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It Wasn’t Fauci: How the Deep State Really Played Trump, a short documentary now making the rounds, aims to prove that, in 2020, President Trump was not in command of the nation. The “fourth branch” of government, the administrative or “deep state,” took control and basically shut down the country, leaving disaster on every hand. One of the major players, Dr. Deborah Birx, has managed to escape notice.
Birx graduated from Houghton College and earned her medical degree at the Penn State. From 1980 to 1994 she served the U.S. Army, attaining the rank of colonel, and served a stint at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Birx’s bio showed no advanced degrees in molecular biology or biochemistry but she worked with Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
Fauci contended that AIDS was caused by HIV, a claim disputed by Nobel laureate Kary Mullis, Peter Duesberg of UC Berkeley, Charles A. Thomas, and other leading medical scientists in “The Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis.” Instead of debating these scientists, all more qualified than himself, Fauci branded them “AIDS denialists,” sought to block their media appearances, and in some cases deprived them of funding. See professor Duesberg’s Inventing the AIDS Virus, a virtual post-grad course in virology and exposure of Fauci. Deborah Birx was his faithful disciple.
From 2005-2014, Dr. Birx served as director of the CDC’s Division of Global HIV/AIDS (DGHA) In that role, Birx led the implementation of CDC’s PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) programs around the world. As the documentary points out, that was Birx’s ticket to the Covid task force, where her mantra was “silent asymptomatic spread,” endless repeated, with several variations.
Dr. Birx spoke of “how many people are asymptomatic and asymptomatically passing the virus on.” Basically everybody was a carrier, so we needed masks, social distancing, lockdowns and so forth. Birx carried on the theme in her 2022 Silent Invasion: The Untold Story of the Trump Administration, Covid-19, and Preventing the Next Pandemic Before It’s Too Late. The intrepid Alex Berenson had been on to her from the start.
“Birx is obsessed with asymptomatic transmission the theory that people who are not showing symptoms of illness are very important spreaders of Covid,” which she had to know was untrue. “Before Covid, scientists agreed, people who did not have symptoms of respiratory viruses like influenza did not spread illness.” So as Berenson explained, “Birx likes lockdowns and masks, but she loves forced testing of asymptomatic people for Covid.” Remember, Deborah Birx was an Army colonel, so it was kind of like an order.
Martin Kulldorf of Harvard, Scott Atlas and Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford, and Sunetra Gupta of Oxford, promoters of the Great Barrington Declaration, argued for a more open approach that kept the schools open. Instead of debating these medical scientists, Birx dismissed them as “a fringe group without grounding in epidemics, public health, or on the ground common sense experience.” In similar style, National Institutes of Health (NIH) director Francis Collins tasked Dr. Anthony Fauci to achieve a “quick and devastating published takedown” of the “fringe epidemiologists,” every bit as qualified as Birx, Fauci and Collins, if not more so.
While Deborah Birx was shutting down the country, Dr. Fauci was pushing unproven vaccines on all parties, including children, the group least vulnerable. See The Real AIDS Epidemic by biologist Rebecca V. Culshaw, who calls the rush to approve mRNA vaccines, “essentially a massive clinical trial conducted in real time on the entire population.” Pfizer made huge profits, which was not the case with the Salk and Sabin vaccines, very effective against polio. Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin gave them away for free.
The Covid vaccines failed to prevent infection or transmission, as fully vaccinated and boosted Fauci and Joe Biden confirmed by testing positive. The CDC now wants everybody to get a vaccine jab with their flu shot. And so on.
Meanwhile, It Wasn’t Fauci provides a valuable service but the title is misleading. Dr. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx formed a white coat supremacist tag team to take down Trump, and left vast destruction and death behind. The only member of Congress pushing hard for accountability is Sen. Rand Paul, author of Deception: The Great Covid Cover-up. Sen. Paul has recently discovered that in 2018 government officials from 15 federal agencies knew that the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), was trying to create a coronavirus like the one that landed stateside in 2020.
In 2024, another crucial election year, federal agencies such as NIAID stand unreformed, with Fauci’s cronies still in control. With establishment media on board, a repeat performance is hardly out of the question. The struggle of the people against white coat supremacy will always be the struggle of memory against forgetting.
“Getting a booster with the flu shot”, that dog don’t hunt. For many Americans it’s fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. The CDC and the white coat mafia has shredded their credibility for many of us. To the point that if a time comes we should listen. We won’t. They’ll have more misery and death on them.
You said it all
..we will never trust again…and mandates will be ignored whatever the cost!!! No job is worth obedience to Marxism.
They will just give you a combined shot with the Spike protein in it. Don’t get a flu shot is the simple answer.
