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In this new episode, Dan Bongino discusses the latest Trump trial, the problem with Alvin Bragg and the outrageous revelations revealed. Don’t miss it!
The demrats have no worries. They are the ones responsible for counting the votes. 😉
Much like other countries with dictators, the US has allowed these people to break laws and subvert elections. Our Founding Fathers never agreed to this kind of subversion, they took a stand, they didn’t just talk about it. Its pretty pathetic.
Revelation after revelation, it doesn’t matter, the fix is in.
The Democratic Party has morphed into a cult. Dem voters give blind allegiance to Party dictates, even if is to their disadvantage.
I’m 72 years old, and along with criminal justice, I have become the enemy.
The politicalization of jurisprudence is gonna prove to be a bad historical inflection point.
Every large city with Dem mayors and councils is decaying. Some more than others but all are becoming rotten. Yet, citizens there cannot help themselves and continue to vote Dem.
There is one area where the Founders made an error or omission: IF they had stipulated term limits on House Representatives and also on Senators (like they did for the Prez), the rot we face today would not be so widespread. Of course, Citizens could also correct this oversight. But to do so would require many more with a sense of civics.
Lets see George and Alex Soros do t he Thelma and Louise ending drive off the Cliff into the Canyon