The only good thing about this speech is that it didn’t have a color scheme out of V for Vendetta and didn’t feature Marines in the background. Whoever runs these things at least learned from that attempt at looking like Biden was about to declare martial law, suspend habeas corpus and make everyone read Gender Queer and How To Be An Anti-Racist at gunpoint in a gulag.
The bad news is no one cared about that speech except conservatives. They care even less about this one.
With the countdown underway, voters have made it clear that they care about the economy and crime. Anyone who finds the “threat to democracy” routine persuasive is already a solid blue voter and ActBlue donor who probably showed up for at least one D.C. protest.
This isn’t just pandering to the base, it’s pandering to the Elizabeth Warren base.
Biden’s call to “vote knowing what’s at stake and not just the policy of the moment, but institutions that have held us together as we’ve sought a more perfect union are also at stake” is an admission that his faction has lost the policy argument and doesn’t have anything else to work with.
While the delivery is laughable, the premise isn’t. Biden’s speeches may not interest voters, but they continue to push the totalitarian message that “democracy” is embodied by Democrats and threatened by Republicans, that if Dems fail to win, then the result will be the end of America.
That kind of rhetoric is typical, but under Obama and Biden, it’s been backed up by arrests, investigations, surveillance, raids, imprisonment, censorship and the whole banana republic gamut.
The same speech delivered by the leader of a free country and say Vladimir Putin or Xi sound very different because they have really different implications. Biden, once again declaring that the opposition is a collection of “dark force” that “thirst for power” and will destroy democracy is election rhetoric, but it’s also become an actionable item for the DOJ, the FBI and Big Tech firms.
Biden’s rhetoric is a threat to the republic, not because words are scary, but because his allies have shown that they employ such rhetoric as cover for imposing totalitarian realities.
It is my opinion that what truly scares the daylights out of liberals is the we may be on the way back to having a republic as outlined in our constitution. Those “institutes” he speaks of, many are completely unconstitutional. Like roe v. wade being kicked back to the states the dept. of education for example, and many others need done away with and power returned to the states. The vast majority of states having conservative legislatures.
And yes i am a true constitutionalist, to the point that senators should be apponted by the legislatures of their state and that hilary should have been VP under Trump. The irony i see here is that it was actually republicans that started this whole fiasco when the south lost the civil war.
Thanks, great comment!
Yes, thanks to that great comment!
The 17th Amendment must be repealed, but I don’t know how that would ever happen.
Whenever some Senator says something whacky, my mind immediately goes to the alternative universe where the 17th was gone and the states won back their founding control.
Returning more power to the localities rather than the all powerful federal FUMAR one would be much more desirable.
But you may have already inserted that for me?
How about a 28th Amendment that establishes term limits of two terms for the House and the Senate
I don’t like the 16th amendment and I don’t like the 17thth amendment.
All of this began with the absurd late 1960s rebellion and has continued unabated as the malignancy of the left gradually dominated academia, entertainment, politics, etc
Both the Dems and the Republicans say that the other party will destroy the country, but the conservatives speak the truth.
Think about the 3rd party enemy. Behind every fight or war there is a 3rd party who stays hidden, but started the fight.
Who is behind the intensified fight between the left and the right in the US?
Is it the communists or the islamists? or both?
To save America, the left and the right must unite and go after the common enemies. Put the communists and islamists in their place. Along with any and all criminals and terrorists.
Thanks Angle, I’ve had these same concerns for some years although then took a short rest from 2017 to 2021 but then stupidity took over the White House.
IMO the Communists began their third party infiltration when they saw the US gates left unattended with the demise of the HUAC. True, it had it’s faults but at least Communists countries knew someone was looking. Today’s Communists seem to operate with impunity and even when one is exposed, nothing ever seems to happen, except trading them back to their own country for a ham sandwich and a diet coke and then sell them a few million barrels of our SORs at a bargain.
I also agree with the dangers of Islam’s vile march toward dominance. I think the Communists/Islamic connection is one of convenience that will in time, dissolve and they will become adversaries, although this connection seems more with Russia than China.
Sorry, make that Angel. My dyxlesia is showing.
Dyxlesia people make good pilots. Muhammed Al was dyxlesic — so was Einstein.
HUH! Didn’t know that, thanks. Now I need to make a cot of poffee.
Yo dou have your DAM (Mothers Against Dyslexia) membership?
Much of what Mr. Greenfield says here is true. Middle-of-the-road voters don’t care about the “threat to democracy” argument, much like they don’t care about the “Democrats have created a totalitarian state” conspiracy theories that are FPM’s bread and butter.
It is true that voters care about the economy and crime, and on these issues Democrats will definitely be punished in the election. It is NOT true that Biden and the Democrats have “lost the policy debate,” since Republicans have no coherent policies to offer as alternative. No serious Republican, not even the farthest to the right, is suggesting getting rid of the Department of Education, or adopting Objectivist principles to rule the nation.
What is true, and the whole purpose of this article is to hide the truth, is that there are many Republicans, some of them running for state and national office, who have ALREADY SAID they will only accept the election results if they win. Egged on by far right propagandist like Mr. Greenfield, they aim to gain power not through the vote, but despite the vote. To accuse Democrats of using intimidation is laughable if you actually look at what is happening right now at polling stations around this country.
Does that mean you shouldn’t vote Republican? Of course not. It does mean you should vote with open eyes, and not be swayed by fear-mongering, slanders, and conspiracies.
