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Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) wrote to Gestapo chief Merrick Garland and his henchman, FBI top dog Christopher Wray, on Wednesday with some allegations that were positively explosive. Grassley and Comer say that they’ve “received legally protected and highly credible unclassified whistleblower disclosures” regarding a “criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions.” Would anyone really be surprised if it were positively determined that Old Joe Biden was paid off by foreigners to set policy in a way they dictated?
🚨🚨🚨@RepJamesComer & @ChuckGrassley reveal the existence of an FBI record alleging then-VP Biden engaged in a bribery scheme with a foreign national.
According to a whistleblower, this record details an alleged arrangement involving an exchange of money for policy decisions.…
— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) May 3, 2023
If this is accurate, it would involve not just Biden but Barack Obama as well. This is because the vice president doesn’t have any Constitutional authority to make policy decisions, and quite aside from the Constitution, Obama, who famously said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up”, is unlikely to have given Old Joe any real authority to do anything. So if a foreign national was paying Old Joe to make policy decisions favorable to himself, they would almost certainly have had to have the approval of the Man Whose Tan Suit Was His Only Scandal.
The implications of this cannot be understated. It would be no surprise if Old Joe were confirmed as the corrupt kleptocrat he has long been reputed to be, but if this bribery scheme did end up reaching Obama, it could have a serious impact on the Democrats’ present electoral chances and even upon their continued ability to sew up elections left and right by means of ballot harvesting, mail-in ballots, and other present-day chicanery. The only problem is that the very agencies that ought to be energetically pursuing this issue are part of the same corrupt Leftist establishment that dominates Washington. Consequently, it’s not at all clear that the truth about this will ever come out.
Grassley and Comer are trying their best, however. They continue by indicting Garland’s Justice-For-Leftists Department and Wray’s politicized and compromised FBI, stating that “based on the specificity within the document, it would appear that the DOJ and the FBI have enough information to determine the truth and accuracy of the information contained within it. However, it remains unclear what steps, if any, were taken to investigate the matter.” Given the fact that Biden, Garland, and Wray are all part of the same hypocrisy, it’s virtually certain that no steps at all were taken to investigate the matter.
Consider for a moment what would have happened, by contrast, if a Democrat senator and congressman had uncovered some “legally protected and highly credible unclassified whistleblower disclosures” regarding a “criminal scheme involving then-President Trump and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions.” We would be hearing about nothing else from the establishment media for weeks on end, impeachment proceedings would be swiftly begun, and Democrats and their media propagandists would be waxing self-righteous every hour on the hour about the dangers of bribery. But Old Joe is their guy, and so expect fifty intelligence professionals to come out soon and brand this whole thing “disinformation” and the media to go into their tested and perfected hands-over-the-ears “La la la I can’t hear you” act.
Grassley and Comer add that “the significant public interest in assessing the FBI’s response to this information, as well as growing concern about the DOJ and the FBI’s track record of allowing political bias to infect their decision-making process, necessitate exacting congressional oversight.” Indeed. How Garland and Wray will manage to dodge this remains to be seen, but they will have a great deal of help.
Comer declared, “The American people need to know if President Biden sold out the United States of America to make money for himself. Senator Grassley and I will seek the truth to ensure accountability for the American people.” All patriots should be hoping that they succeed. It certainly would explain a great deal of the madness that is going on in this America-Last regime if its corrupt figurehead were being paid off to ensure that policy was being made in the best interests of a foreigner, rather than with the well-being of the American people in mind. And given the sorry career of Old Joe Biden, no one would really be surprised at all.
Walter Sieruk says
Evidence that Joe Biden is being paid off for making policy decisions that favor who are giving in”money gifts under the table” Should surprise no one who knows about Biden’s wicked sinister character .
Donald Trump is right when he said that he’s no longer going to use the term “Crooked Hillary Clinton” because now the term that should be used is “Crooked Joe Biden.”
David Ray says
If the shoe fits . . .
Both have earned the “crooked” title 10 times over, so calling them both crooked evil trash is in order.
steven chavez says
NOTHING EVER HAPPENS TO A DEMOCRAT so why worry about it! If Trump Jaywalks on a deadend street in NYC, he’s prosecuted!
Kosh's Shadow says
Basically, Trump is being prosecuted for being Trump, and anyone who supports him for supporting Trump.
Bring out the bananas for our republic.
