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Nerd prom, as the White House Correspondents’ Dinner has been called, has always been about as awkward as it sounds. Most politicians aren’t naturally good at comedy (ironically Trump, who has Borsch Belt insult comic timing never actually attended or spoke while in the White House) and their speechwriters aren’t naturally attuned to writing the kind of lines that would actually earn laughs.
But Biden, a shambling wrecking of a man capable of only giving one speech, is a particularly poor fit.
Biden has never been funny and everything funny about him is now an unintentional performance. That held true at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner where his speechwriters tried to play to his strengths. Unfortunately, he has none. Between whatever speech problems he has (or supposedly has), his age, mental condition and inability to read a teleprompter, all they had to work with were the same cheap shots.
And he could barely get through those.
The lines matter less than how you deliver them. Consider Reagan’s famous debate line in 1984, “I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent’s youth and inexperience.”
It was a perfectly nice low-key Will Rogers line that shouldn’t have gotten more than a nod, but what made it work is how Reagan delivered it. During a campaign where many accused Reagan of fading, he showed that he was still on the ball. He had the timing and the mental agility to pivot effectively.
What did Biden show at the WHCD? That he faded a while back. Instead, Biden rambled, fumbled even his bad applause lines, and underperformed the existing low expectations at an event almost entirely filled with his political base.
What was Biden’s biggest mistake? Getting up to speak.
Jeff Bargholz says
Every time I hear fake laughter and staged applause when Boor Biden speaks, I want to punch my TV. His handlers should just use laugh tracks like in those old TV shows, and record some applause tracks. They have to pack a room if the camera shows the crowd and the Dirtbagocrat fake news media can always be counted on but why waste the money, efort and time otherwise?
Oh, right. They’re D-Bags. And Alzheimer Joe is clueless, of course. He thinks he funny and witty instead of boorish and dim witted.
Gary Hope says
Biden is not just old, senile and Alzheimer’s ridden, hes always been inept, mean, selfish, stupid, obnoxious and a danger to The USA and the entire world with his finger an inch away from the nuclear button. He’s vile, vulgar and vain. He’s an embarrassment to the USA and the entire world. He’s dangerous to the entire world. If it wasn’t for his Alzheimer’s he might be even more dangerous.
And then there is Ms. Camel Toes. God save us. PLEASE !!
Algorithmic Analyst says
That’s an interesting point. How does one write a speech for a Dementia patient who can’t concentrate long enough to read off a teleprompter?
Jeff Bargholz says
A ventriloquist maybe?
AstronautJones says
Enough about soetero and valerie ferret, the normal ventriloquists – this post is about president footstool, emperor vacuum skull, the resident in thief – dopey joey choochoo biden.
Thomas E. Warwick says
You don’t. For shits and giggles, tape a cheap fire extinguisher to one hand, one leg to a bowling ball, and blind fold him. After that let him walk around the state for 30 minutes.. Seriously….can it be much worse?
AstronautJones says
Agree, but make sure you tape the fire extinguisher to his left hand, so as to allow mumbles the staggering clown the chance to shake hands with his imaginary friends.
Dusty Dog says
“Imagine what we could do next,” Biden added. “Four more years, pause.” It would have been hilarious if the crowd would have screamed “Pause four more years”.
Jeff Bargholz says
Good one.
And that fake “four more years” chant fooled nobody.
little bear says
Almost as good as when he said “period, period, period!” when an ellipsis appeared on the teleprompter..
Beez says
His eyes get slittier by the day b/c his brain is shutting down.
Jeff Bargholz says
LOL! He already looks like a beady eyed, bald buzzard. If they close any tighter, he’ll be blind.
AstronautJones says
The purported brain of president Aneurysm (2, and counting) shut down and left town years ago.
Fred says
Superb commentary! Thank you. I could wish for some examples, as I did not, and will not, watch the real show. But then again, maybe I don’t wish for examples. Love him or hate him, he still fills the office of the president.
Bill Turner says
He fills the office of President like Hostess fills Twinkies, with a light, insubstantial substance that can’t possibly be good for anyone.
Jeff Bargholz says
He fills the office like a load in his diapers.
Atikva says
You “fill the office of the President” when you have been elected – not when electoral fraud put you in the White House.
greenfield/horowitz follower says
was just thinking how best to phrase it when I scrolled down to your excellent example…
Jeff Bargholz says
Fills? Turds fill toilet bowls and I respect them more than Pedo Joe Beijing Biden. He’s as much a President as a bronze bust.
AstronautJones says
“Love him or hate him, he still fills the office of the president.”
