The good news is that it’s been years since we’ve heard much from the Ford Foundation’s pet racial supremacist hate group. Why? Who knows. Like all good marketers, lefties keep freshening up their front group product lines on a regular basis. That manufactures the impression that the lefty activism is constantly moving forward with dynamic new radical groups.
But Black Lives Matter New York had a reaction to Biden’s “You’re not black” comments. And the bad news is that the reaction is crazier than usual.
“The “Good Old Boy” mentality allows someone like Mr. Biden to believe that he can dictate the terms of our blackness to us. It was manifested when he fought for segregation and he cannot conceal what is in his heart,” it starts out.
Then things get crazy.
“For example, your platform entitled “Lift Every Voice” is patronizing. If you were attentive to our sentiment, you would’ve entitled it “The Black Agenda Matters”, it complains.
Because you can only have one racial agenda defining the Democrats. And that agenda is…
If black health mattered to you then you would ensure that our children are fed primarily plant based meals in school. You would also talk about abolishing food injustice.
And the robots! Fight the robots!
If Black jobs mattered to you, then you would tax companies that seek to replace human employees with robots and give all Americans a basic income.
Who is replacing people with robots?
These seem like very narrow demands. What percentage of the black community really wants primarily plant based school lunches?
“And when people are hungry and desperate they turn to crime as a way to survive…”
Who exactly is turning to crime because they’re starving? Are they going to schools that serve plant based lunches?
We don’t live in Dickensian England. The places with the highest crime rates give food away on an epic basis.
Also $250 sneakers are not a vital survival item.
But maybe this is why Black Lives Matter is in decline.
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