Isn’t it really, really time for this guy’s 15 minutes to be up?
REINER: But this undercurrent of anti-Semitism has always been there. Just like racism, it’s always there and then it just bubbles up to the surface every once in a while. And it’s horrible now.
MAHER: Yeah, I mean, Netanyahu is asking European Jews to come to Israel and …
NYE (wryly): Come home to Israel – that’s what he said, right?
MAHER: Well, I mean, he is the …
NYE (interrupting again): But you never, the people have never been there. They live, grew up in whatever, in Germany or France.
MAHER: It’s a shame that they should have to move, uh …
NYE: Well, they probably won’t either, ‘cause it’s not their home, you know.
REINER: But you can understand it. There were German Jews that lived in Germany during the Second World War and that was their home. And, you know, at a certain point, you know, if your live is in danger, you want to go to someplace where you’re going to be protected.
NYE: So, what do you do about it? I think you get to know your neighbors. And it’s gonna take, what, does it take a century, something like that?
Bill Nye, a standup comedian with a BS degree who pretends to be some kind of expert on all science, usually limited his trolling to global warming and evolution, topics that he actually has no specialty in. So naturally he decided to move on to anti-Semitism.
Nye, despite some misconceptions, is not Jewish. His smugness is particularly revealing in his final statement which implicitly blames Jews for anti-Semitism while mocking the idea of Israel.
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