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One state prosecutor and one civilian plaintiff have already won huge fines and damages from Donald Trump that may, with legal costs, exceed $500 million.
Trump awaits further civil and criminal liability in three other federal, state, and local indictments.
There are eerie commonalities in all these five court cases involving plaintiff E. Jean Carroll, Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg, New York Attorney General Letitia James, federal special counsel Jack Smith, and Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis.
One, they are either unapologetically left-wing or associated with liberal causes. They filed their legal writs in big-city, left-wing America—Atlanta, New York, Washington—where liberal judges and jury pools predominate in a manner not characteristic of the country at large.
Two, they are overtly political. Bragg, James, and Willis have either campaigned for office or raised campaign funds by promising to get or even destroy Donald Trump.
Carroll’s suit was funded by left-wing billionaire Reid Hoffman.
Smith sued to rush his court schedule in hopes of putting Trump on trial before the November election.
Three, there would not be any of these cases had Donald Trump not run for the presidency or not been a conservative.
Carroll’s suit bypassed statute of limitation restrictions by prompting the intervention of a left-wing New York legislator. He passed a special bill, allowing a one-year window to waive the statute of limitations for sexual assault claims from decades past.
Until Trump, no New York prosecutor like James had ever filed a civil suit against a business for allegedly overvaluing real estate assets to obtain loans that bank auditors approved and were paid back in full, on time, and with sizable interest profits to the lending institutions.
Alvin Bragg bootstrapped a Trump private non-disclosure agreement into a federal campaign violation in a desperate effort to find something on Trump.
Smith is also charging Trump with insurrectionary activity. But Trump had never been so charged with insurrection, much less convicted of it.
Willis strained to find a way to criminalize Trump’s complaints about his loss of Georgia in the 2020 national election. She finally came up with a racketeering charge, usually more applicable to mafiosi and drug cartels.
Four, in all these cases, the charges could have been equally applicable to fellow left-wing public figures and officials.
Joe Biden, like Trump, was accused of sexual assault decades earlier by former staffer Tara Reade. Yet Reade was torn apart by the media and the left for inconsistencies in her memory. By contrast, the wildly inconsistent and amnesiac E. Jean Carroll won $83 million from Trump.
Jack Smith created the precedent of charging former president Trump for unlawfully removing classified files to his private residence.
But the government simultaneously did not charge Joe Biden for similar offenses. Yet Biden had removed files not for two years but for more than 30. He stored them not in one location but several.
His rickety garage was a mess, not a secure family compound like Trump’s estate. Moreover, Biden did so while a senator and vice president, without any presidential authority to declassify almost any presidential document he wished.
Biden never came forward to report the crime for over thirty years—until Trump was charged. Indeed, he was caught on tape six years ago, admitting to his ghostwriter that he possessed classified files but never reported it.
Bragg might have noticed that both Hillary Clinton (fined $113,000) and Barack Obama (fined $350,000) broke campaign financing laws. Neither was subject to federal criminal charges by local prosecutors.
An array of left-wing celebrities, politicians, 2004 House Members, former Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), and failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams have all recently challenged elections. They sought either to delay or redo ballot counting or, on the federal level, to sidetrack electors to ignore popular votes in their respective states.
These lawfare cases are part of other efforts that were highly partisan and without merit. Recall the Trump “Russian collusion” hoax and the “Russian disinformation” laptop farce.
In another first, some blue states are suing to take Trump’s name off the ballot for “insurrection,” a crime for which he has never been charged.
Total up the deaths, damage, and length of the summer 2020 Antifa/BLM riots. Then compare the tally to the one-day January 6 riot.
The former proved far more lethal, long-lasting, and destructive. Yet very few of the 14,000 arrested rioters in 2020 were ever prosecuted, much less convicted.
By contrast, the Biden administration sought to jail hundreds for crimes allegedly committed on January 6, such as “illegal parading.”
We are entering a dangerous era in America.
Ideology and party affiliations increasingly determine guilt and punishment. Opponents are first targeted, and then laws are twisted and redefined to convict them.
The left is waging lawfare with the implicit message to political opponents: either keep quiet or suffer the consequences.
Chaya says
Some revolutionary war era statements and documents seem applicable
Lary says
Totally agree. Unfortunately the ones in power whether evil or good are the ones who set policies and laws. Currently the evil ones from Obama forward have take full control of all facets of government including our schools and courthouses when voting tally time comes. The only option we have is to monitor elections with great vigilance and go vote no matter whom you affiliate with as a party. At least then truth may prevail which must happen before truth and justice can return. Now we’re fighting a war against the mega capitalist evil ones who care less about the constitution or all those millions who served and died both black and white and men and women.
Jeff Bargholz says
Don’t go vote, use the mail in ballots like the Dirtbagocrats do. Going to the polling stations is a surefire way to get your ballot tossed out, assuming the station is even open and the machines function.
RAM says
They are fully capable of culling out mail-in ballots they don’t like, such as yours.
RAM says
Need a new Thomas Paine.
Judith2 says
Like a helpless babe alone with a vicious pedophile, an honest man has no weapon against any Democrat politician.
The only remedy is the complete demise of the Democrat party.
Steven Brizel says
There is a definite double standard against conservatives that takes the form of lawfare
Judith2 says
Like a helpless babe alone with a vicious pedophile, an honest man has no weapon against any Democrat politician.