Now and then I give a tiny $ contribution to the site.
That’s not why I write:
Just want to pass on that Daniel Greenfield and Lloyd Billingsley are great writers (I recently bought HOLLYWOOD PARTY, great info to know), please keep up the good work! Thank you. (I’m already on your email list).
Thank you, Lord Billingsley for a very incisive article.
The World pHarma Organisation created the flu strain in Whuhan China.
The World pHarma Organisation ordered the medical establishment to lockdown.
The World pHarma Organisation already knew about mRNA vaccines and was funding research.
The World pHarma Organisation forced the death shot on the western world.
The World pHarma Organisation is owned by the UN
Defund it now!!
Thanks Lloyd!
A lot of these pseudo-scientists don’t have the ability to do real science, but they manage to climb up through various organizational structures, and masquerade as scientists.
C’mon man, Trump was the guy who warp sped the development of the vaccines we forced on ya to save ya man. Fauci is the science behind everything and that chick has lovely smelling hair too.
Because censorship only works on the truth, it was easy to navigate the scamdemic. I did exactly the opposite of every government mandate, no mask, tests, Vax or boost, most importantly and the real goal, not sick. We need trials and if they are going to be effective, there must be gallows or a bullet marked wall out side the court. At Nuremberg they hanged Doctors for much, much less.
That reminded me: I used to wear my mask on my chin and only move it up in case of need. One time a local police officer was driving up behind me while I was walking home from the grocery store. I made a subtle, hardly noticeable move to raise the mask. But she was so sharp eyed that she spotted it, and at the stop sign, she looked out her open window (she was not wearing a mask) and smiled and laughed in a friendly way 🙂
Not like that here in the UK, the police were like Hitler’s brown shirts.
Thanks Mo! Around here not wearing masks verged on mass civil disobedience.
Do you remember when we were forced to wear masks? When grocery stores forced us to stand in stupid lines outside at “social distance” of three feet or whatever from each other? Maybe it was six feet. Bad memories of an obvious anti-Trump stratagem by the D-Bags. They even had stickers on the floor about “social distancing” all over the supermarkets here in San Jose.
I’d been camping so I didn’t know shit about the Wuhan flu. Some Sikh security guard told me I had to stand in line outside the Safeway store and I laughed and said “seriously?” He laughed too and said yeah. I didn’t even know what was going on. You know how it is when you go camping and don’t stay in touch with the modern world. Some bitch standing in line in front of me……..about a hundred feet from the entrance to the store…….told me to back off because I was too close to her. I flipped out and told her to get the F away from me and shut up. I told her, “don’t even look at me! Turn your ass around.!”
That was my introduction to the Wuhan scam. At least that cop was nice to you. I bet she was a black hottie. I had a black employee chick at Walmart smile and laugh because I had my stupid mask down around my neck.
Yeah, I remember. I hated wearing those damned masks. They are bad for health I think.
In 2021, after months of wearing masks at work and on buses, my front tooth started wobbling, and after another year or so, fell out. I’m 66, and my dentist said that all my teeth are loose, but so far no other one has wobbled since I haven’t had to wear a mask.
Useless and dangerous!
They ARE bad for your health. Everything surrounding the Wuhan flu was turned upside down. Medical science and common sense went out the window. I did not wear a mask and was kicked out of several establishments. It was great, me, a 70 year old woman being yelled at by hysterical 20 year old boys who were afraid of their shadow.
Fau Chi bumped off many AIDS patients in the late ’80’s by giving them his AZT treatment drug.
Fau Chi then bumped off many covid patients by telling hospitals to give these patients the remdesivir drug when knowing that this drug had already killed many people years earlier in Africa during trial studies.
Yeah. My little brother died of PCP in 1990 because they disallowed Bactrim which would’ve saved him. No. Had to give him Fauci’s killer med. I will never forgive. Never forget.
Kakistocracy at work.
One might forgive some of the Covid decisionmaking as being the result of being made when it was a new thing and we lacked sufficient knowledge. But that this clique of people persisted in their beliefs and actions in the face of evidence from other countries that they were wrong (see, e.g., school closings long after European countries had demonstrated there was no need or benefit from doing so) and refusal to consider the views of other very knowledgeable physicians and scientists whose views contradicted their own, was simply criminal and there has been no public accountability.
The vax was released shortly after the 2020 election.
In July 2021 A majority of Democrats in the Texas House, all women, left for Washington to deny a quorum to the house Republicans who wanted to pass some bill. You may remember that story.
Here is the important point; although all having received the jab, they all got COVID. At that early point, it was obvious that the vax was not going to stop the spread. And yet the those in power went of pretending that it would and were willing to destroy peoples lives who refused to submit to their demand that they get vaxed.
