What was once known as the Southern border of the United States is essentially nonexistent in this time of Old Joe Biden’s misrule, and so it was no surprise Saturday when it came to light that so far in 2022, the Border Patrol has caught at least 98 people at the border who are on terror watchlists. Terrorists can see what’s happening at the border as much as anyone else can; why shouldn’t they take advantage of the mess Old Joe has made? And those 98, of course, were just the ones who got caught.
Fox News reported Saturday that “the number of migrant encounters at the U.S. southern border climbed to a record more than 227,000 during the month of September and more than 2.3 million for fiscal year 2022, according to data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.” That data also shows that “there were 20 known or suspected terrorists arrested at the southern border in September, bringing the total terror watchlist arrests at the border for the fiscal year 2022 to 98. The number of terror watchlist arrests at the border for the last five years combined was 26.”
What has Old Joe and his minions said about this? Nothing, of course, because they haven’t been challenged by the sycophantic Leftist propagandists we call “journalists.” And the administration has every reason to stonewall any inquiry, as nothing demonstrates the catastrophe that is Biden’s handling of the border crisis more vividly than the entry of known terrorists into the United States.
The terror risk involved in the open border has long been known. U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported as far back as Feb. 3, 2021 that “Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents arrested a group of 11 Iranian citizens who illegally crossed the border into the United States….Yuma Sector agents apprehended eight Iranian nationals in FY2020, compared to just 14 from all other border patrol sectors combined. So far in FY2021, Yuma Sector agents have apprehend [sic] 14 nationals from Iran.”
Rep. John Katko (R-N.Y.) asserted in March 2021 that “individuals that they have on the watchlist for terrorism are now starting to exploit the southern border. We need to wake up.”
Then in August 2021, former Border Patrol chief Rodney Scott warned that the Southern border was “a national security crisis,” with “TSDBs at a level we have never seen before. That’s a real threat.” In October, he said on Fox News that “we have terrorist threats we can’t get into in this type of a forum but they are real.”
Yes, they are, and they’re entirely Biden’s handlers’ fault. Former Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan said Monday that border agents are “demoralized” with the border “wide open.” He added that “every aspect of our public health, safety, national security is being jeopardized.” Over 7,000 migrants cross the border every day as it is, and once Title 42, a Trump administration attempt to control the wave of migrants, is ended as Biden’s handlers plan to do next month, that number is expected to jump to 18,000 per day.
Morgan observed that one group that is taking advantage of this is the drug cartels. “They know, because of this administration, our borders are wide open,” Morgan said. “We literally handed over operational control to the cartels. It’s way beyond the millions that have been smuggled in this country.” Not just terrorists, but drug cartels as well. The nightmare never ends.
Make no mistake: this has all been done on purpose. The Biden administration, Morgan added, “opened our borders and intentionally created and facilitated a catastrophic crisis on the southwest border that we’ve never seen in our lifetime.” Why would they do such a thing? You know the answer. Morgan explained: “Their priorities [are] to get as many illegal aliens in this country because – it’s disgusting – but because they see a perceived political benefit.”
It’s insane. The Left seems intent on destroying the country in pursuit of unchallenged political power within it. What kind of a country they’ll be ruling over once it is overrun with migrants and its economic power entirely outsourced or outpaced doesn’t seem to be a question that ever crosses their minds. How they’ll be able to pay for all their new welfare recipients once the American middle class is entirely taxed out of existence is also not a priority consideration for them. The only thing that matters is gaining and securing political power indefinitely. But this might easily become a pyrrhic victory.
Meanwhile, there will be other consequences of Biden’s handlers’ border irresponsibility. Twenty people on the terror list were caught in September alone; how many slipped through? What are they doing now? The answer to those questions could be explosive.
Open Borders Bidens Act of Treason the CFR and the Globalists United Nations Impeachment
It’s beyond evil.
We are seeing more fentanyl deaths per year than died during 10 yrs of Vietnam. Islamic terrorists have an open door to fly to Mexico City and join the caravans to enter the US unchecked. Diseases of all types are of no worry to this administration while they panic the legitimate citizenry with the next COVID bullshit variant.
The terrorism is at many levels, welcomed by this pathetic, Godless, corrupt fraud of a federal government led by a mindless, illegitimate POTUS.
Had that street-trash George Floyd not overdosed, he’d be thinking he won the lotto!
The price of fentanyl has dropped so low, that he’d need to rob pregnant women much less. (And we’d be spared the nauseating statues & murals of him.)
