Sam Brinton, bald head and lipstick on his mustache, was promoted from “Kink Activist” to “Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition”.
The drag queen who has been known to wear red dresses and high heels, and calls himself “they”, was celebrated as the first “genderfluid” person in the federal government. Now he has reportedly taken a leave of absence after stealing a woman’s luggage and her clothes.
According to Alpha News, Brinton flew into Minneapolis-St. Paul from Washington D.C., where he grabbed a woman’s luggage at the airport and walked away with it.
He opened up her bag and put her clothes in the drawers of his hotel room.
“If I had taken the wrong bag, I am happy to return it, but I don’t have any clothes for another individual. That was my clothes when I opened the bag,” Brinton, who belongs to a drag queen group known as the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, told police.
The stolen clothing still hasn’t been returned.
Biden’s nuclear drag queen wasn’t just stealing the identity of women, but had allegedly escalated to actually stealing their clothing.
While Brinton is in theory a career employee, serious concerns about his honesty and the political agenda behind his appointment were raised about it at the time.
A Department of Energy whistleblower had claimed that “undue political influence and preferences were applied” led to Brinton, who described having intercourse with other men who roleplay as dogs, getting an unmerited high-level position in the federal government.
The whistleblower letter noted that the drag queen had been picked “over other more highly qualified candidates”. It pointed out that Brinton’s “background is limited to select advocacy work” and lacked the credentials for a “high-standing member” of the Senior Executive Service.
Brinton has been brought in by the Biden administration after spending four years as a political adviser at a nuclear waste management company and another four years working as an activist for a gay rights group.
The Biden administration had attempted to track a mentally unstable political activist who, since completing his education, never seems to have worked in an apolitical scientific capacity, for an extremely high-level career Department of Energy position.
Now, with Brinton on leave and potentially facing charges, they have a mess to clean up.
The DOE whistleblower’s letter had warned that Brinton had integrity issues, noting the “extensive video-recorded and documented evidence that Samuel Brinton delivers inconsistent narratives in his speaking engagements and published writings, that he changes facts to suit audiences in a way that raises questions about the veracity of his statements.”
The Biden administration, which had illegally colluded to promote Brinton, ignored the obvious evidence of his mental instability and all the bright red flags that had been waved over his head.
And wrapped around his waist.
The nuclear drag queen was their latest identity politics acquisition, posing in high heels around D.C., appearing at dinners with red lipstick on his mustache and boasting about breaking ground as the first genderfluid federal employee. Ever since conservatives have taken to criticizing drag queen performances, Democrats doubled down by sending drag queens to schools to sexually groom vulnerable children. And the Biden administration decided that it needed an official drag queen of its own to show off its commitment to sexual identity politics.
Conservatives had been raising their own questions about Brinton’s honesty as far back as a decade ago when he had been touring as a gay rights activist calling for a “conversion therapy” ban by relating fantastical stories of being electrocuted to cure him of his tendencies.
As the Massachusetts Family Institute pointed out at the time, “consistent with his presentations across the country, he was full of graphic details but thin on specifics. He never names the therapist who supposedly treated him, and can’t seem to get his timeline straight.”
But the media refused to fact check Brinton because he was telling them what they wanted to hear. His success as an activist propelled him up the ladder all the way up to landing a position as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition. Brinton had become too big to fail. And now he has in a way that is publicly awkward for his enablers.
But he’ll recover.
The Left has worked hard to mainstream debauchery and thievery. Brinton appears to have brilliantly brought together two forks of the agenda combining the radical politics that have put drag queens in schools and legalized shoplifting and looting in cities across the country.
Brinton, who was described as boasted of having “inspired young kids by wearing stilettos to Disney Land”, just united Black Lives Matter with his Trans Lives Matter marches.
Having started out by metaphorically stealing women’s clothing, Brinton zeroed in by stealing a specific woman’s clothes to add to his extensive wardrobe of summer frocks, gala gowns and high heels. With the stolen luggage contents estimated at over $2,000, he’ll have new looks to wear at D.C. events through fall and well into winter without having to bust his budget.
The federal government already steals from Americans. Brinton just cut out the middle man.
All of this is wrong, but if the acolytes of the Left have proven anything, it’s that they are unable to define a right or a wrong. Nor can they recognize mental illness when it’s wearing a red dress.
Brinton is the perfect poster boy for a movement that has lost its morals and its mind.
Recently, he posed with Richard ‘Rachel’ Levine, the former Pennsylvania Health Secretary, who doomed countless nursing home residents to cruel COVID deaths while pulling his own mother out of a nursing home. As a reward, Biden made Dick a four-star admiral the same way he made Brinton into a top nuclear official. In a society gone mad, madness is a career ladder.
The real nuclear waste isn’t deep underground, it’s walking the streets of Washington D.C.
