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When I wrote about this story yesterday, I did not know the half of it. But I should have guessed that no ordinary scandal would have forced one of the most deranged Soros DAs, elevated by the Biden administration to a US Attorney, to resign rather than face an investigation. It had to be really bad.
When the Black Lives Matter race riots devastated cities, Rollins ranted,“This burning rage that you are seeing when you turn your TV on or you hear in my voice is real. People are fed up, and to the white community that is now waking up to see this rage, we have been telling you this forever.”
“Buildings can be fixed,” Rollins argued while falsely accusing police officers of having “lynched and murdered” black people.
Team Biden tried to prove its bona fides to its racist base by muscling her nomination through for U.S. Attorney. And it wasn’t easy with Kamala having to come down and break the tie.
Burning all that political capital on someone so unhinged proved to be totally worth it with Rollins resigning after a mere 16 months in office.
Rollins’ resignation was described as an ethics issue involving a Hatch Act investigation. That’s the understatement of the century.
The Office of Special Counsel describes it as an “extraordinary abuse” and “one of the most egregious Hatch Act violations that OSC has investigated.”
And even those are understatements once you actually dig into the report to find out what Rollins did.
OSC’s investigation established that Ms. Rollins violated the Hatch Act by using her official authority to interfere with or affect the results of the 2022 election for District Attorney (DA) of Suffolk County, Massachusetts, when she leaked information about her office’s recusal from a potential DOJ investigation of the candidate she opposed, incumbent DA Kevin Hayden. Ms. Rollins actively supported and was a de facto campaign advisor to Mr. Hayden’s opponent in the Democratic primary, Ricardo Arroyo. On multiple occasions during the campaign, Mr. Arroyo raised with Ms. Rollins the possibility that her office announce an investigation of Mr. Hayden.
At one point Mr. Arroyo wrote to Ms. Rollins that such an announcement “[w]ould be the best thing I can have happen at this moment.” Minutes later Ms. Rollins responded, “Understood. Keep fighting and campaigning. I’m working on something.”
Some context here.
Hayden had been appointed by Gov. Charlie Baker. Ricardo Arroyo, who had allegedly been accused of sexual assault, was described as a Soros-type candidate. Rollins was a Soros DA herself.
The reason for Ms. Rollins’s support appears to be that Mr. Arroyo publicly aligned himself with the policies she enacted during her tenure as Suffolk County DA. For example, Mr. Arroyo referred to the 2022 Democratic primary as “a referendum on whether or not voters want to continue with the reforms Rachael Rollins has begun or go backwards.”
“On September 6, Mr. Hayden defeated Mr. Arroyo in the Democratic primary election. That evening, Mr. Arroyo and Ms. Rollins messaged about the results and allegations that during the campaign Mr. Hayden released records related to Mr. Arroyo. Ms. Rollins wrote, “This was just dirty and unethical. Such a piece of shit (illegal) move they did by leaking victims records. They are not above the law. He will regret the day he did this to you. Watch.”
The question is whether Rollins is above the law.
As I blogged earlier, Rollins had poor self-control and she was dumb enough to leak material to the Boston Herald, presuming that a more conservative publication would be willing to run damaging material about a Democrat.
But it wouldn’t be Rollins without some crazy racism in the mix.
A July 12 text message in which Ms. Rollins identified Mr. Hayden’s endorsers and wrote, “5 endorsements. 4.5 of them White. No mercy. Finish him.”
Hayden is black. Rollins hates white people more than she likes black people.
Should I even ask what the .5 white endorsement is?
Notably, in leaking information about the potential investigation of Mr. Hayden, Ms. Rollins chose news outlets for whom she had previously served as a source. In May 2022 she leaked a non-public DOJ letter to the Herald describing a DOJ investigation, which resulted in the Herald publishing an article that same day. In June 2022 she similarly leaked a non-public DOJ letter to the Globe describing a separate DOJ investigation, which again resulted in an article that same day.
And in early August she provided information to a Globe reporter relevant to that paper’s reporting about Mr. Hayden and his purported failures as DA. Ms. Rollins’s efforts to leak information about the potential investigation of Mr. Hayden were consistent with, if less immediately successful than, her prior leaks of information about DOJ investigations.
This is much worse than a Hatch Act violation.
Rollins abused her office and powers to target a political opponent during an election.
