That cop-hating radical DeRay Mckesson and other leaders of the virulently racist Black Lives Matter movement were again welcomed to the White House last week is yet another reminder that President Obama approves of their in-your-face antics and violent activism.
Mckesson, who recently decided his expertise in fomenting civil unrest qualified him to run for mayor of Baltimore, is a frequent visitor to the Obama White House, according to official visitor logs. This poster child for civic dysfunction showed up in December at the White House Christmas party and felt comfortable enough to grab a selfie with Surgeon General Vivek Murthy.
When Obama speaks of the Black Lives Matter movement and the deeds of its adherents there is always an air of make-believe. The president grossly exaggerates the extent of police brutality in America today and tells lie after lie in order to puff up the radical agitators.
That’s the way it is with cults.
Black Lives Matter, which is funded by hedge fund manager George Soros, is not merely a political movement: it’s a Marxist, anti-American, revolutionary cult whose members aim to unleash a reign of terror on our society. They celebrate when police officers are killed in the line of duty. They don’t want equality; they demand that black Americans receive special, preferential treatment. Disagree and they’ll howl you’re a racist, boycott your business, or try to get you investigated for hate crimes.
Obama is the ayatollah of the Black Lives Matter cult, which is animated not only by anti-white racism but by a hatred of normal American values. Its members idolize convicted, unrepentant black militants and cop-killers Assata Shakur and Mumia Abu Jamal, and have declared “war” on law enforcement. While its members openly call for police officers to be assassinated, its leaders, wishing to seem more respectable before the TV cameras, downplay the insurrectionary rhetoric whenever a member kills a cop.
Alongside Attorney General Loretta Lynch and adviser Valerie Jarrett last week at an event marking Black History Month, Obama gushed about the gathered activists’ supposed accomplishments. Radicals in attendance included: Al Sharpton; Rashad Robinson, executive director of Color of Change; Deshaunya Ware of University of Missouri group Concerned Student 1950; Sherrilyn Ifill, president of NAACP Legal Defense Fund; and various stakeholders in the racial grievance industry.
Obama said:
“But we’ve also got some young people here who are making history as we speak. People like Brittany [Packnett], who served on our Police Task Force in the wake of Ferguson, and has led many of the protests that took place there and shined a light on the injustice that was happening. People like DeRay Mckesson, who has done some outstanding work mobilizing in Baltimore around these issues. And to see generations continuing to work on behalf of justice and equality and economic opportunity is greatly encouraging to me.”
Packnett and Mckesson, like the rest of Black Lives Matter, are members of a black lynch mob. They don’t care about justice. They care only about attacking “the system” and making white people pay for the alleged sins they have committed. When they become activists, Wikipedia profiles sprout up about them almost instantly and Salon and the New York Times fawn over them like they’re the Freedom Riders in the Sixties.
Obama covers for them, sanitizing their activities. He glosses over what Packnett and Mckesson actually did.
First, the primary injustice that took place in Ferguson, Mo., in August 2014 was not that black teenaged thug Michael Brown was killed. The injustice was that white police officer Darren Wilson’s name was dragged through the mud after he shot Brown in self-defense. Every single official investigation exonerated Wilson.
Second, Packnett was one of the key “hands up, don’t shoot” propagandists who tried to string Wilson up. She promoted the lie that Wilson shot Brown in cold blood as he tried to surrender.
And third, the word mobilizing doesn’t quite do justice to Mckesson’s activism.
Mckesson, one of the cult’s media-savvy leaders, frequently invokes the name of Assata Shakur, and implicitly endorses the use of violence against “the system.” He bounces between reverence for nonviolent action and a refusal to condemn violent activism, which reasonable people see as tantamount to endorsing violent activism. This practiced ambiguity is a fairly standard left-wing cop-out like the claim by leftists during the Iraq War that they opposed the war but somehow still supported U.S. troops.
When pressed, as he was by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer last year, Mckesson gave lip service to nonviolent protest while simultaneously defending looting as acceptable political activism.
Discussing the riots in Baltimore that followed the April 2015 death of career criminal Freddie Gray while in police custody, Mckesson said:
“I think that the unrest, the uprising, whatever you call it, is again a cry for justice here and a cry for justice across the country because police continue to terrorize people. The terrorizing is actually deadly. Broken windows are not broken spines. People are in pain.”
Rewarded by the Left with a prestigious teaching gig at Yale Divinity School last fall, Mckesson lectured on an essay titled “In Defense of Looting.” His talk was a mixture of black liberation theology, critical race theory, Marxism, and anarchism.
He won’t condemn violent assaults on police and holds that looting and rioting are legitimate, even praiseworthy, forms of political expression.
He was paraphrased by his comrade Johnetta Elzie as telling his students that there was a “connection between capitalism and racism,” that “to not give is to steal from the poor,” and that “looting for me isn’t violent, it’s an expression of anger.”
President Obama feels the same.
No matter how much violence and mayhem Black Lives Matter activists generate, Obama refuses to condemn the movement. When they murder cops, Obama is silent. Apart from some perfunctory, generalized denunciations of violence in general, Obama doesn’t reach out to the public to ask for calm or to deplore the killings.
The Black Lives Matter cult also has the support of the Democratic National Committee which has officially endorsed it.
Last year DNC delegates approved a resolution that accuses American police of “extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children.” The DNC describes the American Dream as “a nightmare for too many young people stripped of their dignity under the vestiges of slavery, Jim Crow and White Supremacy[.]“
After the recent sit-down with Obama, Mckesson described the public policy ground the two covered.
“We had a really strong conversation,” Mckesson said. “We covered so many topics from policing contracts to use-of-force policies to [the tainted water scandal in] Flint [Michigan] and the school-to-prison pipeline to the upcoming Supreme Court nomination.”
Obama complemented Mckesson and the other attendees.
“They are much better organizers than I was at their age,” Obama said of the young activists.
“I am confident they are going to take America to new heights.”
Conservatives have to wonder, Is that a promise or a threat?
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