Fritz the Cat says
There was an old country western song with the lyric “I think I’ve arrived, this must be the bottom”..
We’re there.
David Ray says
Anyone randomly picked outta the phone book would’ve been a more qualified candidate than this disgusting freakshow.
But, of course, “qualified” is the last thing sought by this chickenshit administration. (Now that this fool has some free time, Paul Pelosi might call him.)
Hunter Biden started from the bottom, and sank further from there – proving that a grifting incompetent moron never goes broke in D.C. if his dad has the right connections.
Horace Yo says
Joe is the top grifting incompetent moron. He taught Hunter everything he knows except how to keep it hidden with his dementia act while acquiring more power where he can destroy the whole country or the whole world and get everyone in it killed.
Algorithmic Analyst says
lol, thanks Daniel. Most interesting story of the day 🙂
David Mu says
I miss the United States I was born in.
internalexile says
Idiocracy is here.
Jeff Bargholz says
This is just another example of that freak, Sam Brinton’s, insanity. As if the doggy stuff and everything else in its history weren’t enough to tell its a whack-job. That Pedo Joe administration mascot for normalizing tranny abnormality is on video removing the name tag of the luggage owner. “I was tired” and “if I had taken the wrong bag, I am happy to return it, but I don’t have any clothes for another individual. That was my clothes when I opened the bag” are the least believable lies it could’ve come up with and completely nuts.
And it speaks English at a third grade level. Just another sign that its been humored in one way or another for its entire life. No native born adult could speak that poorly otherwise unless it has a learning disability, which wouldn’t surprise me.
And “woke” totalitarian scum across the country hold that freak up as a paragon of government and society. America is so fucked.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Yeah, people don’t know about the doggy stuff since MSM didn’t cover it.
So dumb that he kept changing his story, a dead giveaway that he is lying.
Mo de Profit says
He, like the rest of his freakish friends will die a sad lonely old man if AIDS doesn’t get him first.
Siddi Nasrani says
Or even Monkey Pox might see his demise!!
Jeff Bargholz says
Assuming that thing can get laid. Not even Paul Pelosi would touch that.
TeaBagtheTakers says
I’m surprised ppl do not throw up in their mouth’s when working next to IT.
Libs worship Satan says
There’s no morality to deviant freaks. The boundaries of civilized behavior do not exist in the minds of sexual perverts, gender freaks, pedophiles, deviant kinks. They are the virus that must be eliminated.
David Ray says
But that would deprive the DNC of over 3/4 of their voting base. And with all that chaff removed, this soil would flourish . . . like it had been doing under Trump.
As for now, our enemies are flourishing.
Intrepid says
When you get freaks like Sam Binton and “Rachel” Levine in cabinet positions and as department heads one has to understand that these picks came from Obama holdovers on the Biden Admin. PedoJoe doesn’t know or care who these people are.
It makes you realize just how far gone Obama and his minions really are.
Cat says
Obama himself and the “Mrs.” are stars of the freak show. Lets admit it already. “ That ain’t no lady, its my wife”
I want to leave the theatre.
I cant take this show anymore.
Anne says
It’s Big Mike. Men can take women’s hormones and really change their appearance.
rocco barbella says
“The federal government already steals from Americans”
They certainly do. This reminds me of a quote from Michael Franzese, former captain of the Colombo Crime Family. I’ll paraphrase “I have no problem with someone defrauding the government. I won’t do it now,because I don’t want to go back to prison, but I don’t find it morally wrong to do so.”
“The FBI has always been corrupt. They put my father away for a crime he didn’t commit. They framed him and fabricated the charges and my father spent 50 yrs in prison for it. Don’t get me wrong my father was no angel, and he was who he was, but he didn’t commit the crime the FBI charged him with. We are at a dangerous time in this country. The FBI is taking sides. They’ve always been corrupt, but it’s worse than I’ve ever seen it, and I’ve dealt with them for decades. Some people will say, they don’t like Trump so who cares, but the day it happens to them they will be very sorry.”
Steve says
Are you saying Comey shouldn’t have said what he did about Clinton before the 2016 election?
Steven Brizel says
Brinton should be fired forthwith-he is openly contempiutuious of the criminal law in taking other’ people’s property
Jeff Bargholz says
And he did it because he wanted to wear another woman’s clothes. A complete stranger. That’s nuts. And it’s nuts that the Alzheimer Joe administration appoints people who are obviously insane and thieves to boot.
America is done. Whatever this is, it’s not America.
BLSinSC says
Should the DEMOcrats change from a DONKEY to TRANNY??? Seems like they are obsessed with the notion! Maybe BIll DID pose for that portrait!!!