Senator Tom Cotton tweeted that, “Disgraced Soros prosecutor Rachael Rollins repeatedly lied under oath to cover up her crimes.”
This shouldn’t just be a basis for a resignation, but criminal action. Rollins belongs in prison. She was caught red-handed in a documented investigation doing this. Is there a reason she’s not facing charges?
To answer the question at the end of the column, yes, she’s black, female, and a Democrat. Next question.
Clearly, our constitutional law has been supplanted by the left’s law of the jungle. Their assumption of innocence is conditional, with skin color, gender, and political affiliation being the determining factor.s. It is a mockery of justice, and it has to be because true justice is a huge impediment to the left’s dialectical destruction. The more unjust and arbitrary the left is when imposing injustice the more ecstasy they feel.
Soros and his Globalists there h needs to be a total investigation on this whole thing and RICO law used
I am surprised she was forced out – she would fit right in with Merrick Garland at the AG’s office
I seldom disagree with Daniel but in this case I do. Jail is no longer a deterrent or even a punishment to black criminals/racists. They can get whatever drugs they want and beat up and rape white men or women in prison with impunity, while waiting for a leftist public attorney to get them out early because they was somehow wronged.
The left groomed American blacks, through our public schools and prisons, to hate whites, and Asians, and anyone else the left saw as an impediment to their sadistic, evil goals. The left is using blacks as a racial wrecking ball.
Jail is a form of training for black criminals. It no longer serves as a deterrent to criminal behavior., and it hardly ever is the destination for leftist arsonists who foment hate and violence or use their political power to aid black criminals. They always manage to avoid jail.
It seems that something more irreversible is called for. It’s time for firing squads. Leftists rarely reform. Gramsci didn’t reform while in prison. Neither did Stalin or countless other leftist leaders. Hell is where they belong so let’s help them get to a place where they feel comfortable.
Of course that means we will have to fight back and that will of necessity mean many of us may die in the process. That is the price of decades of ignoring reality…
Sounds good to me.
And many misfits DO enjoy jail. I remember talking to some big Omaha Indian and we both agreed that people who like being imprisoned are weirdos. You have to have a major malfunction to enjoy jail because I can tell you, it sucks.
“The left groomed American blacks, through our public schools and prisons, to hate whites, and Asians, and anyone else….”
True. But even without public schools and official encouragement in other forms, the black family overwhelmingly teaches hate and suspicion of whites and all other races. This is difficult to overcome.
There is no black city, there is no black country in which western civilization standards are achieved, much less maintained. This is true even when there are no white people to blame. The overwhelming statistics of wildly disproportionate crime blacks invariably produce are stable throughout every society that includes them.
It is best that we separate, because forcing us to live together is an affront to both sides. I do not think living among one or the other should be strictly enforced, but the natural tendency to prefer one’s own and the cultural differences would cause natural separation and greater cultural peace for both. Those blacks who are thoroughly western could live with westerners and those who by nature or inclination are not western may live among their own kind also. Freedom of association.
All these individuals are unfit for office. They are all corrupt and are corroding the country from within and it will be destroyed if these specimens keep being allowed into office.
We are sick and tired of all the talking heads on the right, talking all around what the truth truly is, but no one, NOT ONE is saying what must be said. LOOK AT HISTORY, No country has survived untouched when criminal psychopaths become the ruling class.
What needs to be said is that if they want to live by the gun, they will die by the gun, because it has become obvious that the Cosa-Nostra is in charge of our government and have threatened every legacy news organization with retaliation if they do not conform
What must be stated plainly is that if they keep up their criminal ways, there will be a civil war, and perpetrators who are trying to destroy America turning it into a socialist state, will meet their doom until enough are taken out, we can regain control of our REPUBLIC AND OUR CONSTITUTION !!!
If you are a DemonRat politician, you need to be very careful over the rest of Biden’s stolen presidency in what you say and propose, such as calling we White people, “White Supremacist, or Radical White terrorist. Giving purpose to the Black Community to continue to blather racist insanity, with them being only 13% of our American population, working on becoming the tail trying to wag our dog. If the left and the black community want a race war, we’ll give them one their racial memory won’t forget for a millennia !!!
Come on…powerful Democrats–especially minorities–get out of jail FREE. EVERY TIME. Nothing will happen to this felon. The Democrats have MURDERED Justice, in America.