The classic, World ends, women and minorities hardest hit trope has finally been beaten.
Suppose you’re a black nationalist site and the internet trends all involve the bottomless whirlpool of idiocy that is the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard trial. What do you do?
Amber Heard Verdict Sends A Message To Black Women Everywhere – The Root
The Root is the black nationalist vertical founded by Henry Louis Gates Jr. of the Great Obama Beer Summit fame. The supreme conviction of black nationalism in all its revisionist glory is that all of American history and everything that ever happened, is happening, or will happen is a racist hate crime.
As Ibram X. Kendi might put it, there can only be racist sleazy celebrity tabloid trials or anti-racist sleazy celebrity tabloid trials.
And I guess this was a racist sleazy celebrity tabloid trial.
Much like Obama interrupting the Uvalde coverage to remind everyone that George Floyd is much more important than a bunch of dead kids who don’t resemble him, everything must revolve around the great victimhood singularity of identity politics.
And, as Kendi might also say, the fact that the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard didn’t involve black people just proves that it’s racist.
The good news is that once Chris Rock and Will Smith get around to suing each other, they’ll have more material to work with.
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