Black women are a sizable chunk of the Democrat electorate. And it’s not cheating, it’s black women that blocked Bernie Sanders before and will block him from the nomination again.
Bernie’s disastrous performance at She The People, where he was booed by black women when he tried to invoke MLK, is yet another in a series of disastrous misfires with black women.
The latest poll numbers show black women breaking decisively for Joe Biden. That’s the group Bernie performs worst with.
If the electorate were composed of white men, Bernie would have a real shot. Morning Consult shows the socialist at 24% to Biden’s 32%. But Bernie’s numbers drop to 20% among white women, 21% among black men and down to 18% among black women.
The problem is fairly consistent and insurmountable.
But the numbers are, if anything, even worse for Pete Buttgieg. While the failed South Bend mayor scores at 11% among white men and 9% among white women, his scores among black people are too low to list. Subtraction says 2% among black men and black women.
So much for his Obamaesque qualities.
Why do black people hate Buttigieg? Like Beto, the very squishy hipster qualities that make him appealing to white lefties, may actually be turning off black people. And that’s even without taking into account the role of religion.
Buttigieg decided to pick a very prominent fight with Mike Pence over religion. It may have backfired with black voters.
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