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Here’s the thing that nobody seems to believe, age isn’t really Biden’s problem.
Biden’s approval ratings didn’t drop from 56% after taking office to 38% now because he got a few years older.
Most people thought Biden was old in 2020. They think he’s even older now. But they care a whole lot more about the miserable state of the country and the world than Biden’s age. His age is collateral damage. Plenty of Dems, never mind Republicans and Independents, see Biden as inept, out of touch, and a dementia case because the country is a mess. His shambling walk, inability to complete a sentence, and general aura of random irritability contribute to a problem created by his actual actions.
So getting Biden to walk faster isn’t going to fix this.
Some advisers have told him he should walk faster out of concern that his gait feeds impressions that he’s too old.
It’s easier to get Biden to walk faster than to fix the inflation-government spending-rising interest rate spiral we’re in. It’s not easy, just easier, because you can get Biden to walk faster, but not get him to stop handing out money to cronies and special interests.
You’ll get Biden running the 1-minute mile before you get him to hold spending steady, never mind cut it.
Sure, Biden might be on a path to an incumbent victory if he had unleashed the economy, instead of throttling it and robbing it blind, but then what would be the point of being in office?
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, this reminds me of when Alzheimer Joetard pretends to jog halfway to the White House Marine helicopter slower than a toddler toddles. He and his handlers don’t fool anybody. It reminds me of when scumbag Castro was dying and his cronies dressed him in a jogging suit and propped him up in a chair for a video op to make him seem vigorous. The asshole died a day later. What a sick joke, at America’s and the whole world’s expense.
Every Dirtbagocrat who supports this shit deserves to die slowly and painfully. I’m so sick and tired of you “people.”
MuggsSpongedice says
Very well stated – FJB is all I can say about the SOB Joetard Briben crook, pathological liar who will not pass JUDGEMENT
Algorithmic Analyst says
Are they really that dumb? Old people walk slow because they have balance problems. He will fall over.
Halvin says
No, we’re not that dumb but 40% of the people in this country are.
FDTS says
Yup, if he walks faster, he’ll fall down harder. Maye that’s how they figure to replace him.
Domenic Pepe says
If Biden walks on all fours he will be in his element.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, he could sniff more dog butts that way.
Jeff Bargholz says
He’ll fall over and break a hip. His handler supplied, flat heeled, rubber soled shoes and the baby stairs on Air Force One won’t save him.
I can’t wait to see that. He’s EVIL and America is in the toilet because of him and his handlers. Not all people age well like us. Alzheimer Joe is obviously decrepit.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Jeff. That’s no joke. He probably has thin bones and is liable for a serious break if he falls.
NAVY ET1 says
As is often the case with Democrats (and modern society, for that matter), appearances takes precedence over substance. Joe won’t be voted out of office because he toddled around or fell a few times, but because America fell, in every measurable and conceivable metric, under his fake leadership. A measure of a man isn’t based on how fast he can run a foot race or how many trips around the calendar he’s made, but on the content of his character…and for those who were unfamiliar with Joe’s before these insufferable last three and a half years, the intolerable inner character of Joe Biden has clearly been revealed.
RS says
Age and cognitive abilities are a huge factor, yes people are believing their eyes, it can’t be hidden.
Verneoz says
“Biden’s Staffers Want Him to Walk Faster to Convince Everyone He’s Not Old.” This is what Democrats do best when their power is threatened…a facade of fake images & photo ops with reality being something entirely different in order to fool their fellow travelers. Of course, by forcing Biden to walk faster means that there will be more stumbles, and falls to keep the “too old” conversation going.
JL says
Increasing the speed of his walking doesn’t fix his gait, which is stiff, or his posture, which is hunched over. He will still look like a decrepit old fart no matter how fast they can get him to shuffle from place to place.
There’s a old song DADDY EONT YOUR WALK SO FAST should be Bidens Theme Song
MuggsSpongedice says
Let’s see Joetard Briben try to walk faster in his mental confusion state – what a croc! What weakness and embarrassment. WTF, stolen 2020 election and 2022 in Arizona! FJB and Fk KKKatie Hobbs !
junkyard infidel says
just have someone briskly walk in front of the dementia addled fool with an ice cream cone and he’ll be quick steppin’ after it to get a lick.
Jeff Bargholz says
Or a little girl. Pedo Joe likes them even more than ice cweam.
MuggsSpongedice says
true – that will get some giddyap in is addled old man dementia gait – three steps then he collapses
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, Hoka Joe is about to go.
MuggsSpongedice says
if you don’t vote for Trump you ain’t Jewish!
President Trump is correct, if He is not elected, there will be a blood bath.
Joker Pedo Crooked Pathological Dementia Demented Joe Briben is antisemetic!
Alex says
Walk faster?? This is elder abuse…He can’t even slow walk off a stage.
Jeff Bargholz says
He can’t even find his way off a stage……….
If Biden was Republican the Media Vultures and Sharks would have feeding Frenzy but since he is a Democrat will just get Crickets
Larry Miller says
At age 71 I know there are somethings I can’t physically do any more. I might want to, but my body just can’t do it. Like running for a bus so I don’t have to wait for the next one. Some people when they get a certain age have mental acuity problems and shouldn’t be doing certain jobs because their brains just can’t cut it.