And to think this is the selfsame DNC that staged a drama-queen reaction to a benign Aug 8th PDB, using it to weep & wail during the 911 Commission (a chickenshit committee that was almost as big a sham as the Jan 6th committee. )
When (not if) the next attack comes, the DNC is counting on their compliant press corpes to have total amnesia over this premeditated invitation to welcome every islamic jihadist, MS-13 gang member, sex trafficker, drug cartel mule, and welfare seeker that can be crammed in.
The cosseted socialites of Martha’s Vineyard need not worry about their palisade. (Illegal alien voters are only allowed elsewhere in red districts.)
The day after President Trump is sworn in the attacks will commence. They will lay low for now but when America takes our country back the jihadist will unleash their terror.
The penultimate paragraph tells the whole story. This is all being done for the perceived political benefit to the Democratic Party. They’ve even written about it (see, e.g., Dem stalwart Jennifer Palmieri’s leaked 2018 memo when she was at the Center for American Progress) while all the while excoriating Republicans for talking about the Dem’s version of replacement theory. And wiping out the Middle Class is an added benefit. The Left hates the Middle Class and seeks to destroy it everywhere as it is the repository of family and traditional values.
Looks like you may have hit the nail right on the head. Thank you…………..
So much for the “let’s fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here”. Now they ARE here and here for revenge for the stupid wars our so called “leader” got us into in the middle east.
The border crisis was planned by the Biden administration to help destroy America
as a Constitutional Republic and turn us in to a garbage pail. Biden and all in his
cabal are traitors.
Judicial Watch posted an article of a moslem ‘migrant’ shelter in Tijuana. The article is from June 2022 https://www.judicialwatch.org › tijuana-opens-migrant-shelter
That national coronavirus epidemic across the United States of America was increased because of Biden porous US/ Mexican border rules. That President pretender Biden must not really care, at all, about the health and lives of the American people. In spite of all the empty disingenuous words spoken from Biden about “caring” talks cheap.
That bogus President Biden will have the blood of the deaths of many American on his wicked hands.
That a falsehood speaking and possibly irrational character Kamala Harris is, as when she says that the US/Mexican border is “secure and under control.” That terrible woman is, indeed, very irrational and must have serious cognition problems if she really believes that outlandishly absurd fool statement she said.
Furthermore, if VP Harris, by any means, by hook or by crook, actually does become the next US President then I’m glad that I’m no longer a young man and I’m also very sorry for the children of this country.
All this awful chaos mayhem and misery along with this terrible suffering at the US/ Mexican border, and even that hotel in Texas, with infection of that dreaded coronavirus is because of that awful man, Joe Biden.
Nevertheless, the horrible reality is that Biden is the De facto “President” of the United States.
This is tragic. meaning It’s tragic fir America, it’s tragic for Americans and it’s tragic for all those people existing in those horrendous conditions at the Mexican /US border places because of Biden’s “No secure border policy.”
The ancient Greek Philosopher, Plato, did have a good valid point when he had written “The measure of a man is what he does with power.”
When applying that wise statement to Joe Biden, his “measure” is more than lacking, it’s outright terrible.
Biden with his wrecking as in ruining the safety and security of the US citizens by his destroying the US/Mexican secure and safe borders.
Biden is an abomination and an affront to the Office of the Presidency of the United States and a disgrace to the US Constitution as well as a calamity for America and a disaster for the American people.
As for the specific subject of the US/Mexican borders, the “measure” of Biden is an outright catastrophe.
After that hoax of an election, fraud that reeks of the corruption of voter fraud, which no doubt Biden had his sinister hand in with his scheme to make himself President.
Now after that hoax of an election that reeks of the corruption of voter fraud, which no doubt Biden had his sinister hand in with his scheme to make himself President.
When after pseudo “president “ Joe Biden had gotten into the White Hose Oval Office this has and to still further harming the United States.
In every way from wrecking the US economy to destroying the US /Mexican border security control system and thus creating a heinously vile sex and drug trafficking in America and opening the door for murderous criminal gangs, as MS13, to enter in the US as well as dangerous jihadists as those of ISIS and al Qaeda.
The harm President Imposter Biden is doing to America by his “open door” policy or better termed “No border policy” is totally despicable”.
Since Biden entered the White House and is sitting in the Oval Office and he has now reversed all the good former President Trump did by his secure border policy .For when Biden stopped the construction and even destroyed some of the wall of the US/Mexican border wall. Now there is has been and is now drastic increase in many heinous and vile crime and also a sharp rise in the drug trafficking.
It’s very obvious that bogus president Biden is taking American down fast and should be impeached. The only reason that socialist Biden shouldn’t be removed from Office is because he would then be replaced by Communist, Kamala Harris.
Our borders are severely compromised. with drugs, cartels, and terrorists. Everyone should be aware of this and take extra precautions. It’s one of the actions the globalists and world powers use to threaten the people of the United States, and it’s intentional.