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This will be far from the only post with the word “betrayal” in the title, but it’s really been a slow-motion betrayal.
It’s a matter of perspective when you date it from, but by November there was already a definite turn.
A little over a month after the original Hamas attack, the Biden administration was pressuring Israel to use less armor, bomb less, and change its government. Then came the warnings to wrap up the war by the end of the year.
Once it was clear that Israel would not cooperate, the slow-motion betrayal sped up a little with diplomatic, economic and military pressure.
What happened in the last few days is not the betrayal, it’s an escalation of the betrayal driven in no small part by the pressure campaign from Hamas supporters in Michigan and the DSA leftist crowd which has gone all in on it.
Biden has moved slowly because he wants to appease leftists while not alienating Jewish donors. And the Left’s pressure campaign has been about making him choose. What appears to be a betrayal is really just a more public ‘choice’ lubricated by Schumer and a variety of DSA front groups pretending to be Jewish attacking Israel.
The Biden administration is borrowing Obama’s old technique of manufacturing a break with Israel to cover up for the betrayal of an ally to Islamic terrorists.
And that takes us to the question of whether there was ever any actual support. I believe that when John Kirby was crying, it was real. Some in the administration were genuinely horrified. But beyond whatever personal emotional reaction there was, Biden, Blinken and the larger foreign policy establishment however had calculated that the best way to restrain Israel was to give it a “bear hug” with conditional public and private support. The conditions from the start crippled Israel’s ability to properly fight the war.
The goal was always to pull Israel back. But that’s always been the purpose of our foreign aid. On the one hand, we want Israel to project America’s strength in the region so we don’t have to. On the other hand, we want it to be a vassal, we can pull back to tone things down. This same Kissinger dollar store Richelliue stuff shows up in every war.
So the betrayal was baked in from the start.
The question wasn’t whether Biden would betrayal Israel, but when.
Right from the start. The initial attack was delayed a few days, with fatal consequences. In war, time lost can never be made good. A famous saying, maybe by Napoleon.
Biden’s support for Israel was always rooted in the adage that talk is cheap
He betrayed his own country much faster. Are we sure Biden is not from France?
Yes. Biden’s loyalty should be to the USA first and foremost. He has betrayed us, his own people. Why should Israel expect loyalty from such a one?
While its not official, the real Israel policy is what Commiela says. It just takes a little while for the public position to catch up to her. She’s not as good at holding off the Marxists as Joey, because he has 50 years of practice.
Israel and the patriotic blessed America are facing so many fronts inside and out side our nations it will be an act of God for us to win. Pray. ….MAGA
Israel should assume it has no allies, because all of them are flesh. Israel can and should exercise extreme measures to protect itself and insure no one dares attack her again.
Who will respond? We will not. Mexico is invading us and speaking threats to us. The third world countries are crossing our borders with our invitations given to them in their own languages, demanding sustenance and care we Americans provide, but do not receive.
Israel is alone. If she knows anything, she knows how to return to safety and blessing.
Joe Bite-Me seems particularly ornery in relation to the Jewish state. This may not be entirely because of his anti-Semitism. In the absence of Secretary of Depends Lloyd Austin (has anybody seen the DEI diaper changer?), Joe Bite-Me’s incontinence has gone unchecked. These days, Joe Bite-Me has the countenance of a man sniffing do-do.
He ‘s vile, unprincipled, dishonest, unprincipled, corrupt, lying, unprincipled, stupid, kid sniffing, unprincipled, jerk. Did I mention unprincipled?
You forgot unethical and devoid of integrity.
And baby dicked.
Aww, Dickshorn down voted me? I’m going to die crying.
You’re such a bitch.
Check out the symptoms for malignant narcissism.
Biden’s behaviour does appear to match a lot of the symptoms.
One of his many problems, I would suggest.
Anti-semitism at home gets a boost from Blinken Biden & Co. Such skullduggery from the US towards Netanyahu is reckless and unconscionable. Not even the sky is the limit with this administration.
And he’s been declared unfit to ever stand trial, so he knows that he is above the law. He can do any damn thing he pleases, and he’ll never see the inside of a court, let alone a jail cell.
It was clear in 2008, when the Obamination was ‘secretly’ meeting with Ahmadinijad in Iran that BO’s plan to exterminate Israel and the Jews hinged on the Islamic ‘republic’ becoming the terror mothership. The Iranian people’s effort to overthrow the murderous regime during the short lived Arab Spring, an effort that Obama did not support, ‘failed’, just as the 1979 Islamic Revolution ‘succeeded’, thanks to the Carter government.
A wrinkle in the plan of destruction was the unexpected overthrow of Egypt’s Muslim
Brotherhood terrorist Morsi, whom Barry was quick to recognize as the legitimate
leader of Egypt.
But, be that as it may, it’s been easy to put the squeeze on Egypt to not give refuge to any of their fellow Muslim Arabs from Gaza.
The Hussein family fiefdom state of Jordan will soon be swallowed up by Iran, which seems to be part of the plan.
As per plan, with the calculated prearranged response to the launch event of the October 7th massacre, Israel and Jews face overt, active hatred from governments and protesters around the world; but I submit that the larger numbers are non-government, non-protest people who deny or hide their hatred. They are ‘inactive’, aiding and abetting the enemy, like the Germans of the Third Reich and the Muslim Arabs in Gaza. Then there are those who call themselves humanitarians; but they are conspiring collaborators ‘risking their lives’ to carry supplies to the enemy, not to the hostages.
Not to the hostages?
No medicine from Shifa hospital for the hostages?
What hostages? How about some prize winning photos of the hostages?
It is evident that Obama is pleased. He can’t wipe that pompous smile off his face. He thinks he has devised a foolproof, unstoppable plan. He can hardly contain himself.
And I think the animosity of Iran towards Obama’s, aka Biden’s, America is scripted.
There are a lot of pieces, lies and deceptions, to this evil puzzle.
As always, May God give strength and wisdom to the people of Israel and all her righteous friends to conquer this foe; may all hostages be rescued from the smashed grip of the enemy and may the enemy be utterly destroyed, speedily, never to rise again.
Shabbat Shalom
Bidens a Traitor just like Clinton(Bill)and Obama a Globalists/Democrat and Traitor
The Biden Stab-Israel-in-the Back Policy is well under way.
Just like the the Biden Stab-America-and-US Citizens-in-the-Back Policy is also well under way.
Nothing “slow-motion” about it.
The Biden Stab-Israel-in-the-Back Policy is well under way.
Just like the the Biden Stab-America-and-US Citizens-in-the-Back Policy is also well under way.
Nothing “slow-motion” about it.
[Biden has moved slowly because he wants to appease leftists while not alienating Jewish donors]
Each way Biden is betting on both horses in a two horse race..He never had the guts to back Israel alone.due to domestic political pressure.
Biden is influenced by Israel losing the propaganda war.
Lets hope that Jewish voters see the calamity in voting for Biden. Its like voting for their destroyers.
We lost all respect for Obama the way he treated Bibi as a guest in the US as well as his policies. Biden has championed the same ideas and continually blames Israel for the meltdown that has been caused by Iran and their subsidiaries Hamas, and Hezbollah, including the October 7 massacre of Israelis. The lastest earthquake in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut with other states feeling the aftershocks, (which is not customary in these areas). is another sign that God is shaking this earth in retribution. This world is in for a rude awakening as judgment comes to those who are trying to destroy Israel. Many nations will fall from within due to their stance on treating Israel unfairly.
Why does Butthole Biden always look like he just shit his pants? He’s such an ugly old buzzard.