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Cleopatra was Greek. Basic historic fact. But we live in an exciting era where actual history has been turned over to be rewritten by the wokes who think that Black Panther’s Wakanda and the 1619 Project are actual history.
So when Netflix decided to cast Gal Gadot, who’s Israeli and thus Mediterranean and at least has some relationship to the role, the BLM crowd protested and she was recast as black. Because everyone who has watched 70s blaxploitation movies knows that Cleopatra was black.
Egyptian Arabs are none too happy with the idea. How unhappy? Really, really unhappy.
An Egyptian lawyer has filed a lawsuit against streaming giant Netflix for depicting Pharoh Cleopatra as a Black woman in a new documentary.
Lawyer Mahmoud al-Semary filed the lawsuit with a public prosecutor with the intention of having Netflix banned in Egypt for what he claimed was a distortion of history.
Al-Semary claimed that the Netflix documentary distorts Egypt’s history in favor of promoting Afrocentrism. He also complained of warped standards, stating in the lawsuit that “most of what Netflix platform displays do not conform to Islamic and societal values and principles, especially Egyptian ones.”
Not knowing the Egyptian legal system, I couldn’t tell you if he has a case, but there has been plenty of outrage in Egypt where this is a longstanding issue.
Egypt’s Arab Muslims have used their physical ownership to claim that they are the successors of the ancient civilization that their ancestors invaded and occupied. But black nationalists invented an imaginary past in which they were the rulers of Egypt and had advanced technology that was stolen by the Greeks and the Romans. (This isn’t some crank idea limited to NBA players, you’ll find that to be a popular belief even outside the Nation of Islam.)
Netflix, as a company run by California wokes, is obviously far more interested in pandering to the black nationalist who now dominate the Democrats than in caring what Egyptian Arab Muslims think. And it decided to step into the middle of an ongoing battle. That’s not new. Woke universities began trying to invent fictional renderings of dead Egyptian pharaohs that made them look African. Egyptians responded by banning them from having access to the original artifacts. So this is just the latest shot fired in the mummy wars.
Jada Pinkett Smith, the American actress who was executive producer and narrator, was meanwhile quoted as saying: “We don’t often get to see or hear stories about black queens, and that was really important for me, as well as for my daughter, and just for my community to be able to know those stories because there are tons of them!”
Egyptian Arabs feel the same way.
Everyone can’t have their own Cleopatra. Or can they? Just make a dozen versions with every possible race or ethnicity.
BLSinSC says
I guess those people are too young to remember CLEOPATRA JONES!! Early 70’s flick with a black Cleopatra!
dani says
And who could forget the african american vampire, Blacula (I don’t remember angry transylvanians screaming about ‘cultural appropriation” like today’s woke bedwetters.)
Bill Halcott says
I KNEW this was coming. I heard this decades ago. Tell this to an Egyptian and hear Egyptian language like you never heard before!!
Dr.Ernesto says
I nominate Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias to play Cleopatra.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Probably the most successful black kingdom was the Zulu warriors. They developed some remarkable strategies and tactics.
A lot of the black kingdoms worshipped demonic Gods seemingly derived from their experiences with hallucinogenic plants, similar to the Aztecs and others in the New World. Human sacrifice was a big part of propitiating those demonic Gods, and keeping the slaves and other subjects in line.
i Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, Shaka used the folding wedge formation the same as Scipio did against Hannibal. He came up with it on his own, I’ll give him credit on that.
You’ve probably read more about it than I have, though.
World@70 says
At least movies such as “Zulu Dawn”, “Zulu” and also “Saka Zulu” had a basis in history. The movie “Black Panther” was in the “science fiction” or “Fantasy” category, but some still beleive.
Guy Jones says
Turnabout is fair play — I hope Elon Musk produces and stars in a biopic about Shaka Zulu. Musk is, after all, authentically African.
Eraina says
Funny how white Africans are not considered African but black Americans who have never put one foot on the African continent are called Africans.and they get to decide who is called what.
rocco barbella says
The late great Walter Williams said (paraphrasing) “Of all the things we’ve been called negro, afro-American, colored and black, the most ignorant is African American.”
“Africa is a continent. If someone were from Canada would anyone call them North American-American?”
I’ll never forget I overheard a conversation in a public school between a black teacher and a black 11-12 yr old girl. The student was a newly registered student at the school and was just getting herself acclimated. The teacher said “We African American girls have to stick together.” The young student responds with a classic line “I’m not African American. I’m from Haiti.” The look on the teachers face was priceless.
