Black racism is getting worse in America because it is being validated, endorsed, and legitimized like never before.
And it’s not just Barack Obama doing this.
This race-based hatred is promoted by America-hating currency speculator George Soros who has been funding the racist, violent Black Lives Matter movement for years.
Instead of urging crime-fighting, Chris Stone, president of Open Society Foundations, supports disarming the police, a move that would make things worse and leave society at the mercy of criminals.
Black criminals aren’t to blame for rising crime rates because trigger-happy cops are on a killing spree in the U.S., he writes. “Those who kill innocents rarely do so sadistically. There are always excuses and explanations, stretching notions of self-defense, exaggerating threats, claiming mistaken identities.”
Although the U.S. is the least racist nation on the face of the earth there is a discernible shift underway. Too many black Americans and their radical non-black allies feel comfortable routinely spewing anti-white sentiments in public. Their crude, sometimes genocidal statements are becoming increasingly mainstream in the Obama era. In a case of defining deviancy down, antisocial anti-white sentiments are accepted by the media as normal, even admirable. The universities, strongholds of radical leftism and kooky identity politics, cleared the way for this.
American culture used to do a better job organically marginalizing racism. Until Barack Obama began running for president it can be argued racism barely existed at all in the United States.
Sure, the racial grievance industry with Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and groups like ACORN, used to stir up trouble and use racial antagonism to shake down corporations, but these activities never had the feel of legitimacy about them. They were dirty and quite properly looked down upon by most normal Americans but today such activism wins praise from and invitations to the White House.
Recent events seem to confirm this trend in which the public expression of anti-white racist sentiments and violence against whites is being destigmatized.
As Breitbart News reported yesterday:
In an assault captured on video, Feras Jabro, a Donald Trump supporter wearing a “Make America Great Again” baseball cap, was harassed, chased, thrown to the ground and beaten by Black Lives Matter activists at a protest in El Cajon, California. […]
A longer video, shot from the victim’s perspective, shows the man standing in the crowd then being hit from behind, running from an angry mob, and then being beaten on the ground simply for wearing his MAGA hat.
The vicious attack happened on the second night of protests in the San Diego suburb of El Cajon, where Black Lives Matter protesters are angered about the police shooting death of Alfred Olango, 38. El Cajon police say they shot and killed Olango after responding to a call from his sister that he was acting erratically. Olango refused to comply with police orders, then “assumed a shooting stance” with what appeared to be a gun, but later turned out to be a vape cigarette electronic device.
The beating of Jabro by an angry black mob made Fox News Channel and a few conservative news websites but that’s it.
The mainstream media described the protest at which the Trump supporter was roughed up as “peaceful.”
Another case proves that the narrative always moves forward with or without the facts. The brother of Keith Lamont Scott, a black career criminal who was fatally shot by a black police officer in Charlotte, N.C. on Sept. 20 after he menaced police with a stolen gun, spewed racist hate.
Tim Jackson told reporters, “Just know that all white people are fucking devils. All white cops are fucking devils, and white people.”
Just about nobody cared.
Racist graffiti turned up this week in Hillsborough County, Florida. Among the phrases spray-painted in public were “kill white people,” “black lives matter,” and “BLM.”
This barely caused a ripple outside the locality where it occurred.
In August Milwaukee was rocked by race riots after a black cop shot Sylville Smith, a young black man carrying a stolen gun who fled police. Video footage shows rioters chanting “black power!” before asking “is they white?” as cars move slowly by. “Yeah they white!” someone says, prompting rioters to run towards the vehicle. “Yeah they white, get their ass!” shouts another.
“Hey they beatin’ up every white person!” one rioter says. “He white – beat his head – bitch!”
Sherelle Smith, the dead man’s sister, urged rioters to relocate their activities to the white suburbs.
“Burnin’ down shit ain’t going to help nothin!” a video showed her telling a mob. “Y’all burnin’ down shit we need in our community. Take that shit to the suburbs. Burn that shit down! We need our shit! We need our weaves. I don’t wear it. But we need it.”
CNN edited out the woman’s reference to moving the violence to white neighborhoods, making it seem like she was calling for peace. But even doctoring the news stirred little outrage in most circles.
Last November University of Chicago student Jabari R. Dean was arrested for posting a death threat online. According to prosecutors he vowed to go to the campus quad “armed with a M-14 Carbine and two Desert Eagles all fully loaded” and “execute … 16 white male students.”
He added, “I then will die killing any number of white policemen in the process. This is not a joke. I am to do my part and rid the world of the white devils.”
All of this racist violence carries the official seal of approval of the Democratic Party which endorses the terrorism of Black Lives Matter, just as it backed the racist terrorism of the Ku Klux Klan of old. The only difference is that today the victims have a different color skin.
If Hillary Clinton becomes president, the scourge of black racism is likely to become far worse because she panders to the radical racist left more aggressively than Barack Obama does. She also has a massive chip on her shoulder because she’s not black and feels she has something to prove.
Think about that.
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