Alan Falk says
Crooked Joe makes Crooked Hillary look like a wannabe.
Walter Sieruk says
Anyone who knows the crooked evil insidious godless character of Joe Biden would be surprised ,at all about new information that Joe Biden is taking bribes which strongly influence his policy making decisions.
As the Bible reads “”The wicked accept bribes in secret to pervert the course of justice.”
Proverbs 17:23. [N.I.V.]
Kasandra says
Hardly surprising given that he’s been believed to be corrupt for more than the past thirty years. He wasn’t known as “the Senator from MBNA” for nothing, you know? For those who don’t, MBNA was a Delaware-based bank that was the largest issuer of “affinity credit cards” in the world. An affinity credit card is like a United Airlines Visa Card or such. Biden carried water for MBNA and other credit card issuing banks and was allegedly done favors by them in return. Becoming Vice-President just allowed him to cash in on a global scale from all those people and entities who “wanted to be in business” with the Bidens. If we had a real news media instead of the ersatz news media (i.e., the Dem activist propaganda media) we are cursed with he’d never have been within a mile of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
i Jeff Bargholz says
Is there any question that Beijing Biden is a sleazy traitor?
None whatsoever.
Gary Hope says
So what? Nothing ever happens to crooked Dim O craps. Nothing. Will it ever? I doubt it.
Goodbye USA……It was nice knowing you while it lasted.
Between the media, the educational (brainwashing) system,’s only going to get worse.
We need a violent revolution.. Some people should die to save the USA. Will that happen?
I doubt it.
Mo de Profit says
That’s what they’re waiting for, violence against the state, then they can justify locking even more conservatives in solitary confinement without trial for years.
Hold fast and strong, mock them continually, give them no credit at all and support 100% the next republican nominee no matter who wins.
maria says
watch out for the election fraud. It must be thoroughly investigate even before the election
evildoctor says
The left has so thoroughly infected federal and state institutions/governments, academia, the media and just simply such a large swath of the US population that the patient is doomed.
So yes, goodbye to the USA and indeed goodbye to the West – bereft of leadership and just plain good old common sense (as exemplified by the egregiously stupid efforts to degrade our energy supplies to the great advantage of our enemies). Wokeism is a gift to our enemies, the CCP in particular. They would be foolish not waste this great opportunity to shift into overdrive in their hegemonistic efforts to control the world.
Gz7 says
You forgot to add RINO’s to your list. They are as disgusting as the rest of them.
Ugly Sid says
A double resignation and
badda boom, badda bing
President McCarthy.
Mo de Profit says
A single resignation and Kamala is anointed queen of America.
commonsense says
I’ve repeatedly called several of my state’s Republican Congressmen, urging them to at least try to remove Biden, and, if successful, go after Cackles as well, which would put McCarthy in the White House as the interim president. My pleas fell on deaf ears.
J.J. Sefton says
There is no doubt in my mind that Joey Sponge-Brain Sh*ts-Pants is arguably the most corrupt politician to ever hold office, any office (legitimately or otherwise), in Amerca’s now finished history.
The revelations will not be so much surprising as disgusting and maddening in the extreme. More so because nether he nor Obama nor anyone connected with this junta and indeed with The State will ever face any real consequences.
They completed the 100-year hijacking of the nation and now it’s all about consolidating power forever. Or at least until their ideologically-driven incompetence makes it all go up in flames.
The March Hare says
I have a hard time being that pessimistic about it. Hope springs eternal and without hope, one just gives up. I will never give up.
Gz7 says
Me too. How does saying “nothing will be done” help make things better? I don’t understand that position. I’ve been hoping for 70 some years, but I have no intentions of giving up.
roberta says
He will pay no price for being a traitor. He will soon be fishing in his Palm Island swimming pool.
Thoros says
Bombshell!!!!!! As in, just another steel case that once held the explosive mechanism which has now been nutralized by the acronym squads for partial public release. He will walk free just like he’s done with so many other crimes. The entire republicrat public actorsguild gets away with similar crimes all the time. Sick of listing out all the crimes and details, but the point is; ever since JFK was murdered by the acronym spooks, this country has been in the hands of those who want endless power through world government.
Steven Brizel says
When investigating a crime family-always follow the money.
Dr.Ernesto says
Or, just follow Joe.
Alan Falk says
I used to say that, too, but then I learned that, a bit more accurately,
“Follow The Money, The Power and The Control Over Others.”
