s lies, plagiarism and stupidity.
Chutzpan says
The tyrannical, treacherous and treasonous Dems rely on the BIG LIE.
The Democrat voting block is not intelligent to see that, and/or pure EVIL.
Funny says
Just think, many Americans will vote for him anyway this November. What does that say about America and the American people themselves. Do they really know what is going on in America?
Rob A says
The truth to Biden is similar to what sunshine is to a vampire. Biden has no reason to tell the truth because being truthful is not how he got to where he is today.
In the world of politics, being truthful is a liability and an impediment to career advancement. Moreover, being honest and truthful in Washington DC will get you ran over, stabbed in the back, played, uninvited to all the hoity-toity cocktail parties and regarded as a naive twit that people whisper around and point at and eyeball with contempt more often than not.
To succeed in Washington DC you have to be a shameless, practiced and skilled liar. Joe Biden is certainly shameless and practiced and where he lacks in skill, he makes up for with consistency (i.e., Joe is a consistent liar–even when the truth would better serve him!)
Bob Meyer says
Biden has a wonderful quality, the fact that he is a pathological liar! He could easily pass a lie detector test.
So many politicians are jealous and wish that they had his talent. Ordinary politicians have “tells” that give them away when they lie, but not Biden. He believes whatever he says whenever he speaks, no matter if he contradicts himself in the same sentence! Changing beliefs in two clauses of one sentence without a scintilla of a tell, isn’t even a challenge. What CIA agents spend years practicing, Biden mastered before his teen years.
He is truly a miracle of prevarication.
Rob A says
I emphatically think that lying is woven into Joe Biden’s DNA. To Joe, lying is as natural as breathing.
When they Build his Presidential Lie-Brary their going to need a large room for all his Pinocchio’s
Jonathan cohen says
It is not the things that happened that Biden can’t remember that is so concerning. It is the things that he does remember that never happened.
Pepperspapa says
Unfortunately, the US and Canada both have tens of millions of individuals who are mentally dysfunctional . They accept anything assbook, ticky tocky , and lame stream media vomits out. I left out the uneducational system and the unheathcare system. Critical thinking to them means, “hating Christians, this county, and Maga”. You can’t fix stupid.
Jeffrey L. says
I can only understand the meaning of the term “pathological liar” because about 30 years ago I taught in a high school where the principal was literally a pathological liar. I had never encountered anyone like that before. No matter was too unimportant for him not to lie about. He was supposed to give me a letter in June reinstating my employment for the Fall term, but instead made me drive to his house in late August to pick up the letter which actually was a ONE SENTENCE authorization. However when I went to the central office of the Dept. Of Ed. I didn’t even need the one sentence, but was automatically renewed. He told all the teachers that OSHA had inspected the school and we were asbestos free. However OSHA had discovered asbestos and the school opening was delayed for a month. I heard him lying to a police officer on another occasion. Lie after lie after lie. He even lied directing one teacher to the men’s room. It is an experience to meet a person who literally lies about anything and everything. As Prof. Hanson says, JB is sad to say a continuous pathological liar.
Lee Ann says
Joe is a sociopath. They are pathological liars. They have a false sense of entitlement. They are perverts. They lack empathy. They have no problem using their family for their dirty deeds. They try to mimic empathy but only show how self absorbed they are to use tragedy for their own benefit.
john r butala says
Ha, ha,…..a Trump stooge accusing somebody else of lying. That’s like the pot calling the kettle black.
Biden is a liar, but Trump is an outrageous liar. And a lunatic criminal.
A. Barker says
Truth will make lies swarm about it all the way to the cross and beyond so why spend a red cent on advertising that just feeds the dragon anyways. Truth is more important than life. Remember the gulags in Russia.