Muslim countries that have religious freedom are as rare as hen’s teeth. Islam is built around the denial of religious freedom. The cry of, “Allahu Akbar” is based on religious supremacy through ethnic cleansing. While the targets in that case were Jews, the same has gone for Christians, Hindus, and any other religious group unlucky enough to be caught up in the fires of the Islamic conquests.
But the Biden administration insists on carrying on Obama’s work. And that means pursuing a Jihad against any country or culture that, according to Obama, ought to have no future because they don’t submit to Mohammed and his hateful campaign.
This was December of last year.
Rashad Hussain has become America’s new ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom, after the US Senate voted 85–5 last night in favor of his historic nomination as the first Muslim to hold the position.
Previous IRF ambassador Sam Brownback praised the decision and its bipartisan majority. “Religious persecution is rampant around the world, and the international community looks to the United States for leadership that can make a difference,” he stated.
Rashad Hussain didn’t take long to jump into action in defense of the Islamic repression of women.
After the US’s ambassador at large for international religious freedom criticised the Karnataka government for not allowing Muslim women to choose their attire, India on Saturday, February 12, dismissed the tweet as “motivated comments”.
“The Indian state of Karnataka should not determine permissibility of religious clothing. Hijab bans in schools violate religious freedom and stigmatize and marginalize women and girls,” he posted.
“Motivated comments on our internal issues are not welcome,” said the MEA spokesperson.
A number of Indian media outlets and politicians have criticised the United States for this attack even though Rashad Hussain represents America almost as much as Barack Hussein Obama.
But at least the United States and its foreign policy are once again at the disposal of those who believe, like Obama that, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”
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