The liberals just assume because someone has black skin equates to them being African.
Alexander Scipio says
What was really fun was the olympics a few years back when the American TV announcers couldn’t use “Blacks” but had to call African athletes “African Americans.” LOL
Eraina says
I thought Cleopatra was actually Greek but I guess in these days when history is subject to the desires of the story teller, anything is possible. If Jesus can look like Anglo Saxon hippie to Western Protestants, a swarthy olive complected man to Greek Orthodox Christians, a black man to black American Christians, an Italian to the Italian Catholics, etc., Cleopatra can be black, or Asian or even a fair-skinned blond Swede. Whatever makes you happy.
Lightbringer says
There are no contemporary pictures of Jesus, though he presumably looked like other Judeans of the period. There are many contemporary images of Cleopatra. Since none of them depict color we can leave that out, but if you look at her sculpted heads and images on coins, there is no doubt that her features are absolutely European. Let’s just deal with that basic assumption.
i Jeff Bargholz says
“Jada Pinkett Smith.” She f’ed her son’s friend while she was married. She’s a slut. And Will Smith is a bitch.
wileyvet2 says
I just saw a story about a black “queen” getting decked by the Target security guard after demanding the store give her $1,000 in merchandise as reparations.
I see lots of black queens on Youtube ransacking hair salons and stealing weave, running amok in Walmarts, throwing fits at McDonalds. Oh yeah. No shortage of stories about black queens.
i Jeff Bargholz says
My girlfriends are all black queens. I never learn. I love that pussy, though.
Dis says
Cleo was a Ptolemy descendant, so more Macedonian than anything else… I had to patiently explain this to an otherwise knowledgeable friend when what passed for Dr. Who a few years ago cast a black actress as Cleopatra. My friend had even seen’ Cleopatra Ptolemais’ on the Rosetta Stone ,and still argued with me about this!
Lightbringer says
Since the Ptolemies adopted the customs of Pharaonic Egypt and therefore practiced a great deal of incest, we can assume that Cleopatra was certainly more Macedonian than anything else!
Pamela Schieber says
The Kush Empire, south of Egypt was a Black nation. Today, Blacks are called Kushim in Hebrew. Kush is mentioned in the Bible. It had a similar culture as Egypt.
i Jeff Bargholz says
But no civilization. Just mud huts and monkeys.. No pyramids or real structures. Animals.
Algorithmic Analyst says
I don’t know much about Kush. Seems it was located about where Sudan is.
i Jeff Bargholz says
Sudan. That’s a great place. 🙂
i Jeff Bargholz says
CowboyUp says
There were the Obelisks of the Kingdom Of Aksum(now Ethiopia) , but they were built in the 4th century. They were also said to build good ships and be good sailors.
i Jeff Bargholz says
They were probably Phoenicians.
Lightbringer says
There was a black-ruled, kingdom in Egypt for a few hundred years around the 6th century BCE.
THX 1138 says
What is Cleopatra famous for anyway? Being a femme fatale that lured Marc Anthony to his death and then committed suicide herself? And she had another affair with Julius Caesar and she was married to her brother. And she was the product of incest. Also says here that she had a hand in the deaths of three of her siblings.
Let the blacks have her. Meghan Markle or Ilhan Omar can portray her on screen. Dunce Harry can portray Marc Anthony.
Lightbringer says
She was a brilliant politician who managed to keep Egypt from being devoured by the Roman wolf — for a while. Not a small accomplishment in the world she lived in.
i Jeff Bargholz says
I read that she used to stick needles into the breasts of her slaves and get off on it. I don’t know if it’s true but it doesn’t sound good to me.
Lahkweeshah Uvitirah Yahkwaanzah Smith says
Cleopatra looked like Elizabeth Taylor.
Lightbringer says
Have you ever seen her statue or any of the coins minted with her image on them? She was not nearly as pretty as Elizabeth Taylor!
i Jeff Bargholz says
He was joking. 🙂
Alexander Scipio says
How dumb must people be to think that north Africa was peopled by subsaharan Africans? There’s Dumb, and then there’s Democrat Dumb.
Kepha says
Americans discover that Egypt is in Africa (its northeastern corner!!!!). Hence, on their usual assumption that “Africa” is a “country” inhabited by “black” people everywhere from the Mediterranean littoral to Capetown, they assume Cleopatra had to be black, too.
Una Salus says
Gal Gadot is my Ethiopian black queen and deniers are haters.