No one is going to agree to accept whatever election results no matter what they are in advance of an election. That would foreclose their right to a recount or to file a lawsuit over the conduct of the election. I noticed that Biden (I unfortunately watched last night’s speech) never mentioned his party’s refusal to this day to accept the election results of 2000, its continuing claim that the 2004 election was stolen from Kerry by computers in Ohio, or that Trump’s 2016 election was illegitimate due to “Russian interference.” It was a partisan, ugly, dishonest, divisive speech, e.g., what we have come to expect from this jerk.
Not to mention that the science of stealing elections has made great progress in recent decades.
‘there are many Republicans, some of them running for state and national office, who have ALREADY SAID they will only accept the election results if they win.’
Proof please.
Right now.
Exact quotes, LINKS TO BACK THEM UP. Nothing edited. Complete statement by the Republican(s) in question, with full context.
Thank you. I’ll wait.
(sun goes nova long before you ever return)
“It is NOT true that Biden and the Democrats have “lost the policy debate,” since Republicans have no coherent policies to offer as alternative.”
Alternative to what? Are you trying to say that the Dems have any plans, coherent or otherwise? All I’ve heard about for months is abortion. Apparently killing baby seals is abhorrent but killing baby humans is a God given right.
At least Republicans have put forth plans to open the oil industry for relief at the pumps, giving back more control to parents concerning their child’s education, cutting irresponsible spending to fight inflation, etc.
“What is true, and the whole purpose of this article is to hide the truth, is that there are many Republicans, some of them running for state and national office, who have ALREADY SAID they will only accept the election results if they win.”
Stacy Abrams still thinks she is Gov. of Georgia. Hillary, Pelosi and most Dems still think Trump rigged this election to POTUS with Russian collusion (a proven Dem fabricated plot).
“To accuse Democrats of using intimidation is laughable if you actually look at what is happening right now at polling stations around this country.”
I have no idea what the crap you’re talking about here. My wife and I voted yesterday. I hobbled on my walker about 100 yards and including the poll workers we saw less than a dozen people.
But we live in a small Southern town so maybe things are different where you are.
Your points might be better received if you dropped the extracurricular adjectives. Try it?
The economy is in the crapper, a disastrous Afghan withdrawal, crime rampant, energy throttled, out of control spending, Americans getting poorer by the day, etc., etc. As the old saying goes actions speak louder than words and those are the dem policies and they are losing on them.
You are correct and that’s why Biden’s speech was just an angry old man’s frustrated ramblings.
Well, Thursday, Biden’s principal advisor Ron Klaine said the speech was Biden’s “final warning” to Americans. So there’s that.
sure, bedwetter
“No serious Republican, not even the farthest to the right, is suggesting getting rid of the Department of Education”
Well, Mr. Greenhorn, or is that Foghorn?, I have suggested getting rid of The Department of Education many times and have read many comments saying the same. It isn’t focused on education but on indoctrination a la Lenin. It has now begun advocating Joseph Mengele level atrocities with its advocacy of gender re-assignment surgery. The Department of Education belongs in federal prison for severe child abuse, among other crimes.
What is true is that you are a liar. If you can’t blame lying for your nonsensical comment then you are an idiot. Or both.
lol … I was just thinking yesterday that it would be a good idea to get rid of the Department of Education 🙂
“To accuse Democrats of using intimidation is laughable”
BLM/ANTIFA terrorist riots?
Thankfully, Biden’s advanced age, and his total incompetence, make his sinister intentions unrealizable. This does not mean his family has not earned a place in our penal system.
And, unfortunately, the respite is temporary.
The political Left is a defect in the human species.
Sure, but it should be obvious that in 2020 Biden made a deal, whether overt or unspoken, that if the Left got him into the Presidency, he would do their bidding. So it doesn’t really matter how incompetent he is. He’s not driving the bus. He’s just the front man.
The final sequence of the end of America as founded started with the election of Barry Soetoro. As I remember, he was rather up front about it.
So true, but nobody listened.
Talk about “wrapping oneself in the flag”! Biden took that to new extremes, speaking with an entire array of American flags in the background. Biden’s handlers realized that the menacing red-and-black backdrop of his previous “threat to democracy” speech didn’t play well, so they went all red, white, and blue, in a brightly lit studio. The message was, “See all these American flags? That proves how super, super patriotic we Democrats are. Forget our rhetoric about systemic racism, systemic injustice, our country being founded on slavery and stealing the land of Native Americans, of patriarchy, and an outdated Constitution written by dead white men. We are the real patriots, unlike those treasonous, violent, Putin-loving MAGA Republicans.”
Father Guido,
Amen to that!
What? accusing Democrats of intimidation is laughable? Nothing much funny about their swat methods, end of lawyer client privilege, wrap up smears galore, not to mention fbi shenanigans ( setting up kidnapping of a governor, involvement on January 6th, etc etc) beatings and a couple of murders, political imprisonments (unlike Democrat “mostly peaceful” rioters and murderers who were never charged) and I could go on. And on.
But, I guess when you’re paid to troll, all of this is funny.
Not to mention armed Black Panthers outside polling places.
There is only ONE THING you have to know about THE LEFT:”It’s Their Way Or The Highway”!!!
Dems are going to steal the election and are launching pre-emptive psyops against Repub outrage. Hillary, Biden and Obama are demonizing in advance the outrage that is coming when they steal this election. Polls are rigged to make races appear close so they can justify the late night steal.