Kasandra says
Great column. When this guy was hired by DOE, and for a responsible position at that, I knew we had officially entered clown world. As to the Left, as the article says, “Nor can they recognize mental illness when it’s wearing a red dress.” Doing so would be “judgmental,” nearly the worst offense a Leftist can commit notwithstanding that having the ability to make judgments is one of the main things that distinguishes humans from the animal kingdom.
Lightbringer says
Animals make judgements, too. They can either tell friend from foe or end up being foe scat. But animals have the sense not to apologize for their judgements.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Yeah, one has to exercise one’s judgement or intellectual discrimination all through the day.
internalexile says
Who can blame an unrepentant thug like Putin for not wanting Western or American influence in his country and/or culture? We have reached decadence on steroids.
Moses brother of Aaron says
It’s worse than Sodom and Gomorrah
Anne says
Yes, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of Fornication and Homosexuality.
Jude 1:7. “Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, (different flesh,) are set forth an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.”
2 Peter 2:6,7. “And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an example not those that after should live ungodly;
America is not coming back under these circumstances. We are way outside the bounds of God’s laws.. The term “sexual deviance” means to deviate from what is acceptable to God. We are now a rebellious nation against God.
Jeff Bargholz says
Much worse. I told my girlfriend that just yesterday. I seriously doubt even Sodom and Gomorrah had a Brinton or Levine or tranny strip shows for kiddies.
Moses brother of Aaron says
” The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.”
Deuteronomy 22:5
Anne says
Romans 1:21. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, (they became fools) and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look ike a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.
24. Therefore, God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity.
28, Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.
What a disgrace we have, Brinton was stealing luggage and women’s clothes from the airlines. Can you get anymore depraved than that?
People tend to believe lies that reinforce their own selfish lifestyle, and personal beliefs.
People choose to reject God, and he lets them do it, but they become slaves to their own rebellious choices, Life without God is life without freedom. The worst slavery is SLAVERY TO SIN,
FDTS says
“Now he has reportedly taken a leave of absence after stealing a woman’s luggage and her clothes.”
I guess he needed a new wardrobe.
“The Biden administration, which had illegally colluded to promote Brinton, ignored the obvious evidence of his mental instability and all the bright red flags that had been waved over his head.”
A bald headed wacko walking around in a red dress and high heels? That was hard to miss? That’s why this administration is thought to be hopelessly incompetent. It’s multiple disastrous failures haven’t helped either. The president is a brain dead vegetable, and his lunatic handlers are running wild.
Jeff Bargholz says
It’s terrifying. We have an administration that’s lawless and in chaos and yes, running wild. Nobody is accountable and America is being ruined.
Spurwing Plover says
This is the type of person you would allow your kid to be within 50 feet of this freak belongs in a padded cell and a straight jacket Biden must have lost his marbles selecting that freak
JW says
Slow Joe (SJ) didn’t choose him her they what? One of his handlers gave the name to SJ for appointment to the post. SJ the realized the freak had no hair to sniff.
I’m afraid for our country. The old shit does not care about results as long as he does well. We are having to depend upon a bunch of dumb assed stumble bums
that keep on winning elections, from both parties.
I tremble for my kids and grandkids?
Lightbringer says
Me too, but has Biden ever considered that shrouds have no pockets? All the wealth he can steal in this world will not buy him a single ice cream cone in hell.
Ugly Sid says
Another role model.
Jeff Bargholz says
For the teacher’s union and Disney.
CowboyUp says
It’s not like he can’t afford clothes, he’d just rather steal them and feels entitled to do so. And I guess he figures if an election theft caught on video can fly, getting away with stealing luggage and clothes on video should be easy.
Jeff Bargholz says
Actually, he’s one of those freaks who likes to wear other people’s clothing behind their backs. Women’s clothing. It’s an uncommon fetish but it’s a real thing. And it’s insane.
And that freak holds a government appointment that should have a serious and competent person in charge. Good thing he doesn’t actually do anything but pose for photos and perv out. For once, government waste and over staffing works in our favor because his underlings are doing his job for him. They’re doing a lousy job but imagine if that freak actually ran things.
This isn’t America anymore.
Sam Brinton should take his show on the road. First stop Kabul. The audiences will love him and his canine friends.
Bob says
Biden and everyone associated with him is a sorry POS.
Steve says
No wonder the US is going down a hole when it’s focused on drag queens rather than seditious conspiracists. Time to get priorities straight.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, the seditious conspiracists in the Dirtbagocrat party, BLM and Antifa should be prosecuted and executed.
Steve says
Oath Keepers have been prosecuted and convicted. You say execute them?
W. Layer says
There is no sexual perversion the Dem Pty will not embrace. The left is already pushing to normalize pedophilia, bestiality must be next. Dems will excuse it with “so long as it doesn’t interfere with the job”. They would excuse canibalism.