Heresy. Reality.
Michael Bloomberg is pivoting to a more moderate position. (The radical ones are all taken, as Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Beto O’Rourke, etc… all found out to their grief.) So he’s willing to state the very obvious, before pivoting to the expected Trump-bashing.
“Attacks on Jews, especially the Orthodox, have been taking place with horrifying regularity,” Bloomberg said referencing the recent violence in the New York area during Hannukah, and the 2019 attack at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. “As these attacks occur, our children look to us with faces turned upward for answers, for reassurance, for safety.”
“No single person is entirely to blame,” he cautioned, adding: “Anti-Semitism is hardly the exclusive domain of one political party. It can be found on both the right and the left — on town squares and campus quads.”
The reference to campus anti-Semitism is more than anyone on the Dem side has been willing to utter.
But, of course, Bloomberg doesn’t go into any detail. That he’s willing to even say as much as he does is notable in the political culture of 2020. It wouldn’t have been notable in the 80s or the 90s. Or even, arguably, the oughts.
And then there’s this.
“There are those who will cite moving the embassy to Jerusalem as a reason to support the president,” Bloomberg said. “And to that I say very clearly: if I am elected, you will never have to choose between supporting Israel and supporting our values here at home. I will defend both — because unlike this president, you and I know they are inextricably linked.”
That’s vague, rather than clear. Like everything else he says.
At best, Bloomberg is suggesting that he won’t move the embassy out of Jerusalem. Few Dems though would. He would apparently climb back into bed with Iran.
Bloomberg also affirmed his commitment to the U.S. ally, quickly pivoting to a rebuke of Trump for withdrawing from the Iran deal. That commitment “s also the reason I opposed President Trump’s decision to unilaterally walk away from the deal and our partners in Europe. Because doing so was tantamount to giving Iran permission to relaunch its nuclear program.”
Iran never shut down its nuclear program.
Getting back into bed with Iran means funding the murder of opposition protesters and attacks on American soldiers. And, it should go without saying, Jews.
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