No, not Shaun King.
If you’re keeping track of the country’s racial privilege balance, this is the third case in a short time of lefties caught pretending to be black.
In recent years, Cole has become known for working with Indy10 Black Lives Matter, DONT SLEEP, IMPD Transparency, posting salary and citizen complaint information of Indianapolis Metropolitan Police officers.
Cole sees it as a responsibility to hold those in power accountable and to be an agent of change as the city grapples with issues like food insecurity, violence and homelessness.
“Just because the system is broken doesn’t mean it’s not our responsibility to fix it,” Cole said. “The systems have been created by people and it’s people that need to fix these broken systems.”
Crazy white people who lie about their race.
Satchuel Cole, a highly visible community leader advocating for racial and social justice in Indiana, has apologized for misleading people about Cole’s own race, saying “I have taken up space as a Black person while knowing I am white.”
Cole — who uses pronouns they/them — worked with Indy10 Black Lives Matter and Indy SURJ, apologized and admitted lying in a social media post.
“Friends, I need to take accountability for my actions and the harm that I have done. My deception and lies have hurt those I care most about. I have taken up space as a Black person while knowing I am white. I have used Blackness when it was not mine to use. I have asked for support and energy as a Black person. I have caused harm to the city, friends and the work that I held so dear,” Cole posted on a Facebook page under the name Satch Paige.
This follows two cases, including that of Jessica Krug, an associate professor at George Washington University.
It really says something that a whole bunch of white people can profit from becoming minorities. Including a top Democrat presidential candidate.
White privilege is a real problem in America, isn’t it?
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