And think about big pharma that must have also been getting reports back from the field that people who had been vaxed were still getting COVID and they were still selling a drug they knew was not working. And think about the press that did not report on it except once as a side note to the story about those runaway women in Texas.
Big pharma is highly corrupt due to the billions at stake.
Good God, is Big Pharma corrupt. Ten jabs a year starting at birth? I remember the immunizations I got in Kindergarten, first grade and second grade in California but my mother signed off on those and it was the Salk polio vaccine, immunizations against measles and stuff like that which KILLED kids back then. The aid workers had neumatic needle guns like on Star Trek, I remember that. I thought it was cool.
Fuck dying of a disease. The Antonine Plague, the Black Plague, Scarlet Fever and all that shit? Fuck that. I know you’ve read about the symptoms of those diseases and they’re unpleasant to say the least.
Yeah, I was pro-vaccine until they changed the official definition of vaccine to make the Vax qualify, and a very smart lady with a medical phd explained the vax to me well enough that I could begin to understand the mechanism.
Yeah Trump did his best when the Wuhan pandemic and resultant scam came out. I remember how those human trash bags, Joke Bidumb and Kamel-Toe Harris swore they would never take the Trump jab but were first in line to take it on day one. Fucking scummy hypocrites.
Where is an islamic terrorist attack when we need one?
I suspect they all said “I’m sure glad I got the vaccine because it would have been so much worse “
Scott Adams’ “A Plague Upon Our House” is a great read, and Birx (“the scarf lady”) was his main opponent in the White House meetings. While he would always try to bring the latest research and advance reasonableness, she just wanted to shut everything down, and exploded at him for daring to criticize her in front of Trump. She comes across as very prickly and insecure, but she probably has a different take.
The book “A Plague Upon Our House” is authored by Scott Atlas, MD (a highly recommended read). Scott Adams is the author and cartoonist who created the Dilbert strip (another valuable voice for reason and liberty). Thanks for mentioning the Atlas book.
I had three Moderna shots and later had a very mild case of Covid. Did the shots lead to a mild case? Who knows? One for sure positive affect of the vaccines is they put an end to Covid panic. They ended the pandemic of lock downs, economic collapse and social isolation. For that we can all be grateful.
I think the short documentary was correct. My impression from the Covid press briefings was that Birx was making the decisions. The White House Press Corp used the briefings to attack Trump rather than questioning the decisions of the task force or to ask for clarification of what they felt about natural immunity, the origin of the disease, the actual prospects that mitigation would end the pandemic and the search for hopeful treatments.
While at times I thought Trump hurt himself politically during the press briefings, I thought that he understood the costs and benefits of the situation better than the health professionals. At times I thought he was even making more sense about some of the science. For example, he was for reopening the schools in the fall of 2020, ending the isolation of children, and above all he expressed the view that treatments for the disease in the long run were as important as the future vaccines in combating the disease.
The problem with Fauci, and behind the scenes Francis Collins, was that they had for years pushed for vaccine research that included creating new pathogens that humans were less resistance to. As a result, their efforts were as much devoted to pretending to themselves that they hadn’t contributed to creating a weapon that killed hundreds of times more people than the atomic bomb.
THREE? Please don’t take anymore,
Trump wanted a vaccine for the covid virus; Fau Chi and company gave him a gene therapy shot instead.
An actual vaccine gives immunity to the virus. (How many times have you had to have the polio vaccine?)
Children are being overvaxxed from birth. We don’t even give a puppy its shots until it’s old enough that maternal antibodies have dissipated. (Two or three sets of shots, between 6 and twelve weeks old, then one every three years…).
We have tried and true processes to make vaccines; Pharma just needed a large clinical trial population for their new untested technology. Enter Covid …..
They are more interested in side effects and death count than actually preventing disease.
I find it particularly interesting that the Wuhan Flu emerged during a major Chinese holiday, with high rates of worldwide travel to and from that country.
How much did Fauci, et al, profit from this?
It’s all about greed and power. The little people don’t matter.
The problem with Fraudci is that he’s a garden gnome. Look at him! He’s even shorter than bitch Birx! Big Don TOWERS over him.
You do know why they call this COVID jab the ‘clot shot, don’t you?
Has the Death Merchant Deborah Birx, been arrested yet? If not… why not?
Remember, after Trump left the white house, Birx said that she lied to Trump about covid.
Like I said…
Superb article! The clown show was always that which surrounded Trump. Should he hopefully win again, how will the clown show be kept at bay? Perestroika?
