[](/sites/default/files/uploads/2013/08/victims.jpg)As the nation remembers Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, it should also note that while the self-appointed guardians of King’s legacy, the “anti-racists,” obsess over Paula Deen and liken Trayvon Martin to Emmet Till, they say nothing about interracial violence when it involves black perpetrators and white victims.
Below is a select list of interracial atrocities committed by blacks against whites. These forgotten victims are men and women, young and old.
Brad Heyka, Jason Befort, Aaron Sander, Heather Muller, “H.G.”: In December of 2000, in Wichita, Kansas, over the course of hours, two brothers, Reginald and Jonathan Carr, robbed, beat, sexually tormented, and repeatedly raped three men and two women. They eventually shot all five victims, execution-style, in the backs of their heads before driving over their bodies with one of the victim’s pick-up truck. “H.G.” survived. Wearing nothing but a shirt, shot and battered, she walked a mile until she found help.
Channon Christian, Christopher Newsom: In 2007, this young couple was carjacked in Knoxville, Tennessee by four men and one woman. Both were raped—Newsom anally, Christian anally, vaginally, and orally. The former was shot and his body set on fire. The latter was suffocated over a span of hours inside of garbage bags—after she was forced to ingest bleach so as to remove traces of her assailants’ DNA.
Sherry West, Antonio Santiago: On March 21 of this year, this woman and her 13 month-old baby son were both shot while going for a walk in their Brunswick, Georgia neighborhood. The mother survived the bullets to her ear and leg. Little Antonio, however, died instantly when the bullet entered his face.
Joshua Heath Chellew: At the end of June, this 36 year-old man was attacked by four teenagers at a gas station outside of Atlanta, Georgia. In trying to escape the beating that he was suffering, Chellew was fatally struck by a passing car.
Jonathan Foster: On Christmas Eve, 2010, 12 year-old, Jonathan Foster was abducted from his home in Houston, Texas by a 44 year-old woman, Mona Nelson. The latter bound Foster and then murdered him with a blowtorch. She discarded his body in a ditch along the road where it was found four days later. Foster’s remains were so badly charred that his corpse had to be identified by his dental records.
Delbert “Shorty” Benton: Just last week, the 89 year-old veteran of World War II was beaten to death by two teenagers armed with flashlights. Benton was making his way through the parking lot of one of the places that he regularly frequented when he was attacked.
Chris Lane: The 23 year-old Australian was in the States visiting his girlfriend. While on a run, some reportedly “bored” teenagers shot him in the back. Lane died shortly afterward. The thugs had a history of expressing hostility toward whites, and at least one of them was said by police to have laughed and danced upon being arrested.
Fannie Gumbinger: This 99 year-old Poughkeepsie, New York woman died last week when a 20 year-old burglar murdered her in her home. Police say she suffered “multiple injuries.”
There is no shortage of people who will defend the deafening silence of the “anti-racists” with respect to these interracial horrors on the grounds that, supposedly, they had nothing to do with color. Black criminals seek out whites, it is often said, simply because whites are perceived as having more in the way of material goods.
Yet if this is true, then color or race most certainly does have something to do with these attacks: black criminals profile whites. But if there is nothing illegitimate about black predators (or others) profiling whites as “privileged,” “advantaged,” “racist,” etc., then neither can it be said—as it is always said by “anti-racists”—that there is anything illegitimate about whites profiling blacks.
Only hypocrisy, illogic, or some combination of the two could make one suggest otherwise.
Another common criticism centers on the alleged irrelevance of the race of perpetrators and victims. After all, it is the murder that should be condemned; the color of murderer and murdered of no consequence.
Ah. So, if this is the case, then “racism” should never come under attack at all, for it isn’t, say, the color of the Klansmen and the black victims that they lynched that is blameworthy, but the lynching itself.
There isn’t a single “anti-racist” who would dream to reason thus.
One reason that black-on-white violence should be discussed is that it is both ubiquitous and evil. The blacks responsible for it constitute but a tiny percentage of the national population, and yet they are several times more likely than their white counterparts to engage in interracial violence.
Another reason that black-on-white cruelty must be brought out into the open is that it is a reality that can only weaken the false narrative of unrelenting White Oppression and perpetual Black Suffering that has been used by demagogues and opportunists to prop up the destructive policies that they’ve promoted in the name of combating “racism.”
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