The only remedy is the complete demise of the Democrat party or the abandonment of it by, if existent, any remaining honest members.
Semaphore says
The demise has already taken place. It’s now a clown show of alphabet people with pronouns and no statesmanship. The Republicans are not much better. In fact, I don’t think our lawmakers actually make our laws anymore. Administrators (non of whom are elected by us) are the real power. They pretty much tell Congress what to do, and they let a few showboaters whine on camera so as to make it look authentic. And Heaven help those (Trump) who stand up to them.
internalexile says
Fascism is as fascism does.
I see that Arizona is refusing to return a convict to New York over their lenient bail laws and lowlife pond scum like Bragg
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, I saw that on the news. I think it’s in Maricopa County too, which is far and away the most corrupt county in AZ thanks to all the Californicator carpet baggers who live there. Unfortunately for AZ, it’s the worst leftists from CA who tend to emigrate there. The good Californians emigrate to states like Texas and Florida.
Chris Shugart says
We must remember that these tyrants truly believe that Trump is an existential threat to democracy, even at times calling him Hitler or worse. And because they truly believe this, they consider themselves morally justified and obligated to eliminate him by any means necessary. Do the math, people. The US Constitution is not part of this equation. If they succeed, Trump supporters will be next in line.
Judith2 says
They do not believe…they are crooks.
Dennis Carney says
Some are crooks but many are True Believers. Eric Hoffer identified this phenomenon in 1951 when he wrote his book, The True Believer.
Jeff Bargholz says
There are already January 6th Trump supporters rotting in gulags as political prisoners without due process and plenty of other people associated with him being persecuted.We’re tree years into the Dirtbagocrat reign of terror.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
RICO Zuckerberg and Hoffman and Soros. Lockup the unethical and criminal AGs and prosecutors. Willis has been shown to be a complete fool and joke. She should lose her law license and sent to prison for abuse of taxpayer funds.
Jeff Bargholz says
She committed perjury about the timeline of her relationship with the boyfriend she hired and handed a fortune in taxpayer funds. And they spent the money on themselves. They’re both criminals and yet Trump is the one on trial.
This is post America if you ask me. Whatever this country has become, it isn’t America anymore.
TRex says
We’ll just have to wait and see. After all, she is a Democrat. I heard where the prosecution has his and her phone records and the “geo-fencing” data placing them both at her apartment, several times, through the night and before they said they were “involved”. Were they Republicans, they’d both be charged and in holding cells as we speak.
RAM says
Their next step is to make evidence about this filth go poof and disapperar.
Andrew Blackadder says
”We must get out of these endless Wars”… Why are the American taxpayers paying for the defense of countries like Japan,with US Navy Bases or US Army Bases in Germany or UK, why are there US Nuclear Submarine Bases in Scotland and Air Force bases in England, US Navy in Italy and Spain, US Air Force Base in Morocco, Army in Saudi, Kuwait,Bahrain, and many others while the borders of America are being wide open and not at all defended..
Who are the Americans defending Japanese from and who is the enemy of Europe that Uncle Sam feels the need to defend them from.
Old Joe sent 60 BILLION Dollars for the defense of Ukraine and 20 Billion Dollars for the defense of America…
What part of this Math am I missing here ?.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Domenic Pepe says
It’s the New Math.
It is now basically illegal to think rationally in America.
TRex says
The $60 billion (and it’s more like $200billion) is hush money. The bases around the world are a justification for spending nearly a trillion a year on “defense”. The illegals are future insurance the Dems take over all branches of the govt to shred the Constitution and set up their precious “democracy”. There is a method to this madness and if it isn’t stopped soon the US, like every other “democracy”, will go down the shitter.
aristotle cam says
Thank you Mr Hanson for this and all your other wonderful columns. I believe we need a solution to these problems.
I believe we have the solution=Donald Trump! We all know his presidential record and what he accomplished in 4
short years. The only complaints are that he’s just not.. presidential. Mr Hanson mentions all the things he had to
fight against since he came down that escalator and still got things done!!!
The whole ruling against rump and the this Imperial Judges ruling against Trump is in total violation of the 8th Amendment to the Constitution and therefore should be totally overturned and the Judge removed from the bench and retired
Thomas E. Warwick says
The Democrats are forcing us down a road from which we cannot return. At all levels of governance, Democrats are hastening the coming delegitimization of the peoples’ relationship with their government. For two centuries, Americans have trusted their government to protect them, safeguard their rights under the Constitution, and look out for their interests abroad. That is all falling apart and the consequences will be catastrophic beyond believe. What are two hundred million people going to do when they finally realize that not only do they not have a Constitution (Obama shredded that), they are being forced to live under an illigitimate government that has become their sworn enemy
danknight says
We think we live in America …
… but we live in a very different nation than the one we think we live in …
Some of us have noticed the cracks … here … there …
… when one of us peasants was swooped up by the machine …
And many of us noticed, but did not know what to do.
Well. Once upon a time we could have stopped this the easy way …
… mark my words …
We will win in the end. But we’re not going the easy way.
… And we’re not going to have a civil war or a revolutionary war.
We’re going to take the road many once great nations have taken …
… down the hole … and through looking glass …
G-d help those who are not prepared.