In much the same way night soil fills the morning toilet bowl.
Mehitable says
Nobody likes Joe Biden. Has anyone seen any cheering throngs for Joe? The only people around him are either paid off or forced to attend. He’s a complete fake. Everything about him is a LIE. The only way he’s achieved anything his entire life has been through lying, cheating, plagiarizing, rigging and his naturally vicious and dictatorial character. No joke!
Check it out:
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, not even his supporters like him.
Mehitable says
Nobody likes Joe Biden. Has anyone seen any cheering throngs for Joe? The only people around him are either paid off or forced to attend. He’s a complete fake. Everything about him is a LIE. The only way he’s achieved anything his entire life has been through lying, cheating, plagiarizing, rigging and his naturally vicious and dictatorial character. No joke!
RAM says
They didn’t wind him up enough.
Mitzi N. says
I am not a fan of Joe Biden’s, never have been. I believe he has been mostly ineffectual most of his career. However, I dislike even more the cruel comments made by some of these people. My husband had dementia and I realized that fact long before he was diagnosed. There must be many people out there who had loved ones in their family with dementia and recognized the symptoms in President Biden before he was elected. I certainly did. But many of them voted for him anyway. Everyone of them is responsible for some of the mess this country is now in. It seems as if many of the readers of this article are trying to outdo each other with their vulgarity and crassness. It is disrepectful to the office of the presidency. To those of you who made these type of comments, GROW UP!
BLSinSC says
I do hope you took as good care of your Husband as my Niece did for My Sister during her dementia – it was not funny – it was absolutely heartbreaking to watch her look at you and not know from one minute to the next if MY SISTER was still in there! That said, there’s no way that I or YOU would subject OUR LOVED ONES to what the DEMOcrats have done with Joe! Does he deserve ridicule and scorn BECAUSE he has dementia? NO! Does he deserve ridicule and scorn for the brief periods where he is lucent and tyrannical? YES!! Does JILL deserve ridicule and scorn for ALLOWING Joe to be USED as a talking head for the REAL pullers of the strings? ABSOLUTELY!
greenfield/horowitz follower says
Nobody’s insulting the office of the presidency. We (I hope) are Constitutionalists; we believe in the office….but not in installing and using an unqualified man and pretending that deserves respect.
It is not as if he is “doing his best.” No, when we hear him, he is doing things like making The Speech From Hell, insulting all of us here — that deserves reciprocation.
Jeff Bargholz says
My grandmother died of Alzheimer’s. She was a good woman but PEDOPHILE Joe Beijing Biden, the career criminal, liar, braggart, boor and boring scumbag is anything but a good man, so I don’t compare the two. Her death from Alzheimer’s was a tragedy but Diaper Joe’s is a boon. A boon for humanity and a boon for him because he won’t even know he’s dying before long. He’ll die peacefully and unaware. He should FEEL that he’s dying.
He and his administration disrespect the office of the Presidency, not us. We disrespect them and boy have they earned it.
AstronautJones says
“It is disrepectful to the office of the presidency.”
Yeah well – go back to election night a few years ago, there’s your disrespect.
Then move a bit forward to idiot joey impatiently checking his watch at a ceremony for soldiers killed in Afghanistan that were killed due to his (or rather, his puppetmasters) staggering stupidity. Yeah, whole lot of respect there.
Or tell it to the parents of the nursing student whose skull was literally caved in by an illegal alien that biden’s (or again, his puppetmasters) horrendous border “policy” allowed. That’s some stellar respect for this diaper filling failure’s oath of office, isn’t it? “Protect and defend”, that ringing any bells?
Disrespect – that’s bidump’s middle name, and the dnc’s guiding principle.
Jeff Bargholz says
Bidump. Good one.
Geo says
I hear the entertainment was great – Lizzo ate a live skunk, the Wokies band performed trans-genre music, and Hollywood celebrities sang “China the Beautiful”
Jeff Bargholz says
And Diaper Joe shit his pants for the grand finale.
AstronautJones says
*the pope has entered the chat*
Spurwing Plover says
Are they Cooking with Gas?!
Miranda Rose Smith says
How did Trump get out of attending the Correspondent’s Dinner?
Did you know that Will Rogers thought Mussolini, may his name be erased, was the greatest thing since salt on pretzels? See “Lessons from History: The Startling Rise to Power of Benito Mussolini” by Emilio F. Iodice in The Journal of Values-Based Leadership, 11:2, Summer/Fall 2018, pages 1-33, page 18. Thomas Edison felt the same way. Ibid, page 2.