1. Black Hebrew Israelites are not Jews, they are a racist and antisemitic hate group that preaches hatred of white people whose members carried out two recent murderous attacks against Jews in New York and New Jersey. They were also responsible for the ugly hate in the Covington incident even as the New York Times and Washington Post defended the racist hate group and whitewashed their ugly track record.
2. These attacks were made possibly by pressure from Democrats, including Senator Cory Booker and Senator Kamala Harris not to have the FBI monitor “black identity extremists”.
3. The widespread backing for black nationalist groups by governments, corporations, and major non-profits has led to an upsurge in black nationalist activity beyond Black Lives Matter, including harassment of homeowners by Moorish Sovereign Citizens, and this latest Black Hebrew Israelite killing.
Edgecombe County deputies say hate crime charges are possible in a machete attack on Friday.
The attack happened Friday around 9 a.m. at a house on Carr Farm Road in Macclesfield.
According to deputies, the suspect, identified as Carlos Antonio Washington, was waiting behind the couple’s house and attacked the homeowner once the victim went inside the house.
Deputies said the homeowner fought the suspect off momentarily and deflected the machete. The homeowner’s wife came out with a gun and shot at Washington – ending the attack.
This attack might lead to hate crime charges because it was senseless and there are allegations that Washington targeted a random white family.
Deputies said federal hate crime charges are possible as the suspect is a Black Hebrew Israelite who attacked a white family at random. The Anti-Defamation League said there are many sects. Some are considered extremist and are outspoken anti-Semites and racists. They’re unrelated to the Jewish faith.
Meanwhile Democrats and their media continue to resist monitoring black nationalist hate groups.
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