After Biden massively increased the number of ‘refugees’ entering America, the administration is pretending that it has some sort of caps in place.
It doesn’t.
Refugees advocates have been pushing the Biden administration to do more to restore the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. The more than four-decade-old program suffered deep cuts under the Trump administration, which slashed admissions to a record low of 15,000.
After taking office, Biden quadrupled the number of refugee admissions permitted for the remaining months of the 2021 budget year. He then set the target at 125,000 for the 2022 budget year, which ends Sept. 30. But so far fewer than 20,000 refugees have been admitted.
That number excludes the roughly 180,000 Ukrainians and Afghans who came to the United States via a legal process called humanitarian parole that got them into the country more quickly than the traditional refugee program but only allows for stays of up to two years.
When you’ve got 180,000 “refugees” pouring into the country in a number far larger than the 125,000 cap, that means there’s actually no caps.
And “humanitarian parole” is much bigger than that. The only rule is that there are no rules. Formal caps are routinely bypassed and sidelined. Migrants are able to cross the border and apply for asylum. Mobs pour in demanding their piece of a shrinking pie. Everyone is now a refugee and the claims of refugee status are numberless.
We may have to re-institute the draft to staff ICE sufficiently enough to round up 50 million illegals.