When Pence led the Trump transition task force, all manner of deep staters were hired, and Trump loyalists like Flynn got shabby treatment.
When Pence led the COVID task force, Birx and Fauci ran roughshod over valid medical concerns at odds with their political/economic position.
So was it Pence the incompetent manager?
Or Pence the deep state mole?
I don’t like Birx’s censorship and NIH funded the Wuhan “research”. However, I think it’s extremely unlikely that AIDS is not caused by HIV. Also I remember when Covid started that a lot of people were dying. I remember refrigerator trucks outside of a hospital in Queens, N.Y. full of dead people. I remember a picture of a young teacher in the New York Post who had died of Covid. I remember a picture of a man in China lying on the street dead from Covid. Early on one person who was sick with Covid spread it to 53 members of the Skagit Valley Chorale and 2 died. The first strain of Covid was killing people. Covid still kills but the current strain is much milder than the first one although, like the flu it is reasonable to expect another dangerous one will arrive in the future. The mask issue has contradictory evidence for and against. Doctor’s and nurses in operating rooms wear masks so they won’t infect the patient they are working on and that supposedly works. On the other hand I saw a video of a person inhaling smoke (or steam), putting on a mask and then breathing out. You could see the steam pouring outside the sides of the mask.
Isaac, surgery crews wear masks so they won’t inadvertently spit in the sterile field. Studies have been done with unmasked surgeons and the infection rate was unchanged.
The Cochrane Group’s meta analysis of RCTs of mask studies, considered the gold standard on evaluation of the literature, could find no benefit for mask wearing in non-hospital settings where all manner of pathogens are potentially present,
Thanks Maha!!!!
I drove to a couple of hospitals in my area, we have three, and they were not at all crowded. Viruses, scientifically get weaker as they change. The virus does not get stronger later. The spike protein, which is in the ‘vaccine’ does the damage in the body , i.e. clotting, Myocarditis, Epstein Barr, Immune system mitochondrial damage, etc. , and no one knows how long the spike protein stays and replicates inside the body. It is a sad fact that Covid killed people because every treatment was maligned and forbidden to the point where the pharmacists wouldn’t fill prescriptions of Ivermectin from doctors who prescribed it. The hospital protocol for the Wuhan flu was get you on a ventilator, give you remdesivir which shuts down your organs, but never Ivermectin! Hospital’s made millions of dollars because that treatment cost the patient $30,000 each. There were brave doctors out there who treated their community like Dr. Zelensky, who came up with the protocol of treating Covid early and his treatment protocol can still be found online. I used it myself to get over Covid in three days. Dr. Zelensky had to leave America because he was being hounded and maligned, and he left for Israel. Shortly after, he died from cancer. I blame Brix and Fauci for his death. I will never forget what the medical community did to our elderly who were unable to see their family and who suffered and died alone. And now every day, we read of people suddenly dropping dead, literally, dropping dead. The Wuhan flu is the biggest psyops perpetuated on the people of the world.
Jeff, that six foot distance metric was entirely made up out of thin air. There wS NO science behind it.
Yeah, we can cough a lot farther than six feet.
It should be pointed out the COVID task force under Fauci and Birx was a complete clown show. Dr Scott Atlas details it in his book “A Plague Upon Our House”. He notes what an obsequious ass kisser Pence was–who was supposedly “managing” the Task Force–when he addressed Birx, calling her the “Ambassador” after she got that moniker in her African Aids mismanagement..
These two and their destructive policies have caused major problems and chaos, deaths and destruction.
She has NEVER left my radar. I am still perplexed why these people walk free. Meanwhile there are those “other” trials going on that are as big of a sham as anything. But real criminals are protected.
I knew in my heart the “covid terror” was a lie. I never got sick and I never do anything the government says. They hate us and they want us dead.
Please wake up America. These people will gt you killed.
It was another one of Trump’s ridiculous failures and basic undermining of the people who voted for him. He’s either incredibly stoopid on some of these issues, just doesn’t care and a self-interested politician who only cares about his on survival or part of the uni-party. He didn’t understand the importance or have the vision to understand of why protecting people’s freedom and vote integrity was paramount? Then he runs adds bragging about how he did everything that Fauci told him to do and that it was the beautiful shot? He sure as hell didn’t lead..
Lloyd bringing up Duesberg and painting him as anything other than a quack almost makes the whole article pointless. There are definite rules used to determine whether an agent is the one responsible for causing an infection. HIV clearly met the standard.. The weather nuts may have an argument, Duesberg is an OCD flat earther, promoting something he can’t get unstuck from and likely knows he’s wrong. It’s a pathology, not an argument.
Who is going to put Francis Collins in prison?