In a short – but revealing – new video from Dan Bongino, our decrepit President Joe Biden once again displays, at a rally for Florida gubernatorial hopeful Charlie Crist, his incompetence to serve as the leader of the Free World.
Try to make sense of the sentence he mangles in the short clip below:
I doubt if that low I.Q. corrupt sell-out has forgotten the size of his inflated bank account.
10% kicked up to him from all those bribes has added up.
It was 50% to the “Big Guy,” Hunter was the one only taking 10%. I think it was his sister Hunter had let in the family business, that was complaining about Hunter skimming 10%., when he told her that.
Imagine the uproar had that been Trump!
No one could cause the havoc that man has in 2 years and be as senile as he stages. His admin is full of fools and morons. They doint it???
Biden will be declared senile to avoid prison. He will orchestrate this just after he pardons Hunter and James for global bribes sucking!
Whistleblower: Joe Biden Involved with Family Gambling Business in 2012
President Joe Biden was involved with a family gambling business venture in Latin America while he was vice president of the United States, a whistleblower revealed Monday.
The revelation again contradicts Joe Biden’s vow he never spoke to his son on multiple occasions about the family’s business ventures.
To think that demented man ,.Joe Biden, has the power of the United States Presidency in America is a disturbing.
Biden can’t handle national affairs is a reason sensible logical way so how much less is he able to handle international situations of serious concerns.
Proof enough of this is that he can’t hardly even speak a rational statement. For many times, when he speaks, he exposes just how feeble -minded and nonsensical he really is.
For example, one time in a speech Biden said “The old expression ‘Time is money.’ As one computer said ‘If you’re on the train as they say Portal Bridge, you know you better make other plans.’ ”
What an idiot Joe Biden is. It’s horrible that he’s supposed to be “America’s President.”
One very sick “joke” is having that idiot Joe Biden masquerading and a real US President
Joe Biden is too weak, tired and worn out to engage in such social graces.
In addition, it may probably be that his advisers to him to just walk off, do, and say nothing more.
This would be because they are afraid if Biden opens his mouth and speaks by might possibly further expose what a feeble- minded idiot that he really is.
For example, Biden said, “If you’re paddling upstream in a canoe and a wheel falls, off how many pancakes fit in a doghouse.”
Joe Biden is so vey feeble – minded that he can’t even get an old saying right. For example, Biden said “Buy a man eat fish, the day, teach man to a lifetime.”
Demented Joe Biden declared “None ! Cause Ice cream doesn’t have bones !”
The wisdom of Abraham Lincoln very much, applies to Joe Biden.
For President Lincoln said, “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool then to speak up and remove all doubt.”
Joe Biden must be a puppet “President” who is nothing but a figurehead stooge “President “who is a useful idiot and tool to who is used by others in power “behind the curtains who just as sinister but much more intelligent than him.
For an idiot Joe Biden truly is. For example, senseless Biden declared “Imagine had the Tobacco industry been immune to prostitute being sued, come on.”
Joe Biden is the first. Meaning he is the first brain dead, vegetable /zombie to enter and sit in the Oval Office of the White House and masquerade as a real, genuine, US President.
If this was trump the Media Vultures and Sharks would have feeding frenzy but its Biden so we hear Crickets