Try that on for size. Suits me…
Sword of the Spirit says
But think Uncle Joe is gonna worry? The Bi DemoCrap Wash. D.C. mafia is in firm control. People can’t fart in the USA unless they say so. And we all know it.
Onzeur Trante says
American people already “know” what a criminal Biden is. What the American people need and want to know right now is what — other than nothing at all — is going to be done about that fact
Spurwing Plover says
Biden walks deeper and deeper into the swamp and the creatures a re waiting and Swamp Thing and Man thing just watch and shake their heads
Justin Swingle says
“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton
LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden
FRANK) corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of
power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders
families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in
Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government
Justin Swingle says
Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter Biden and Joe Biden flew aboard Air Force Two in 2013 to China before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism
Kit_Jefferson says
If this be true then they need to swing.
Walter Sieruk says
Joe Biden doesn’t care about America or the American people, so it’s an action of futility to contact that pseudo “president” about any impotent matter. For Biden will not respond to reason or logic.
That fiendish villain, Biden and his administration are an abomination to everything that is wise, good .fair decent just and right. As he has proven by his appointments, orders policies and politics of are nothing but folly and madness if not outright reason.
With all the awful things done by Biden, he is an extremely incompetent fool and outright idiot, or the second case is the he is a treacherous treasonous subversive scoundrel and an outright villain.
Hal says
Of course it is true that the Biden family is corrupt. Anyone who has been paying attention has known this.
The matter at hand is what to do moving forward.
At least a third of the country have no problem with it and will fight.
The first step, obviously, is to revoke security clearance for the signers of the Hunter/Russia letter.
Alan Falk says
.. and if there were some legal way to cut off Soros’ money faucet that feeds so many levels of US politics, lawyers, judges and media, I think this disaster might have been stillborn years ago.
Beez says
Someone in the Trump administration dropped the ball. If someone had investigated Soros, they could have found some evidence of charges that would stick. So why didnt’ AG Barr undertake this investigation and prosecution? I don’t think Barr was corrupt. I just think he must have been blind or blinded by the FBI. He was the Mr. Magoo of the DOJ.
itsy_bitsy says
This is information that has been pretty apparent for years. Biden is a crook and has always been a crook. He has sold out this country over and over again, and now to the point that it may destroy us, and yet still we have corrupt media and news organizations that refuse to release or even look at the massive amount of information that has pointed without variation of that very fact.
danknight says
It’s a GOP fundraiser …
… as all of us here at FPM know …
… Joe is a traitor and corrupt as a three dollar bill …
We’ve known this for decades … and we’ve had ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’ evidence since Hunter’s laptop dropped …
So what’s going on? … The GOP needs cash. So we’re doing the kabuki theater thing for awhile until they pull in some donors foolish enough to fall for the same old routine.
It’s Charlie Brown kicking the football for Lucy all over again.
Spurwing Plover says
Shouldn’t this be grounds for his Impeachment?
John says
“Found something…”, I have a Garage filled with “Found Something”
Dennis Carney says
What Chucuo has to say is extremely important and compelling. However, his stuttering, stammering speech pattern was so irritating that I could not get past the 3:51 minute mark of the video. He deserves to be heard and a speech coach could help him immensely.
Sword of the Spirit says
And what LE officer would arrest him? What DA would charge him? What judge would oversee the trial? He’s still smiling and eating ice cream .
Roland says
“The implications of this cannot be understated.”
Don’t you mean overstated?
Verneoz says
“Grassley and Comer Say They’ve Found Evidence of Biden Getting PAID OFF for ‘Policy Decisions’.” Ok Grassley & Comer, stop bloviating and making noise. Just go over to the House with your evidence and start coordinating with Speaker McCarthy to draw up articles of impeachment on Joe Biden. Otherwise, stop regurgitating this stuff that is a disgrace to the American office of President.
Beez says
This is my shocked face >:-O
Kevin says
I’m sure the corruption of Joe Biden and his equally corrupt family will be exposed with no question of all of it being 100% accurate.
Yet – would anyone care to make a wager that ABC, nor CBS or NBC will utter a phrase, word or iota about it???
If they do – it’ll be to declare it all a “witch hunt” and evil Republicans are trying to undo the 2020 election.
While Biden is corrupt to the bone- the reason he and his family can make mega millions selling out the nation is because Democrats have a propaganda organization that would make the Nazis & Soviets green with envy.